From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 138: : Divinity 12 days

The realm of the gods is high above, as if standing in the clouds, Zhong Ling is handsome, and everywhere is full of holiness.

This is the real land of abundance, not stained with dust.

On weekdays, the God Realm is full of sunshine, magnificent buildings, towering mountains, some towering into the sky, some crawling like divine beasts, and even immortal islands suspended in the air, rainbows traverse the sky, and the weather is endless and beautiful.

But today, the peace is broken.

The Qionglou Yuyu, which exuded a faint golden light in the sun, was overturned, and the majestic and majestic mountains were flattened by terrifying energy fluctuations.

Rare beasts fled everywhere, and exotic flowers and plants were uprooted...

Beauty takes many years to operate, but destruction often only takes a moment.


A floating island, originally beautiful, with pavilions and pavilions dotted with flowers, plants and trees.

However, a blue spear edged across, everything vanished, turned into rubble and shattered and splashed in all directions.

"It's really difficult."

Ye Han muttered to himself, panting slightly.

The real gods are too difficult to kill, each of them is as cunning as a loach, it is difficult to really kill them.

Two days have passed, but Ye Han actually killed less than ten gods, and most of them were weak third-level gods.

In terms of lethality, he couldn't compare to Xue Di and Gu Yuena.

The reason for such a result is that he has brute force but no divine power.

If he has a 100-level soul power cultivation base now, then the God Realm might have been killed by him now.

It is because of the lack of divine power. Although pure brute force can cause physical wounds to the gods, it cannot achieve one-hit kills at all. The use of indestructible primordial spirits consumes too much, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Ye Han was waiting, waiting for Gu Yuena to come out, and waiting for an opportunity to kill a big one.

Emperor Xue killed several gods, and the suffocation in his heart was vented a lot, and Ye Han had already taken it into the inner world.

However, Ye Han did not close the perception of the inner world to the outside world, so people in the inner world could follow his perspective and see everything that happened outside.

"Lord Xuedi, Big Brother Ye will be fine, right?" Xiao Wu looked at the white-clothed female emperor beside her with her **** and white eyes, and said in a worried voice.

Just after entering here, the first person Xue Di recognized was Zhu Zhuqing, and only then did he recognize Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu, who has always been lively and active, became a good baby in an instant after seeing the Snow Emperor.

"You should call me sister, don't worry! Your big brother Ye will be fine, we should trust him." Xue Di turned around, touched Xiao Wu's head, and said softly.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Xue Di had to admire his own vision.

Although the girl is only thirteen or fourteen years old now, her skin is ruddy, pink and tender, her slender figure has begun to take shape, her waist is less than a grasp, and her legs are slender and round. I believe that in a few years, she will definitely be a beauty of peerless elegance. .

Xue Di glanced sideways at the other three girls, Zhu Zhuqing needless to say, at such a young age, that hot body made Xue Di speechless.

In the end, the two sisters, regardless of their appearance and temperament, are first-class beauties.

Xue Di has always thought that his husband is the best man in the world, but he never thought that in only half a year, he would find so many sisters for him.

She pursed her pale pink lips, and Xue Di felt that it was time to discipline her own man. Although she didn't mind him finding more, it couldn't be too outrageous.

In more than half a year, he actually brought back five at a time.

Is this outrageous?

But what Xue Di didn't know was that there were still three that she didn't bring back. If she knew, then she really didn't know how she should feel.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about these things.

Xue Di looked outside.

The big bright sun cone and the big secluded ice, the two diametrically opposed extreme powers are like two giant dragons, tearing apart the space and killing them in an instant!

No one who can become a **** is a fool.

After several days and nights of the war, these people had already discovered Ye Han's weakness.

If you don't fight him closely, it's not very dangerous.

They already have a strategy, one word, to kill Ye Hanshou here.

The realm of the gods is their territory, and there is an endless supply of divine power, which can supplement their status, but Ye Han can't.

Because he has no divine power.

After discovering that Ye Han had no divine power but only divine consciousness, all the gods in the divine realm looked at him, feeling as if they were dreaming.

They were actually killed by a false god. What embarrassed them the most was that they had nothing to do with each other.

If one's own attack can't get in, and the other side hits with a hammer, they have to dodge in embarrassment. If they are not in a hurry, they have to vomit three liters of blood, and they have to kneel down and call Dad.

This scene made the gods feel ashamed, and at the same time, the eyes looking at Ye Han also became hot without knowing it. Now even a fool can see that this Xuanling family hides a shocking secret. If it can be dug out, Then their combat power is also no longer subject to the constraints of the gods.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Ye Han looked exhausted, but like a **** of war, he never fell.

The Evil God King's attack was approaching, Ye Han held a spear, opened his bow from left to right, and exploded directly.

"Hey, the so-called God King is just like that, and you, Shura God, aren't you upright, the most powerful ceiling in the God Realm? Trick, don't hide behind people and shoot cold arrows." Ye Han shouted, extremely arrogant.

At the same time, his body jumped out brazenly.

The spear turned, and with a puff, it cut the neck of a first-level god.

The god's eyes were horrified, and he grabbed his neck with his hands, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing between his fingers.

Just when Ye Han wanted to make up for the knife and try to kill the god, dozens of attacks came from all directions, and at the same time, a strong vitality appeared from the back and poured into the **** whose neck was cut open.

In an instant, this first-level deity was restored to its original state. If it weren't for the blood stains on his hands and chest that he couldn't wash away, no one would believe that this deity had just had his neck cut open and almost cut his head.

The attacks from all directions were all with all their strength, forcing Ye Han to give up the urge to kill this first-level god.

He recovered the spear, turned the direction, slashed horizontally and vertically, or clicked or knocked, relying on powerful defense and attack, he once again resisted the siege of the gods.

At this moment, his arms were shaking slightly.

It's a pity that none of the gods were fooled. They all cast spells from a distance and bombarded them indiscriminately.

"Made! I'm not human, you are real dogs."

Ye Han scolded angrily, full of anger, where is he half tired.

Pretending to be weak, this trick no longer At this time, he was too lazy to pretend, and jumped straight into the crowd, killing and killing.

Cultivation is like a race. One step away is two different worlds. The further you go, the bigger the gap between realms.

This is the case with the king of gods and the first-level gods.

No matter how many first-level gods there are, Ye Han can kill a few casually, but when he encounters a god-king, he has to be on guard to prevent the ship from capsized in the gutter.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed, Ye Han's hair was disheveled, and his eyes were faintly red.

Glancing behind him, Ye Han cursed inwardly, "I'm dying of exhaustion, you're a second-hand dragon."

He was really tired after fighting with high intensity in a row, without sleep, for such a long time.

Even the Wushuang war spear has been smashed six or seven times, and the Wushuang battle armor has been repaired and repaired countless times.

"Gu Yuena, if you don't come out again, I'll really leave!" Ye Han roared.

But the more he was like this, the less the gods around him dared to step forward.

Originally thought that there was a large formation, it would not take a few days to consume Ye Han, but it has been more than ten days, and he is still alive and well, as if the formation suppression does not work for him at all, which makes most of the gods. Feeling a little apprehensive.

However, some gods let out a long sigh of relief.

These people are quite clever. During these days of fighting with Ye Han, they secretly left their inheritance in the lower realm.

One day in the **** realm, one year in the lower realm, and in twelve years, the successors of some gods have appeared, they have been released, and they can pat their butts and leave at any time.

At this time, these gods are really as stable as an old dog.

PS: If nothing else, this should be the last free chapter!

I'm getting ready to go on sale!

Finally, ask for your support!

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