To be honest, I didn’t even expect that I would write a review for this book.

The original intention of writing this book was mainly because I really couldn't find novels with similar themes, but I have always liked battleships, mechas, and space wars.

When I first started writing books, I did do it part-time to earn some manuscript fees. This is why my last book was about an unfamiliar theme of beast control in another world. As expected, I was very thorough and it was very painful to write.

Therefore, in this book, I just want to write some stories that I like and are familiar with. Anyway, no matter what the outcome is, I will write some first and then talk about it.

After it was released, I always thought that few people would read this book. After all, the Science Fiction Channel is a niche channel, and this space opera theme is a vertical niche.

Unexpectedly, there are actually book friends who have been reading, commenting, and making suggestions.

Since many people have read it, I will continue writing it. This book is indeed much more comfortable to write than the previous one.

The only problem is that sometimes you still have to check the information, otherwise it will be quite embarrassing if the boss finds out the bug.

This is also why this book can only maintain a double update rhythm at present, because it is really difficult to write quickly.

In the past two days, there have been comments from book friends, which have made me read tens of thousands of dollars a day. There is an even more terrifying one that has made me make tens of thousands of dollars a day.

I can only say:

I believe that book friends who have followed it to the shelves will also understand my writing style.

If you can adapt to this style and like this story, you are welcome to follow it.

Finally, I shamelessly come to ask for an initial subscription and let me know how many book friends Kangkang is reading hahahaha~

Love you, Mua~

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