From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 64 It’s over! I'm surrounded by Imperial forces!

(Forget it, I updated 5,000 times today~ Stop saying I’m short!)

Electronic countermeasures on the battlefield are, to put it bluntly, a competition in the power of the equipment on both sides.

On top of this, constantly look for the opponent's weaknesses and attack them.

With the continuous advancement of technology and the addition of more and more electronic attack methods, the intensity of electronic confrontation is no longer the same, and the level of complexity has become much higher than before.

Usually, the specific method of electronic attack is to interfere with the enemy's tactical communication network, detection radar, and precision-guided weapons or to implant virus attacks.

The frequency covers ultra-short wave, short wave, microwave, millimeter wave, as well as infrared and laser.

Therefore, it is currently impossible to perfectly carry out electronic attack and electronic defense by relying on manpower alone.

This has also led to the adoption of an 'adaptive attack/defense' system on the current battlefield, whether it is vehicle-mounted, airborne or ship-borne electronic warfare modules.

The so-called 'adaptive' actually means adding a small AI to the system, allowing them to assist electronic warfare technicians in conducting electronic countermeasures in complex electromagnetic environments.

HCPs, including 'Zealots', are all equipped with high-performance combat assistance AI, and are still slightly better than jamming vehicles in terms of strategic aspects of electronic countermeasures.

In addition, it was a sudden attack just now, so it was natural that this ultra-short wave reconnaissance jamming vehicle was caught off guard.

Although the three electronic warfare technicians in the car were considered professionals, they lacked actual combat experience and panicked under the sudden attack.

From the time they were first attacked by electronics until they were found by Amber, they didn't even make a basic counterattack plan.

But now Amber didn't have time to educate them.

Because after Lilith took over the electronic warfare module of the jamming vehicle, she finally showed the strength that a strong artificial intelligence should have.

In the process of escaping for her life, she had already studied a large number of books and teaching materials on electronic countermeasures that Amber had given her.

It turned out that Lilith, who had been in the research institute for a long time and was not very familiar with contemporary electronic warfare, suddenly became an expert in electronic warfare.

Under her control, all the attack methods of the vehicle-mounted electronic warfare module were connected in series, just like a table of delicious food.

Multi-band, multi-mode electronic attacks completed the electronic countermeasures against the ‘Zealots’ in a very short time.

When the 'fanatics' were suppressed, the previously disrupted communication channels and data links were finally restored.

Amber asked Lilith to write a temporary attack script and leave it in the electronic warfare module of the jamming vehicle.

After letting the three technical soldiers continue to suppress the HCP in the form of 'assistance script', they also conducted tactical reconnaissance on the entire battlefield to find other imperial units.

Amber unplugged the quick-connect cable from the electronic warfare module, picked up her weapon and left the jammer.

At the same time, everyone in the team finally heard the man's familiar and calm voice on the communication channel.

"Attention all, the tactical communications network and data links have been restored and electronic attack countermeasures have begun."

"The enemy HCP has been marked as a purple high-threat unit."

"Except for the communication vehicle and interference vehicle, all personnel evacuated the vehicle and hid in the woods."

"All the mobile infantry that can still move should spread out and try to avoid the front of the enemy HCP. The only part you can attack is the plasma propulsion array on the back of the HCP, so don't fire rashly if you are unsure."

"The direct fire team A temporarily gave up mortars and switched to infantry combat. Team B went to operate the portable electromagnetic gun and find a better location to set it up."

"Friendly forces are already on the way, hold on tight, we can win."

In the cockpit of the ‘Zealot’, the pilot who was ‘shooting people with a big sword’ frowned slightly when he saw a series of electronic attack warnings popping up on the multi-function display on the lower left.

After receiving the order from the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group Staff Headquarters, Lieutenant Rudolf, who belonged to the Imperial Marine Corps-Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group Special Operations Group, and his teammates were airdropped onto the Robert IV.

Originally, they should have jumped off the orbital assault ship to support the "Mongoose" special operations platoon. However, they encountered the fusion furnaces of several federal capital ships exploding in the atmosphere.

By the time the airdrop window appeared again, all the 'mongooses' on the ground had been wiped out.

And when they received the mission to airdrop to the ground again, the mission content became to find a remnant of the federal soldiers in the designated area.

And with the cooperation of the "Blood Dragon Regiment" orbital paratroopers, these federal remnants were annihilated.

Rudolf knew that this remnant of the federal soldiers was definitely not an ordinary team. They obviously had secrets, otherwise the General Staff Headquarters would not have sent out their special operations team.

Moreover, the cooperating troops are also the ‘Blood Dragon Regiment’ with a special identity.

