The moment she saw the 'mushroom cloud', Amber admitted that she did panic for a moment.

He almost thought that the imperial army was so crazy that they directly launched a nuclear strike regardless of the friendly units in the forest.

But fortunately, he quickly recognized that these black mushroom clouds were not the 'special effects' of tactical hydrogen bomb explosions, but the attack effects of high-yield tactical missiles.

"This level of force shouldn't be something that the empire's airborne troops can produce."

"Is it a David tactical missile? Doesn't that mean there is an orbital attack ship above my head?"

Although he confirmed that he had not received a tactical nuclear strike, Amber was still a little panicked when he thought that there might be an Imperial orbital assault ship on his head.

He immediately used a re-equipped set of communication equipment to contact the surviving communication relay vehicle in the convoy, and asked it to transfer the communication request to the brigade headquarters of the temporary 83rd Composite Brigade.

Amber was not sure whether these friendly forces had noticed the orbital bombing here, but in any case, it would not be wrong for him to report it first.

The temporary 83rd Combined Brigade commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas showed great importance to Amber and his remnants.

Even when the rocket reserves were not abundant, the launch bays of two Stegosauruses were emptied to cover Amber's retreat.

Therefore, Amber's communication request was quickly received by the brigade communications officer.

"BHQ, this is P13. Please answer when you receive it. Over."

After previously contacting this friendly force, Amber and his remnants were given a temporary communication channel call sign - P13, to facilitate communication between the two parties.

"P13, this is BHQ. We received a call. Please explain the situation."

Amber quickly and briefly described that he had observed an attack that was suspected to be an orbital strike, so he alerted brigade headquarters and wanted to confirm whether the brigade headquarters had also discovered this attack.

After hearing this description, the communications officer asked Amber to wait on the line for a while while he went to find other people to confirm the situation.

Soon, the communications officer was back on the line.

"P13, this is BHQ. Thank you for your early warning. The reconnaissance unit has confirmed the observation of an orbital strike. According to the attack trajectory, it is speculated that this is a raid attack. Affected by the debris in orbit, the attack window of the Imperial Orbital Assault Ship is very short. Temporarily It will not pose a threat to our department, over.”

After receiving the reply from the other party, Amber once again expressed her gratitude to the friendly forces for their support, and then ended the communication.

The brigade-level unit's reconnaissance capabilities, especially air and orbit reconnaissance capabilities, are definitely better than his. Since even they have confirmed that there is not much of a threat, Amber will no longer occupy precious communication channels.

It may have been the salvo of two rocket launchers that successfully blocked the attack of the Imperial pursuit force.

It may also be that the empire's pursuit troops slowed down their pursuit in order to avoid being accidentally injured by orbital strikes.

In short, in the first period after the orbital strike, Amber and the others did not detect any movement of the imperial troops.

The convoy smoothly arrived at the reception point agreed with the temporary 83rd Composite Brigade and successfully merged with the troops responsible for the reception.

This small force initially hid around the connection point, forming a small encirclement.

After receiving the identification signal from Amber and the others, he emerged from his hiding place.

Three 'Lantula Kai' light multi-legged combat vehicles and five 'Mongoose 4' armored vehicles formed this team responsible for the response.

The staff of the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade also took into account Amber's shortage of vehicles and the large number of wounded. Among the "Mongoose 4" units arriving from five units, they specially arranged for three units not to carry motorized infantry.

This approach has indeed alleviated the problem of insufficient vehicles currently encountered by Amber.

At least everyone has a place to sit without having to take off their exoskeletons to crowd together.

After communicating with the temporary command of this small team, Amber learned that they would not go directly to join the main force now, but would always maintain a distance of about 50 kilometers from the brigade headquarters for maneuvers.

Even the injured have to wait until they reach the next waypoint, and then be taken away by a special medical vehicle for centralized treatment.

