The Imperial fleet began an emergency turn.

Because their tracking of the federal fleet was lost for dozens of seconds just after being obscured by the ion fireball.

Therefore, the entire fleet is axially adjusted based on the prediction results after the shipboard control personality predicts the trajectory of the federal fleet.

But obviously, this prediction is inaccurate, and the speed of the federal fleet is higher than predicted.

This also resulted in the imperial fleet not only not pointing towards the federal fleet, but also exposing the sides of some of its own warships to the rays of the federal warships.

"The entire fleet, give priority to attacking destroyers and frigates, and fire freely!"

Although Brigadier General Duwell is mediocre, he will not let go of this attack window presented to him.

The warships that have shut down their main propulsion arrays, under the command of their respective captains, allocate energy to the weapon units and deflection force fields in a ratio of 8:2.

Even without Commodore Dewell reminding these captains, they knew that the Imperial fleet, which had just launched a double salvo, would no longer be able to use the most powerful weapon, the heavy particle cannon, in a short period of time.

Two consecutive rounds of full-power shooting were too much for even the capital ship.

At this time, the main gun must be forcibly cooled, and the fusion reactor must be replenished with fusion fuel.

If it is fired forcibly, it is very likely that the heavy particle cannon will be scrapped and even the battleship's fusion reactor will be damaged.

This is a basic rule of physics and does not change just because they are noble Imperial warships.

At this time, the main attack methods of the imperial fleet were only high-energy lasers, charged particle cannons and electromagnetic reconnection cannons.

The former ignores the existence of direct deflection force fields, while the latter two do not require excessively high-power deflection force fields to defend.

Therefore, the captains of the Federation warships boldly lowered the power of the deflection field generator in order to maintain the attack of all weapon units before the energy supply was fully restored.

Although these warships have not yet fully restored the power supply of their weapon units, even if the heavy particle cannon is not firing at full power, it is still enough to pose a threat to destroyers and frigates in a concentrated fire state.

The dazzling trajectories of charged particle beams and high-energy lasers intertwined between the two fleets, and the firing of heavy particle cannons continued to create huge fireballs at the focus of the salvo - that was the out-of-control fusion reactor of the Imperial destroyer The result of the explosion.

Humans, who have mastered nuclear fusion, a star-level energy technology, have created the most shocking sight so far, and it is not an artificial sun or planetary megastructure.

Rather, it is a cruel and magnificent picture drawn by a large number of warships in space, using various directed energy weapons to shoot at each other.

On the bridge of the Dawn Sword, Colonel Raphael had no time to appreciate the picture, especially when he was part of this cruel picture.

The imperial fleet formation shown on the holographic image has seventeen red crosses marked at this time, which means that seventeen battleships have been sunk.

Raphael glanced at the list of sunk battleships. They were all destroyers and frigates.

Obviously, the federal fleet is targeting these warships with poor defenses.

And their decision-making, at least for now, has indeed achieved certain results.

But what Raphael cared about at this time was not the sunk battleships on his side, but the two high-speed destroyers that had separated from the federal fleet.

The two warships, which were obviously on a mission, rushed towards the direction of Robert IV at high speed with an almost 'dead but not alive' attitude.

Originally, Rafael almost gave up intercepting the two destroyers.

Because the Imperial Fleet is currently in static defense, there is already a speed difference of more than 100 kilometers per second with the Federation's warships, not to mention that these two high-speed destroyers are still accelerating.

Even if Rafael sends his own high-speed destroyers to pursue him now, he won't be able to catch up in a short time.

But who would have thought that the dozen or so warships that were still maneuvering from Lansford Naval Port to the fleet assembly area before the exchange of fire would accidentally block the route of these two destroyers.

After obtaining this information, Rafael immediately issued instructions to these warships, asking them to intercept the two federal destroyers.

Brigadier General Dewell also quickly discovered this situation, but an embarrassing situation also appeared at this time.

The position of the two high-speed destroyers was between the Federation fleet and the dozen or so Imperial warships, and they happened to be near the ray.

This resulted in the federal fleet not daring to fire in support, because an accidental attack might occur.

Therefore, Commodore Duwell finally gave up the order of fire cover. He could only pray that the two destroyers could successfully break through the interception.

Judging from the situation at this time, it is not impossible for these two Jackdaw-class high-speed destroyers to break through and intercept.

Because the dozen or so Imperial battleships and heavy cruisers had been maneuvering to join the main force, they did not form a formation, but were distributed in a single column like a necklace.

At this point, they haven't even finished the axial adjustment.

The captains of the two Federation destroyers made a quick decision and decided to rush directly through this loose interception line.

They directly ordered the weapon units to be taken offline, and allocated the entire ship's energy to the deflection field generator and plasma propulsion array.

At the same time, the HCP squadrons carried by each of the two destroyers also stood on the ejection track.

These steel giants are now equipped for fleet warfare.

A giant laminated armor shield is fixed on the left robotic arm. This shield even has an independent deflection field generator.

The right robotic arm holds a Gauss rifle, and the weapon racks on the back are folded heavy particle cannons and charged particle cannons.

In a fleet battle, when the distance between the two sides is reduced to 10,000 kilometers, the ship-borne HCP will be dispatched.

Under the initial velocity given by the ship's ejection, they will charge with their respective warships and become additional firepower points for these warships.

At the same time, huge laminated armor shields and deflection force fields are used to "block" the warships, protecting the warships' relatively fragile sides and rear main propulsion array.

Laser gun towers and charged particle cannons are used to assist warships in intercepting physical artillery shells, various missiles, and plasma torpedoes.

Soon, a total of 20 'Short-faced Bear' Block 20s from the two squadrons completed the ejection. Under the full power of the plasma propulsion array, they dragged a long blue wake and surpassed their respective battleships, transforming into comets and heading towards Rush towards the enemy ship directly ahead.

"'Death Scythe' Squadron, 'Meteor' Squadron, fight the enemy!"

"This ship is about to carry out continuous evasive maneuvers, and all personnel on the ship should be prepared for impact!"

"Attention in the deployment bay, be prepared to release autonomous communication terminals!"

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