A total of five HCPs airdropped in his batch were dropped in the search area given by the staff headquarters, and each area was designated to carry out armed reconnaissance missions.

When they discover the remaining federal soldiers and create chaos to hold them back, the 'Blood Dragon Group' wandering around the perimeter will surround them and clean up the mess.

However, Rudolf was not interested in the so-called secrets. He felt that these were what the "big men above" should care about.

As an imperial soldier, all you have to do is obey orders and complete every mission.

On this basis, you can have fun for yourself while performing tasks.

For example, when facing enemy infantry units, do some tricks with the tip of the physical epee sword.

In the panoramic cockpit, on the right side of the 360° surround view, the HCP's robotic arm lifted the physical epee.

Rudolf looked at the tip of the heavy sword. A mobile infantryman was skewered on it.

In front of the plasma at the edge of the sword's blade, all armor plates looked like paper.

Because of this, it has become a very challenging operation to "string" the fragile infantry units completely on it.

And Rudolf, on this project, can be said to be extremely skilled.

But now that these federal remnants have finally begun to fight back, he is ready to get serious.

Rudolf's right hand gently flicked to the side. Under the mapping of the onboard operating system, the 'Zealot''s right arm also held the heavy sword and threw away the infantry corpse on the tip of the sword.

He looked to his left, where the holographic device in the cockpit projected a small man less than 30 centimeters tall, who looked like a gladiator from ancient times.

This is the avatar of this ‘Zealot’’s built-in combat assistance AI.

"Spikulus, turn off the walking compensation of the control operating system, reduce the body posture compensation to 30%, allocate excess computing power to the electronic warfare module, and switch to interference countermeasure mode."

Rudolf glanced at the friendly forces still on the periphery on the tactical map and added:

"Inform those nobles and ask them to start closing the net."

"As you command, my lord."

A deep male voice sounded in the cockpit, which fit the avatar's shape very well.

With the walking compensation turned off and the body posture compensation reduced, under the feedback of the 'on-demand operating system', Rudolph suddenly felt the weight of his body.

It was as if he had truly become a giant.

For pilots who are accustomed to body posture compensation, they do not like this feeling of weight.

But for Rudolph, this allows him to better immerse himself in the battle and feel the thrill of dancing on the line of fire.

The image of this 'Zealot' killing mobile infantrymen in the middle of the forest and randomly throwing away the bodies angered these initially panicked soldiers.

Although everyone is just a bunch of cannon fodder, they still have the most basic dignity as a soldier.

However, Amber was still in the communication channel, calming the mobile infantry and telling them not to act rashly.

He knew very well that the purpose of this imperial HCP driver's move was to anger these soldiers.

Then let the mobile infantry take the initiative to attack, so that he can catch them all.

"Sir! The signals of other enemy units have been found. The number is 142. The distance is decreasing rapidly!"

"Comparing the signal characteristics with the database, it is initially determined that there are 122 infantry units, 18 light multi-legged combat vehicle units, and 2 suspected HCP units!"

The slightly nervous voice of the electronic warfare technician sounded in Amber's earphones, and brought some not-so-good news.

"Copy that, start suppressing it directly after entering the attack range. Don't worry about the effect, just suppress it first."

"Well, don't be nervous. Just do what you have to do."

Amber responded with a relatively calm voice. In this situation, as the commander of the team, he must not show negative emotions such as panic, nervousness, and confusion, otherwise the morale of the entire team will be affected.

But if you want to say that Amber isn't panicking, that's definitely a lie.

After discovering that he was surrounded by Imperial troops, he actually panicked.

But Amber knew that panic would not solve the problem, and the imperial troops did not have much time left for him.

This imperial 'zealot' obviously wanted to capture their remnant soldiers and wait for the large army to come and close the net.

In this current situation, since we can't get rid of this 'fanatic', we can only find a way to kill it.

For some reason, Amber always had a hunch that the empire's sudden siege might be aimed at her.

This may be exploited.

Thank you all for your support with rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets~

I thought about it all night, and decided to continue writing according to my own habits. I really like to write some "trivial" details. If I change my writing style rashly, I think the story might collapse. So I won't change it!

Regarding the progress of the story, the battle on Robert No. 4 only accounts for about 5% of the outline. Once you leave this planet, the sea will be vast and the fish will jump, and the sky will be high enough for birds to fly~

In addition, the editor said that it will be available on the shelves next Tuesday. I am panicking now because I haven’t saved the manuscript and I can’t update you.

I originally thought about putting it on the shelf for a few days, but I haven't saved a chapter in the past few days. I feel that I may have thought too much.

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