Amber can quite understand the look and attitude of these villagers.

After all, they have no sense of belonging to the Federation.

In other words, the Federation is a very large country whose territory covers more than 80 galaxies.

In the eyes of these farmers who have never left Robert IV for generations, this is the most existential moment.

Maybe it was when the grain collection convoy came to the village to collect grain with the starry blue flag symbolizing the federation.

Changes in the president and high-level government, the advent of new technologies, the ‘launching’ of the capital ship, and the galactic concert tour of the Federation diva.

The topics that people talk about after dinner in these core galaxies seem as far away as fantasy to the farmers on Robert 4.

As for why the Federation, which has pointed out the technology of ‘automated agriculture’, still has so many farmers living on the border agricultural planet.

Quite simply, with the current level of human science and technology, it is still not possible for machines to take over the production process 100%.

Moreover, if an autonomous agricultural machine breaks down, it needs to be repaired. On a border planet where the inventory of such spare parts is not updated for several years, it is normal for it to fail to be repaired if it breaks down.

In this case, people need to manually control the agricultural production terminal, or simply drive traditional agricultural machinery to start working.

The main reason why the practice of "purchasing grain" exists is that the federal government still does a "great and upright" job at the official level.

According to them, these lands were contracted to these farmers and allowed them to grow crops.

When it matures, it will be settled through materials, federal electronic currency, etc., and purchased back from them.

Of course, when this kind of policy reaches the executive level, it often evolves into forced acquisition.

In addition, "the sky is high and the emperor is far away", so the chief executive of Robert No. 4 and the top military officials are basically not very good people.

In addition to the various crop quotas required by the central government to be 'paid for purchase', these people often collect more on top of this in the name of the federation, and then smuggle them out to enrich their own treasury.

As for these farmers?

It's enough to leave them with enough daily rations. They don't have a way to sell the extra food, right?

Not only that, in terms of purchase price, these beasts also frantically discounted the government's standard purchase price.

According to the words of a border planet administrator whom Amber overheard while doing a side mission in her previous life:

"What's the use of these bastards taking so much money? They can't leave this planet for the rest of their lives. Is there any place for them to spend money in this wretched place?"

"Anyway, they just direct the autonomous agricultural machinery to farm every day. I think they must be used to this kind of life."

"As for things like 'enjoyment', as the chief executive, I have allowed this planet to operate smoothly and normally. Is it a reward for my hard work?"

"In this case, isn't it natural for me to enjoy the enjoyment for them?"

Of course, the chief executive's final outcome was not good either.

After collecting evidence, he lost his eavesdropping value when Amber broke into the office, put a shotgun into his mouth and shot him in the head.

In this situation where "the center of power cannot control it and the local executive is not responsible for it", how much sense of identity and belonging do you want the civilians on these border planets to have for the Federation?

However, these civilians also know how to protect themselves wisely in the current turmoil.

They neither help the Federation fight against foreign enemies, nor are they eager to side with the Empire.

Anyway, for them, the Federation or the Empire is nothing more than a different flag on the convoy that comes to collect food.

Today, when the territory of human power is extremely large, population has become one of the constraints limiting the development of the two major forces, the Federation and the Empire.

So much so that no matter what the fight between the two countries looks like, both sides will not take the initiative to attack civilians on the warring planets.

After all, burning glass on the planet is really satisfying for a while, and the cost of rebuilding it after burning it can make the blood pressure of all the rulers go up.

"What are you looking at?"

Isabel's voice came from behind.

Amber turned around and saw the female spy who had finished her work and slowly walked to his side.

"It's nothing, just look at these villagers."

"What? Are you thinking why they don't come out to greet you?"

Isabel tilted her head and looked at Amber. She was a little curious as to why this man suddenly started paying attention to these villagers.

"Of course not." Amber shook her head and continued:

"Given the piss-poor nature of the administrative agencies on this planet, it would be nice if these villagers didn't throw stones at us."

"Pfft, it seems that you have seen a lot of things clearly after staying in the Federation for so long."

Isabel covered her mouth and chuckled, keeping her voice low.

To others in the team, the two officers looked like lovers, talking quietly.

Amber also cooperated and moved a few steps, bringing Isabel to a slightly remote location.

"Don't laugh here either. Compared to the Empire and the Federation, it's just a matter of 50 steps and a hundred steps."

In response to Isabel's ridicule, Amber responded with some disdain:

"Although the local governments at the federal level are indifferent, at least they will give something symbolic to prove that these crops were purchased."

"What about the Empire? It directly skipped the acquisition link, so that in addition to the rations needed for their own survival, the civilians on the agricultural planet must 'turn over' other crops in accordance with the law."

"If you haven't paid enough, just go to the private granaries of the civilians and grab enough."

"The gap between the rich and the poor between different classes is even greater than that of the Federation. I have seen with my own eyes that on the same planet, the civilians sat in the most primitive ox carts, while the imperial nobles could drive private spacecrafts to hold cocktail parties in orbit."

"Does anyone pay attention to these things? No. Everyone is busy fighting for the party."

Amber's response was like a string of cannons, leaving Isabel speechless.

As an imperial noble who works in the intelligence system, how could she not know these situations?

"But even so, you shouldn't say this about your own country."

Isabel is still making her last struggle. She grew up in an imperial noble family, and it will be difficult for her to get out of her "identity" for a while.

"My own country? Hahahaha"

Amber couldn't help laughing out loud. "For the Federation and the Empire, I am nothing more than a tool."

"Whether you believe it or not, I have never felt a sense of belonging to them."

He patted Isabel, who was already in a mess, and turned to walk towards the direction of the convoy.

"I hope you can remember this, Miss."

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