From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 59 Your plug-in has been successfully activated, please use it in time

As soon as the two authorization codes came out, Lilith, who was projected on the tactical visor, froze with a surprised expression, and then disappeared again.

Amber just felt that the world was clear for a moment, and before he could take a breath, Lilith's voice came from the earphones again.

This time, it was a roar with a hint of anger.

"How did you get the authorization code! What on earth did you do!"

"Ouch, shit"

Amber felt a stinging sensation in his eardrums. He frowned and adjusted the volume of his headphones to 1%.

"Huh, I was shocked."

Amber finally breathed a sigh of relief when the audio output power of Lilith's noisy voice was limited.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the two authorization commands only completely restricted Lilith for less than a few seconds. The latter did not know how to break through the restrictions and invaded his audio components again.

Amber glanced at the real-time output power detection on the upper right side of the visor's HUD. The output power of both the exoskeleton's built-in processor and the power components had dropped from the dangerous 95% just now.

The invasion by this outrageously strong artificial intelligence was more complete than he could have imagined.

It seemed that only the AR module had been invaded, but in fact, when Amber touched and picked up the data carrier for the second time, he carried out a deep invasion, hijacking the computing power of the exoskeleton tactical chip and the output power of the power pack.

Lilith also blocked the self-test and warning messages of the exoskeleton, and even changed the peak power output data to green to indicate normal when she had time. This made Amber, who was nervous in a high-risk environment, temporarily ignore this. point.

If Amber hadn't just thought of a bunch of unscrupulous 3D modeling in her mind while ignoring Lilith's career line and stunning beauty.

Then I thought about computing power and energy supply through 3D modeling, and then accidentally glanced at the remaining energy of my exoskeleton.

Maybe Amber hasn't discovered the problem yet.

"I just said where did you get the computing power support? Why does the data carrier Dr. Mephisto left for you have the function of 'contact consultation exchange'?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"Since you have invaded so thoroughly, why not just change the real number of output power, so that I may not be able to find out."

"I want to seduce you in such a short time. Of course, changing the color is easier than changing the data. Why are you stupider than Bromon?!"

"I'm really sorry that I didn't think of this!"

Amber gritted his teeth and responded. This artificial intelligence's 'character' was really worse than he imagined.

"Also! Do I look like a person who can be seduced?!"

"Hmph" Lilith snorted disdainfully from the earphones.

"Personal terminal storage module/minor information/3D modeling accuracy research/practical cases/fallen elf singer."

"Okay, don't say any more."

Amber cut her losses in time and took the initiative to end the topic.

"You haven't answered me yet, how did you obtain the basic authorization and meta-command authorization code?"

"What have you done to my father!"

Even though the volume of Lilith's voice was limited, Amber could still hear the feeling of gnashing of teeth.

"Don't worry, I definitely did not harm Dr. Mephisto. You also know that these two authorization codes were memorized by him. If he was unwilling to tell me, I would not be able to get these two authorization codes. "

Amber's answer made Lilith confused for the first time, but being restricted by the basic authorization code, she did not have more computing power to think about the rationality of this matter.

But in fact, Amber did not deceive Lilith. The two authorization codes were indeed spoken by Dr. Mephisto himself.

However, in the game plot of the previous life, Dr. Mephisto told the players two authorization codes in order to allow the players to defeat Lilith.

But unfortunately, Lilith at that time was already in the process of iterative evolution, completely breaking through the restrictions of these two authorization codes, and even re-modified the meta-commands herself.

So in the end, the players and Lilith came to the starry sky where the decisive battle took place.

As for why Amber can remember these two authorization codes so clearly.

The reason is also very simple. The writer of this plot is an old idol boy and a die-hard fan of an ancient naval battle anthropomorphic game.

Therefore, these two authorization codes, which were mixed with copywriting and private goods, immediately became catchy after the players discovered the ‘deep meaning’ behind them.

"Even if you are authorized to modify the code by meta-commands, you cannot modify it with voice commands alone, and the terminal on your body does not have the ability to compile high-level codes."

Lilith was still making her final struggle, but she didn't know that Amber touched the back of the tactical visor and pulled out a data transmission cable with a universal interface.

The other end of the data transmission line was connected to the interface on the back of his neck through the tactical visor.

One of the enhancement surgeries that Amber's body underwent was to embed a data interface in the back of the neck of the psychic agents and bury the latest small-batch microprocessor installed by the Federation.

Originally, Amber had to wait for a while to implant a combat auxiliary AI into this processor.

"Hey! Why don't you talk anymore? What are you going to do?"

Lilith, who was greatly restrained, did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

Until Amber inserted the universal interface of the data transmission line into the data carrier carrying Lilith.

“This universal interface is still in use after 20 years.”

While Amber was lamenting the Federation's data interface that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, Lilith's panicked voice also came from the earphones.

"You, you crazy person!"

"What are you going to do! Get out quickly!"

Amber ignored Lilith and walked to the wall of the room and sat down.

"Who said I don't have an advanced compiler?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will burn the processor in your body, and then burn your brain by the way?!"

Lilith continued in her impotent rage.

"You don't have the ability now, you know. If you can't hijack the computing power, you're going to burn your ass!"

Amber looked calm under the tactical visor, and then began the operation.

"Connect the core processor, activate the advanced compilation module, and project the compilation frame onto the tactical visor."

As Amber's order came into effect, dense codes slid down the tactical visor like a digital waterfall.

Immediately afterwards, Amber found Lilith's meta-command layer.

And in the permission setting section of the meta-command layer, he set himself to the same highest level as Dr. Mephisto.

Finally, Dr. Mephisto's control rights were deleted.

As for the specific code, Amber remembers it very clearly.

What he used was the optimal solution given by a real architect when the players were reviewing how to control Lilith at the minimum cost after the final showdown.

After solving the permission problem, Amber 'packaged' Lilith and transferred it to the processor under his neck. After encapsulating and compressing the data, the processor storage area in his body was enough to store Lilith.

The only flaw is that in the encapsulated and compressed state, Lilith's abilities are also limited.

Although the restricted Lilith was enough for a short period of time, Amber still considered looking for opportunities to change to a better microprocessor in the future.

Even in the future, it is likely that a server cluster will be set up to transfer Lilith out.

After finishing all this, Amber stood up and moved her hands and feet, and then heard Lilith's weak, crying voice in the earphones.

"Don't do this kind of thing."

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