From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 98 Amber, Do You Want to Run Away?

"General, the fleet has all completed the jump. The Imperial fleet has been found in the target area, with a straight-line distance of 290,000 kilometers. From the scale and fleet configuration, it is consistent with Brigadier General Duwell's description. It is an Imperial expeditionary strike group."


The middle-aged man on the captain's seat nodded slightly and stared intently at the holographic projection platform in the center of the bridge, which contained his own fleet, the imperial fleet and the planet Robert IV in this miniature 'cosmic space'.

This is the bridge of the Kraken II-class battleship 'Destiny', the flagship of the Thirteenth Fleet of the Federation Navy.

The middle-aged man at the captain's seat is the commander of the Thirteenth Fleet, Vice Admiral Guterres of the Federal Navy.

At the same time, he is also the commander of the combined fleet composed of the 13th and 14th fleets.

After the tactical staff returned to the combat intelligence center under the bridge, two figures projected by the holographic projection equipment appeared on both sides of Guterres.

Commander of the Fourteenth Fleet, Rear Admiral Griezmann.

and the interim commander of the task force, Commodore Dewell.

"General Duwell, your courage has provided us with enough information. Please allow me to express my respect to you."

Turning to look at the old man beside him, Guterres' tone was full of sincerity.

"Needless to say, General Guterres, without the support of other people in the fleet, it is impossible for our remaining soldiers to delay your arrival."

The old man shown in the holographic image waved his hand.

"Thank God you just arrived."

Hearing the words of the old general, Guterres and Griezmann looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh.

Before the fleet set off, Marshal Trafalgar communicated with them individually, so they were more or less aware of the 'story' behind the fleet's departure.

Before the communication ended, the old marshal also told them three things.

First, if you encounter an imperial fleet in Robert's system, you don't need to communicate and open fire directly.

Second, don’t advance rashly, play it safe and be careful of reinforcements from the empire.

Third, if the war gets serious and may become irreversible, Guterres can use his identity to open another encrypted file.

"The invasion of the imperial fleet is an established fact. Let our combined fleet fire the first shot of the counterattack. General Griezmann, has the special communication ship returned?"

"Yes, after extracting relevant combat information and data from General Duwell's fleet, the special communications ship has returned."

Seemingly seeing the worry on Guterres' face, Griezmann added.

"Don't worry, it's a specially selected ship with the shortest service time. The jump engine is as good as new. The planned escape location is only 1,200 kilometers away from the Navy Command's spaceport. It's guaranteed to be faster than the relay transmission using a penetrating communication tower. "

"I hope so."

While Guterres was communicating with the other two fleet commanders, the voice of the tactical information coordination officer of the combat intelligence center came from the bridge.

"Warning! Space collapse detected!"

"Warning! Abnormal mass growth in space has been detected!"

"It is determined that the enemy fleet is leaving the jump!"

At the same time as the tactical information coordinator's voice came, the scout ship's sensor array also captured a series of flashes in the area near the Empire's Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group.

The three fleet commanders looked stunned, as the empire's support fleet arrived at this time.

"Marshal Trafalgar's prediction was quite accurate,"

"Play with them first and see how good they are."

Guterres glanced to both sides, and the other two fleet commanders nodded, indicating that they were ready.

After receiving the signal, Guterres immediately changed his tone and said loudly:

"All fleets, deploy in formation! Go all out, our army will win!"

While the two huge fleets of the Federation and the Empire were about to engage in battle in space, they also conveyed the news of the "impending fleet decisive battle" to their own forces on the planet through dedicated communication ships.

The ground forces on both sides immediately became nervous, and the remaining soldiers of the Federation were even more morale-boosted after learning that the main fleet had finally arrived.

On this day, near the space elevator on the surface of the planet, two ground units from both sides also came to the eve of the decisive battle.

The two fighting forces unanimously chose tomorrow as the 'D-Day' to capture the base area of ​​the space elevator.

The depressing atmosphere of the impending war seemed to affect both sides at the same time.

In the past few days, the scenes of confrontation between the two sides' infiltration teams at night strangely did not happen tonight.

The two sides had a tacit agreement to only maintain basic patrols and security units, and did not send out more infiltration teams to test the other side's defense line.

At the north and south ends of the space elevator base area, in addition to the sentries and night duty personnel of the two troops, other soldiers also slept the most peacefully in these days.

At the hidden spot where the federal force headquarters is located, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas and Amber are standing on the roof of a command vehicle, looking at the space elevator in the distance that looks like the mythical Tower of Babel.

Although she didn't know why Lieutenant Colonel Dallas suddenly invited her for a night chat, since it was an order from her superior, Amber couldn't find any suitable reason to refuse.

"Warrant Officer Amber, tomorrow we will begin the final step of executing the combat plan. As the original initiator of this plan, are you nervous?"

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas took a long puff of his e-cigarette, and then looked at Amber standing aside with a half-smile.

"I can't say I'm nervous. I just didn't expect that this plan would actually come to this point step by step."

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas' question actually made Amber feel a little emotional. After all, this strategic maneuver plan seems like a fantasy when you think about it carefully now.

"In any case, even if this plan is not completed in the end, it is better than being divided and eaten by the imperial troops. This is why I finally decided to implement this combat plan."

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas stared at the space elevator for a while, and then continued:

"In the previous combat meeting, I asked you to lead a team to break into the space elevator tomorrow and find a way to recapture the space station. Do you have any objections? I feel like I am always catching a sheep."

The background behind what Lieutenant Colonel Dallas said was based on a high-risk mission assigned at today's combat meeting.

While the fleets of both sides were engaged in a decisive battle, the Federation dispatched a escort detachment, preparing to compete with the Empire's ground support fleet remaining in Robert IV's synchronous orbit.

And try to recapture the military port and space elevator, and then re-activate all defensive weapons.

If this mission is successful, even if the federal fleet falls into an unfavorable battle situation, some people can be evacuated using the space elevator.

It would be better if the battle goes smoothly. The federal forces can use the space elevator to quickly deploy ground troops and clear out the imperial forces on the surface.

In this case, the fleet hopes that friendly forces on the ground can cooperate while they attack.

And if the space elevator is to be reactivated, Randall and the key in his hand are also essential.

Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas finally decided to let Amber, the only psychic agent, lead the team to complete the assault.

"No, sir, after all, I don't think I can beat anyone else in your hands, hahahaha."

Amber laughed, he actually didn't have any objections to this task.

Just like he said, there really is no one in the team who is more suitable for this kind of infantry assault mission than him.

What's more, it just gave him a reason to go to the space station.

"You're a real kid"

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas smiled and shook his head. After a giant gyrus exhaled a long stream of smoke, he put away his smile and stared into Amber's eyes seriously and asked:

"Amber, if you make it to the space elevator, you're not going to come back, am I right?"

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