The now assembled response team will also be given to Amber as a force supplement and reorganized into a reinforced motorized infantry platoon under the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade.

Since Amber's current team cannot be 'combined' with the large army in a short period of time, it can only be used as an independent force for the time being.

This is also the current situation of several other remnants of the federal army that have been recruited.

During the subsequent march, only Amber herself would go to the brigade headquarters under certain circumstances where only offline meetings could be held.

Unless there is a corresponding combat order, Amber's team will not join the brigade headquarters.

After adopting and deeply revising the combat plan submitted by Amber, the brigade staff have assigned each team's route of travel through the brigade-level command terminal.

Including Amber's current team, the entire temporary 83rd synthetic brigade is like a large net spread out, advancing in the direction of the space elevator.

Robert IV in outer space five days after the Unnamed Glade encounter.

In the passage behind the bridge of the Dawn Sword, Marquis Ascania was standing quietly in front of a porthole, looking at the boundless starry sky outside the window.

Although he has seen the scene in front of him countless times, whenever he needs to think quietly, the Marquis will find a porthole to admire it silently.

"Raphael, do you know? Our place has become the center of the whirlpool."

After an unknown amount of time, the Marquis of Ascania spoke in a calm tone. His voice was a little dry as a result of not moisturizing his throat for a long time.

Combat staff officer Raphael, who had been standing quietly behind him, stepped forward and handed him a cup of black tea at a suitable temperature.

"Does the Marquis mean that our place has become the center of the empire in this great battle?"

Hearing Raphael's answer, Marquis Ascania burst into laughter:

"This is the art of speaking, Raphael."

The old Marquis turned and looked at this leader of the young officers of the Imperial Royal Navy.

"Obviously among the four galaxies that launched attacks at the same time, the expeditionary strike groups of the other three galaxies have completed the campaign objectives. Only the Robert galaxy where we are located has fallen into a stalemate, and here you have become the 'center of the great battle' "

Marquis Ascania took a sip from the tea cup handed by Raphael, and then continued:

"If I have a choice, I don't want our galaxy to become the center of this whirlpool. Due to the current situation where the offensive is blocked - or 'stalemate', the Supreme Command is considering a plan to increase troops. I believe that the Federation is reacting After coming here, we will also invest more counterattack forces into this galaxy."

"What's more, because we insisted on carrying out an orbital strike despite the opposition of DRSD in the final stage of the operation three days ago, they actually prepared to impeach me, ha!"

"So our next battle - whether it's a confrontation with federal forces on the battlefield, or a fight with our own people outside the battlefield, it may become more and more difficult, Raphael."

"Sir, no matter how difficult the next battle is, I believe that under your wise command, our army will win the final victory."

Raphael stood up straight with his head held high. Although he was a chief combat officer who had reached this position through strength, it did not mean that he would not flatter his immediate boss.

"Hahaha, Raphael, do you know? Emily has always said that your serious and flattering manner is too awkward, and now it seems that it is true."

Hearing the Marquis mention his daughter, Raphael unconsciously thought of the beauty, and his face briefly blushed.

The Marquis noticed this and smiled, but didn't say anything.

He came over and patted Raphael on the shoulder, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Remember, children's fleet battles cannot be won by wise command. The absolute strength of the enemy's and ours' fleets, the professionalism, status, and morale of the ship's personnel are all indispensable. Sometimes you even need a bit of luck."

"As for those battles where you can't see the smoke."

Not sure what he was thinking of, Marquis Ascania snorted coldly, "You often need to be more vigilant, because they can cause more damage to you and me than a real battlefield confrontation."

Just when the Marquis of Ascania was planning to impart some personal experience to the young people he liked.

Suddenly an alarm bell blared in the passage, and warnings were also issued on the personal terminals of the Marquis and Raphael.

[warn! Unreported signs of space collapse were detected in the air defense identification zone! ]

[warn! Abnormal mass growth detected in the air defense identification zone! ]

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