From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 8 The storm is about to rise (please read it! Please collect it!)

"First, he's an Imperial spy, then a traitor."

There was a kind of confidence in Commander Adam's tone, and he seemed to have already sketched out a portrait of Amber, a traitor to the empire, in his mind.

"So he was well aware of how the Empire treated defectors, especially knowing that the Empire was about to launch a raid."

Hearing this, 'Tail Needle' nodded thoughtfully.

"I seem to understand what you mean, so he actually doesn't dare to reveal his identity as a traitor now."

"Yes, I guess this traitor is actually in some kind of wait-and-see state now."

Commander Adam snapped his fingers.

"If the Federation survives the raid, then he will side with the Federation without hesitation."

"But if the Empire successfully completed the raid and destroyed Federation resistance on the planet, then he never turned traitor."

After saying this, Commander Adam looked at 'Tail Needle' with a smile and stopped talking.

"Hmph, his calculations are quite good."

The synthesized voice of ‘Tail Needle’ still had a hint of disdain, “Then how are you going to deal with it?”

"Naturally let this 'young bird' exert its maximum value."

"Wouldn't there be people under your command to cooperate with him and Margaret? Once they successfully destroy the communication center, just silence them."

Commander Adam made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"What do you mean, Margaret will also be silenced?"

"That's right. As a senior lurker, she failed to discover the betrayal of the imperial spy, which was a dereliction of duty."

Commander Adam seemed to sense some hesitation from 'Tail Needle' and added another sentence.

"Besides, isn't she from the princess's side? Isn't your regent already incompatible with the princess' camp?"

Hearing Commander Adam's rhetorical question, the expression on 'Tail Needle''s face changed for a while, but fortunately the full-coverage visor helped cover him up.

"Tail Needle" still felt a little weird and unhappy when a traitor from the Federation commented on the "party war" in his country.

But he also had to admit that the fat pig in front of him was not wrong.

As the contemporary emperors get older, their ability to control the empire has reached an extremely low level.

As a result, the struggle between the respective camps of the regent and the princess began to intensify.

Mutual purges, assassinations, and sabotage activities have become more and more frequent.

This raid on the Federation, which was to be launched in three days, had been unanimously approved by the Imperial Parliament.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the ‘Princess Party’ and the ‘Regent Party’, which each occupy half of the parliament, want to gain a higher reputation in this war.

And then have more chips in the possible ‘battle for the throne’ in the future.

And under the circumstances where the Prince Regent has almost complete control over all intelligence agencies except the 'Naval Intelligence Division'.

As a member of the 'Star Dragon Fang', 'Tail Needle' has actually been forced to side with the Regent.

Therefore, he really couldn't let go of this opportunity to deal with the princess's forces 'reasonably'.

"I understand, I will arrange the deployment."

As he said this, 'Tail Needle' tilted his head towards Major Mars.

"What to do with this guy?"

"Send him back to his own room. It will be too late by the time others find out that something is wrong."

'Tail Needle' didn't reply. As a burst of honeycomb-shaped blue light flashed from his combat uniform, his figure completely disappeared into the air.

The next second, the sluggish Major Mars clumsily raised his hand and saluted like a puppet on strings.

Then, he left the office with a slightly stiff posture.

"This mind control cannot be perfect."

Seeing the somewhat clumsy posture of 'Major Mars', Commander Adam, who was sunk in his chair, raised his eyebrows.

"But it's only been these three days, it's enough to cover up."

In the officers' mess, Amber's "unparalleled appearance" directly caused a wave of dimensionality-reducing blows to other male officers.

The female officers were all dazzled.

In just a moment, Amber found a large number of private messages on her personal terminal.

There is a euphemistic way of saying 'handsome guy, make friends'.

There are also those who directly say, "Handsome guy, please date me."

There are even those who directly issue an ‘artillery battle application’

This made Amber have to sigh that her face might be worthy of the title of 'Succubus'.

Although it caused a little disturbance, Amber must also admit that the ability to stir up the atmosphere in Dallas is indeed very strong.

After a short lunch, the gap between Amber, the 'psionic agent', and the other officers had been reduced a lot.

Although many people are still wary, they will at least take the initiative to say a few words to him.

After lunch, others still need to run a few departments and then wait for the final assignment.

Amber, who had already completed her assignment, said goodbye to everyone and returned to her apartment.

Thinking of the previous 'connection' with Margaret and the 'secret conversation' with Major Mars.

Amber suddenly felt that this Robert IV landing battle might not be that simple.

It's even possible that it won't follow the trajectory of history as he knows it.

With a mess in her mind, Amber walked to the window of the apartment.

In order to facilitate emergency dispatch, the location of the officer's apartment and the soldier's dormitory are not far from the warehouse and the Gnaku.

Amber looked through the window into the distance and could directly see HCP Gnaku at Yassin Base.

At present, several federal HCPs painted in gray spots are walking out of the Gnaku and heading into the distance under the guidance of several ground crew members waving light sticks.

HCP, short for ‘Humanoid Common Combat Platform’.

This kind of humanoid machine with an average height of 8-9 meters is an indispensable part of the armed forces of various human forces.

Although at the beginning, the predecessor of HCP was humanoid engineering machinery in outer space.

In fact, it is a platform that facilitates human beings to carry out engineering activities in the universe.

Asteroid exploration, ship search and rescue, engineering maintenance, spaceport porter.

These tasks are its original purpose.

With the help of ‘on-demand control system’ and ‘dynamic mass automatic balance control’.

It is like an enlarged human being equipped with a large number of posture nozzles, which can flexibly complete a series of tasks in outer space.

As the miniaturization of fusion reactors and superconducting battery packs becomes more and more mature, plasma propulsion array technology is decentralized from space battleships and is widely used.

The 'outer space humanoid construction machinery' that was about to be eliminated has a second life.

Stronger power, longer working hours, and more flexible mobility

In addition, under modularization, stronger environmental and task adaptability makes the name of "universal" more and more worthy of its name.

Immediately afterwards, humans, a warlike race, naturally developed its military uses.

HCP, was born.

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