The surface of Pella IV, the breakout point of Highway 56.

The teaching team responsible for blocking the enemy has repelled the third attack of the federal medium-sized synthetic battalion attacking in front.

In order to plug this gap in time, the commander of the federal ground forces sent a medium-sized synthetic battalion to launch an attack, hoping to rely on the mobility of a large number of wheeled equipment of the medium-sized synthetic battalion on the road network to stop the Atlas troops before they break out.

This medium-sized synthetic battalion did almost complete the interception. Although they did not really block the tactical maneuver of the Atlas Fifth Medium-sized Synthetic Battalion, the commander of this synthetic battalion knew that biting the tail was also a victory.

So after the reconnaissance unit reported that there were "a small number" of Atlas combat units defending and blocking this pass on Highway 56, the commander of the synthetic battalion launched an attack without saying a word.

Because from the photos and videos taken by the reconnaissance unit, the troops defending this place were not even a platoon.

Although they were all suspected to be heavy power armor units, the number was still too small in the eyes of the battalion commander. And even if they were heavy power armor, wouldn't it be solved by me finding a few multi-legged tanks and wheeled assault guns to focus fire?

Then these Atlas Equipment R\u0026D Center's flagship products taught him a hard lesson, making him understand that "not all heavy power armor is called Atlas products".

The wheeled assault and multi-legged tanks that took the lead in attacking almost attacked the defensive positions in a semi-encircled situation.

As the defense force of the Federal Ground Forces Headquarters, the 66th Brigade has remarkable personnel and equipment quality. The rear accompanying fire suppression during the impact process was done very well, and the target allocation in the focus fire link was also very efficient and reasonable.

But the problem is that when the fastest wheeled armored vehicles rushed to the front of the position and began to put down the vehicle-borne infantry, the heavy power armor in the position that they thought had been destroyed under the focus fire rushed down directly from the height and launched a round of counterattack.

With the firepower support of the automatic weapon stations left by the soldiers and the 5th medium-sized synthetic battalion, Baninger led the teaching team to beat the attacking light armored units into idiots.

Several wheeled armored vehicles that were in the rear of the attack were stabbed by the high-speed piercing rods fired by the electromagnetic reconnection guns before they even had time to put down the infantry, and even a vehicle of mobile infantry became familiar.

Despite this, Baninger did not feel relaxed when he led his teammates back to the back of the bunker.

Because he knew that the reason why this round of counterattack was successful was more because the federal army underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly.

Baninger's judgment was also fulfilled later.

After losing more than 30 vehicles and a large number of infantry in the first round of attack, this federal medium-sized synthetic battalion stopped the strong attack and continued to suppress the teaching team with long-range firepower.

At this time, the last batch of vehicles of the 5th Medium Combined Battalion had just withdrawn from the gap. If Baninger and his men did not hold these two high grounds, the federal army would be able to stick to them, so they had to stay here and delay as much as possible.

This delay delayed until the 66th Brigade's heavy troops were in place and began to attack.

When the three HCPs rushed to the position, casualties immediately began to appear on the teaching team. After the three HCPs found that the electromagnetic rifles had a poor suppression effect on these iron cans, they opened up heavy particle cannons without thinking and swept them. Only one round of attack took away 5 people.

However, Baninger still took the opportunity to go around the back of one of the HCPs under the feint of others, first used a plasma grenade to destroy the plasma propulsion array, and caused the subcritical reactor to be forced to restart.

Then, with the help of a short-range rocket, he jumped directly above the HCP, and then in front of the other two HCPs, he stabbed the long-handled halberd directly from the main monitor on the head of the machine all the way down, and successfully cut off half of the pilot's body.

The remaining two HCP pilots had never seen such a scene before. They had never thought that they could be threatened by infantry units while driving HCPs. After seeing the miserable state of their teammates, they immediately withdrew.

But this time, the federal offensive force basically understood the defensive strength of Atlas, and then stopped probing and launched a general attack.

While Amber left the "black barrier area", Baninger and his team also struggled to repel the third attack coordinated by infantry, armored units, and HCP.

