From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 67 Friendly forces always arrive at the last moment

Amber actually thought at first that both Major Randall and Tom were killed.

After all, the plasma bombs thrown by the 'fanatics' seemed to cover the area where they were.

So after sensing vital signs in that area, Amber was stunned.

Are these two people emotionally inseparable?

But no matter what, Major Randall and Tom didn't even wear exoskeletons. They directly carried individual anti-vehicle missile launchers to create opportunities for themselves. Amber must have kept this kindness in mind.

Since the vital signs are now sensed, it is natural to take a look.

Worried about being sniped by a long-range electromagnetic gun again, Amber turned on optical stealth and rushed over almost close to the fire.

When he rushed to the location where the two men were swallowed up by the plasma bomb, he realized that the two men were extremely lucky.

In such a small forest, a small deep pit 'developed' where they were, and there was still a little water in it that barely covered the chest.

Apparently, the two men had just jumped into the pit after seeing the 'zealots' turn towards them.

Several plasma bombs that flew over later also avoided this deep pit and did not roll in and boil the water in the pool.

At this moment, Randall and Tom were floating upright on the water, seemingly stunned.

"What kind of European emperor is this?"

Amber couldn't help complaining as she jumped into the deep pit less than four meters high, and then felt a rotten smell coming from her nose.

Apparently the pit was full of stagnant water, and the accumulation and decay of fallen leaves made the smell really unpleasant.

"Hey Major! Wake up!"

Amber patted Randall's face, but although the latter hummed a few times, he still showed no sign of waking up.

He then slapped Tom on the face a few more times and got the same 'response'.

"No, are all the people in your navy like this?"

Amber briefly checked the conditions of the two of them. They seemed to have no external injuries. They were just stunned by the shock wave generated by the plasma bomb exploding at close range.

Just when he was about to control his spiritual energy and take these two people out of the pit.

Amber saw the throat microphone and headphones Randall was wearing.

Considering that her communication equipment had been destroyed by the previous psychic impact, Amber took off these two things and put them on her head.

At the same time, his personal terminal was found on Randall.

After Randall started following them, Amber had temporarily connected his naval version of the individual soldier terminal to the company and platoon-level tactical network.

Although it only has the most basic communication and tactical map permissions, it is enough for use.

After asking Lilith to forcibly unlock the terminal and debug it a little, Amber immediately started calling the communication relay vehicle.

"'Scepter' is calling Car No. 5. Please answer when you receive it."

After Amber called several times in succession, a response finally came from the other end of the communication.

"Car No. 5 received! 'Scepter', your communication identification code belongs to 'alien'. Are you together?"

"Yes, I just found them. Now send the temporary command verification code."

In order to regain command authority, Amber sent a temporary command verification code through Randall's personal terminal.

His own personal terminal was also damaged by the psychic impact just now.

Although the storage module looks fine, it will make him unable to use other functions for a while.

As the temporary command verification code passed the verification, Amber also reactivated the command module on this personal terminal.

Although Major Randall and his naval terminals are relatively crude in terms of land warfare, they are enough for Amber to use temporarily.

Soon, the communication command vehicle also followed Amber's instructions and issued a tactical retreat as the current highest combat order.

After all, the empire's follow-up troops have already arrived. If others want to evacuate, they have to run away while the wildfire in the forest is not completely extinguished.

"Call 'Scepter', we have received a friendly communication request, do you want to transfer it?"

Friendly forces?

Hearing the news from the communication vehicle, Amber immediately thought of the friendly drone he had seen before. He guessed that this friendly drone was probably the main force led by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas.

"Can transfer, enable encrypted channel."

Soon, the communication relay vehicle transferred the communication request from the friendly forces to Amber's terminal.

"Call the friendly forces in the nearby area. This is the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade. Our department has detected that a large number of imperial troops are maneuvering to surround you. It is recommended that you immediately break out to the southwest and join our department."

The person who sent the communication was a brigade-level unit, which was the main breakout force led by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas.

"This is D Platoon of the 2nd Motorized Infantry Company of the 179th Synthetic Battalion. We have received advice and are preparing to break out."

Since there are friendly forces coming to help, Amber naturally has nothing to be unhappy about.

After thinking about the current status of the troops and the estimated time required for the breakout, Amber continued to say in the communication channel with the mentality of giving it a try:

"Call the brigade headquarters. Our platoon has suffered heavy losses and many wounded, which seriously affects the speed of the breakout. Please request the brigade headquarters to provide fire support to cover the breakout."

The communications soldier at the brigade headquarters obviously did not expect Amber's sudden request for fire support, and was temporarily stuck.

"Okay, okay, please wait."

The communications troop quickly reported Amber's fire support request. Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, who was staring at the map with several tactical staff members in the brigade command car, turned his head and looked to his side after seeing this fire support request. One of the advisers:

"Wolfe, can our current long-range fire strike unit provide support?"

"Sir, the fire strike unit that is retreating with us includes a self-propelled artillery battalion and two Stegosaurus rocket launchers."

"Then let them prepare for fire support. I approved it. The survival of this friendly force is related to our subsequent plans."

"Yes, sir!"

When the signal corpsman told Amber that the brigade headquarters had agreed to provide fire support, the latter was immediately overjoyed and chose long-range rocket strikes without hesitation.

After all, he is not a full-time fire observer and is not that skilled in guiding self-propelled artillery fire.

Rockets are much more convenient. For this kind of area-destruction weapon, Amber only needs to inform the specific attack area and let them cover and shoot.

The guidance module in the rocket warhead will assist in correcting the impact point during flight. Even if the satellite navigation is now invalid, other navigation methods alone can control the error within a completely acceptable range.

Therefore, in an emergency, even school shootings can be avoided.

Soon, the brigade communications soldier forwarded Amber's communication to the brigade's fire command center.

Among the main forces that had arrived 90 kilometers away from Amber's location, the two 'Stegosaurus' rocket launchers and their attached ammunition loading vehicles also drove to an open space suitable for attack, and then slowly raised their rear parts. 30-tube rocket launcher.

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