From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 107: : Shui Binger

Early morning!

The sun is rising.

The golden rays of the sun shine on the streets and alleys of Wuhun City.

On a tall building, hunting in a red robe, sky blue hair flying.

Bo Saixi, whose blush was still on his face, looked into the distance, and his heart was numb.

She felt that she must be crazy, she hid outside that person's door and listened to the corner of the wall all night. The most important thing was, she actually listened... fascinated.

Thinking of this, Po Saixi felt ashamed, and wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl in, or find a piece of tofu, and just hit him to death.

The morning wind brought a hint of coolness, slowly calming the restless heart.

I don't know when, that red figure has disappeared.

"Teacher, where have you been?"

In the hotel, Bo Saixi was surrounded by three people as soon as he appeared, with tears in his eyes, looking at her, Qing Wu's voice was a little choked up.

"I-I have something to leave." Posey said.

After speaking, her face turned a little red.

After living for more than a hundred years, the first time he lied seriously, but he didn't expect it to be used on his daughter.

"Teacher, why do you have a strange smell on your body?" Qing Xuan said, looking at the high priest curiously with **** and white eyes.

Breathing a little stagnant.

The high priest bit his head and said as slow as possible, "It may be that you haven't showered for several days, you all hurry up and gather, I'll take a shower and wait for a while to find you guys to see your performance in the competition."

"Wow! Teacher, are you really going?" Qing Wu's eyes lit up, she hugged Bo Saixi's palm directly, and asked with a look of anticipation.

"Yeah! I'll watch in secret." Bo Saixi said.

"Okay!" Qing Wu shouted excitedly.

"Teacher, let's go." Qing said.

"Goodbye, teacher." Qing Xuan waved.

The three of them were a little excited. Originally, they thought the teacher was still angry with them, because they were disobedient, so they didn't show up for more than a month.

But now it seems that they think too much, and the teacher has no objection to them participating in the competition.

Watching the three girls leave hand in hand, Bo Saixi's face turned flushed, as if he could drip blood. Thinking of Qingxuan's words, she couldn't help shrugging her nose. Although she had already guessed what the smell was, she didn't. Didn't smell the slightest bit.

Suppressing the shyness in his heart, he came to the bathroom, waved his hand, and the bathtub was already filled with water.

He quickly stripped himself naked, that enchanting ketone body that only a certain **** had the honor to see and personally experience was exposed to the air.

Bo Saixi usually wears a wide red robe, and no one can imagine what an attractive body is hidden under that wide red robe.

The water was rippling, and Po Saisi's figure had disappeared...

In the Nth world, the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, the third round, the lottery ceremony has officially started. In today's competition, two teams will have a bye.

"Which one of you is going to draw?" Ye Han looked at the girls and said with a smile.

"I will not go."

Tang Yuehua was the first to make a statement.

On the one hand, her luck is not very good, on the other hand, she can't walk!

If it wasn't for Ye Han's constant involvement, whether she would still be able to stand here is a matter of course.

Last night, for the first time, she realized the consequences of wanton challenges. Anyway, she won't dare to say anything next time.

"I'm not going either." Zhu Zhuqing said.

She felt that at least half of the eyes at the scene fell on her, the kind of eyes that looked at a monkey, made her very uncomfortable and felt uncomfortable.

"I'm not going either." Xiao Wu shook her head.

Although the mysterious ice armor that Ye Han had blessed her to hide her aura, she still felt uneasy and didn't want to be exposed to the gazes of many powerful people.

"You don't go to me." Qing Wu said.

Although this little girl is timid, it is also divided. If it is a stranger, no matter how fierce she is, she is not afraid.

Without the slightest stage fright, Qing Wu ran up to the high platform.

When a group of people saw such a quirky little girl, they couldn't help but be curious, and finally gave her the right to choose the number first.

"Thank you, big brother, big sister."

Qing Wu smiled slightly, thanked everyone, and quickly drew out a number.

With excitement and excitement, Xiaolian quickly opened the paper and looked at the number. The smile on his face instantly expanded, as if he had won five million gold soul coins.

"Little sister, I'm so happy to be like this, is it a bye?" A tall and slender girl in a sky blue school uniform, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a beautiful face, stepped forward.

"Hey! Big sister, your thoughts are so strange! We are here to participate in the competition. What am I happy about the bye?"

Qing Wu's big eyes flashed three colors of light, looking at the girl with a puzzled expression.


The girl was silent, and suddenly felt that what the little girl in front of her said made sense.

She was speechless.

"Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, the third round, the first game, the Tiandou Royal Academy team, against the Tianshui Academy team." The ticket collector took the ticket in Qing Wu's hand, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

At this moment, Ye Han and the others almost fainted.

They also thought that Qing Wu had drawn a bye number, so they were so happy.

Who knows, the result is exactly the opposite.

Qing Wu bounced back to the team, with a bright smile on her face, and said, "How is it, I'm amazing, right?"

"Yeah! It's amazing, it's really good."

Ye Han laughed dumbly. As he spoke, he reached out and pinched the little girl's cheek.

Cheeks full of collagen are comfortable to squeeze.

"Hmph, for the sake of your discerning eyes and pearls, I won't care about you this time. Next time, without my consent, if you dare to pinch my face, I, I will, I will..."

Qing Wu hummed, but halfway through her cruel words, she didn't know what to say.

Killing him seems too cruel.

Cursing him a few words seemed to be of no use.

Ignoring him, he seems to be annoyed.

Looking at Ye Han's teasing eyes, Qing Wu's eyes rolled, and a flash of light flashed, "I, I'll bite you to death, let me show you, my teeth are very sharp."

As she spoke, the girl still grinned, revealing those shiny teeth that were like crystal shells.

Ye Han hugged Tang Yuehua with one arm and covered his chest with one hand, making a look of fear, and said, "It's such a terrible tooth, I don't dare any more."


The girl couldn't help laughing, and finally laughed.

Qingqian and Qingxuan also smiled, looking at Ye Han who was pretending to be.

"Xiao It's a pleasure to meet you at the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. Unfortunately, only one of our two teams can stay and continue the competition." I just communicated with Qing Wu. The girl came to the front of several people, looked at Xiao Wu, and sighed.

"Sister Bing'er, I didn't expect that you will be the opponents you will meet just after participating in the competition." Xiao Wu said.

During the conversation, the interest was not very high.

When Ye Han heard the voice, he turned his head and looked at the "Sister Bing'er" that Xiao Wu said.

A fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl is slim, with white skin, long sky blue hair, delicate facial features, and a decent school uniform. Look fresh and refined, the more you look, the more beautiful it is, it is a kind of hazy beauty.

Unfortunately, this Bing'er is not Bing'er.

"Haha, since it's a competition, there must be winners and losers. As long as we play each other's strengths, even if we lose, I'll be happy, don't be depressed." Shui Bing'er smiled.

The girl is very free and easy and kind. She came here to tell Xiao Wu to show her true strength on the field, so she respects both her opponent and this competition.

Shui Bing'er didn't stay long, she said hello in a hurry, and returned to her team.

PS: I found a secret, it seems that the post will be deleted! Changed, inexplicably missing a paragraph, and the previous sentence and the next sentence are incoherent...

The western dragon mentioned in the message from the big brother, I was going to write about the western dragon, but I searched the Internet and it seems that there is no accurate answer, and then the animation is full of Oriental dragons, so I wrote it like this, if you need to change it, leave a message Let me see……

Finally, the old rule, ask for a ticket! ~

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