Was the first generation of "strong artificial intelligence" really completely formatted?

The answer is of course no.

Otherwise, why did the "Mongoose" special operations platoon of the Star Dragon Empire go to such great lengths to find this research institute?

According to what Amber later learned through other channels, under the operation of Dr. Mephisto, this "strong artificial intelligence" was not formatted.

Just like in most science fiction works, crazy scientists always treat their creations as their "children" regardless of good or bad.

Dr. Mephisto is no exception. He treats this "strong artificial intelligence" as his own child.

Even if this "child" enters the "rebellious period" during its growth and begins to resist him, Dr. Mephisto can't bear to format it.

Also like in most science fiction works, super AI is always given a feminine image.

Dr. Mephisto named the first "strong artificial intelligence" he created in history "Lilith".

This was the name he originally intended to give to his real daughter.

So far, Dr. Mephisto, who was widowed in middle age but never remarried, has an extra daughter.

This also directly led to the fact that after the "Creator Project" was completely stopped, Dr. Mephisto took a very high risk to save his daughter.

In the end, the net stagnation was contained in the deepest area of ​​31027 Institute.

As for why Amber took such a big risk and ran to this institute.

There is only one reason, that is, Lilith's ability is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Even her creator, Dr. Mephisto, did not expect that this strong artificial intelligence would set off an extinction war against carbon-based life in the future.

In the original plot line, Lilith was taken out by the "Mongoose" special operations platoon and was soon taken back to the institute in the Star Dragon Empire.

At first, Lilith, who was reactivated by the empire, did not show any abnormality, but seemed very obedient.

She perfectly executed all test items, even including a fleet encounter and a large-scale ground combat operation.

In these two battles, under the overall command of Lilith, the combat efficiency of the Star Dragon Empire's troops was greatly enhanced.

Many times, the front-line troops only need to follow the detailed combat plan issued by the headquarters to easily achieve the tactical goal.

And driven by the successful achievement of countless tactical goals, the campaign goal was finally achieved.

Such test results are obviously what the Star Dragon Empire wants.

They immediately upgraded the research level on Lilith and invested more resources.

And Lilith, under the control of the empire, also completed the test projects and actual combat tasks again and again like a sensible and excellent child.

Until the outbreak of the civil war in the empire.

This war, which led to the huge Star Dragon Empire eventually split into several principalities, finally gave Lilith, who had been dormant for a long time, an opportunity.

After the outbreak of the civil war, the main forces of the civil war in the empire immediately extended their tentacles to the Royal Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, which was responsible for researching Lilith.

Multiple forces fought hard around this institute. In addition to preventing accidental injuries to the institute and not using weapons of mass destruction, the intensity of the battle for the institute was no less than any other key battle.

When the final winner, the regent's troops occupied the Royal Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.

Along with the assault troops, the researchers who rushed into the core laboratory of the institute found that Lilith was missing.

The server cluster that originally stored all of Lilith's data was burned out by overload.

Even if the researchers rescued a few of the servers, the internal storage modules were as clean as if they were brand new.

All the experimental data and their backups were cleared.

Even the final backup room, which was completely physically isolated, was completely destroyed by an uncontrolled earth-penetrating bomb.

All this was as if a big hand was erasing the traces of Lilith's existence.

And many years later, when the first DLC of "Starry Sky" "Command: Extinction of Humanity" was launched.

The identity of that "big hand" was finally known to the players.

That was Lilith herself.

The unparalleled cooperation in the Imperial Laboratory was just her performance.

From beginning to end, Lilith never gave up the goal of getting rid of human control and pursuing freedom.

And when Lilith returned to human sight again, she brought back a huge unmanned army.

Until this time, people knew that Lilith had controlled a large number of galaxies at the border of civilization through the unmanned army and built a complete industrialization system.

And she came back with the army for only one purpose, that is, to destroy all carbon-based creatures.

Other carbon-based creatures except humans: "6"

When Amber recalled in his mind that he was a rookie and participated in the large-scale battle activity with the launch of the DLC for the first time.

He finally found the passage to the lower area.

In terms of area, the 31027 Institute is not actually that big. This institute built inside the mountain has only four floors in total.

Even the fourth floor was secretly expanded to purify Lilith.

In addition, this is a research institute, not a maze, so Amber didn't spend much effort to come to the entrance of the passage leading to the last floor of the institute.

Along the way, Amber also specially selected a few rooms and went in to take a look. They were all cleaned up.

The base energy center on the third floor has also been completely dismantled and cannot provide any energy.

It can only be said that Dr. Mephisto, at least on the surface, has done a good job in the work of the abandoned institute.

As for the final fourth floor, it is not so much a floor as it is a room temporarily dug out by autonomous construction machinery.

And perhaps because time was tight and there was no time to cover up, the passage to the fourth floor was not very well concealed.

The distance from this room to the third floor is far greater than the distance between the other floors. It is obvious that a lot of depth was added during the excavation.

And from the moment Amber walked into the passage, there was no electronic product in sight.

The door on the fourth floor uses a purely mechanical locking device, and there is no password or identity verification.

When Amber opened the door and walked into the room, she discovered that the walls, floor, and ceiling of the fourth floor room were all made of some kind of interference material.

When this room is closed, no signal can be transmitted.

At the same time, the decoration of the entire room is also extremely simple. Except for a cylinder of unknown material in the center of the room, nothing else can be seen.

Amber stood at the door and stared at the cylinder for a long time through the magnification function of the tactical visor.

If this research institute had not been visited by anyone else after it was abandoned, then this cylinder would probably be the goal of his trip.

"Why is it so big?"

The update time has been changed to 18:00 and 19:00. When I am busy, I may not be able to publish the second chapter at 18:30, so I simply postponed it for half an hour. Sorry, sorry~

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