But at this time, the coordinated defensive soldier bees and automatic weapon stations were all lost, and Baninger was the only living person left on the entire position.

Opposite the composite armor wall he leaned on, Memphis's power armor slumped on the ground. His outer armor was almost completely broken, and the exposed insulation layer and pipelines were like human muscles and blood vessels.

The member of the teaching team who fought off the third attack with Baninger trembled and saluted Baninger after the federal army withdrew from the position again, and then fell silent.

Looking at the body of this old friend, Baninger sighed softly, but even this simple action made his lungs hurt.

Although the crew self-test module of the power armor had failed, Baninger could guess that his lungs were probably pierced by broken ribs.

"Fuck, I have trained more and my physical fitness has improved. Can't I die in a short time after suffering such an injury? This is really torture"

The pain in his lungs made Baninger sober up. He looked at the tactical map on the HUD. Because the tactical visor was attacked, there were also a lot of cracks on the HUD blocking his vision.

Fortunately, he still saw the location of the fifth medium-sized synthetic battalion. Now they have successfully completed the breakout, and he and the other members of the teaching team have also bought enough time.

At this moment, a beam of light falling from the sky in the distance and a subsequent explosion on the ground attracted Baninger's attention.

With his only remaining right hand, he struggled to hold the electromagnetic machine gun that had all the holes through it, and supported himself up. At the same time, he looked up at the sky. The optical/infrared sensor on the tactical visor was still working. Soon, Captured a blurry shadow high in the sky.

"Are you the boss?"

Baninger spoke with difficulty, then remembered that the communication component of his power armor had been damaged in the previous battle.

But even so, Baninger also knew that the shadow falling from the sky was Amber.

"We actually saw each other for the last time. It was pretty good, cough, cough, cough!"

The sudden surge of blood in his throat made Baninger cough violently, which also caused an unbearable pain in his lungs.

After a long time, he regained his composure, then took off the tactical visor that had been stained with blood all over the screen, and threw it to the ground.

At the same time, there was another roar from the front of the position.

Baninger turned his head with difficulty and saw two Federal Army's 'Dwarf Bears' galloping towards the position, propelled by the dazzling blue light on their backs.

And through the spray paint on the opponent's shoulder armor, he recognized that these were the two surviving machines from the three-machine team just now.

It is not difficult to tell from the opponent's aggressive approach with a heavy sword in hand that they are still brooding over the fact that they were forced to retreat by more than a dozen infantry units, and now they have found an opportunity to come and take revenge.

"What kind of garbage are you cutting? Bah!"

Baninger spit out a mouthful of blood in the direction where the HCP was speeding towards, then used his last bit of strength to support his body, and then raised the electromagnetic machine gun with one arm.

"biu biu biu biu~"

This veteran rarely acted like a child, adding the sound of firing to his weapon, and at the same time, his fingers pulled the trigger of the already empty weapon again and again.


The beam falling from the sky unexpectedly hit the 'Dwarf Bear' at the front. Its deflection force field also erupted into a dazzling silver-white electric snake, which divided the surging jet of heavy metal particles into the surrounding ground.

But the three piercing rods that followed mercilessly penetrated the deflection force field that was at the end of its strength under the attack of the heavy particle cannon, ruthlessly piercing the body from head to toe.

The short-faced bear barely made any reaction before it fell to the ground. From the gap made by the rod in the machine body, the parts and pieces flew out like broken organs.

The other HCP finally reacted after its companion was knocked down by an attack from the sky. The plasma propulsion array behind it erupted with a burst of spectacular blue light, and the machine jumped up suddenly, attacking into the air with surging power. The enemy rushed away.

Baninger didn't know what was happening to the top of his head because his neck could no longer support him from raising his head.

All he knew was that there was a fierce metal collision in the air, and then the short-faced bear, which was chopped into two pieces, hit the ground heavily like a kite with a broken string, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

The incision on the waist of the machine body is in a state like butter melted by high temperature, looking slightly ferocious.

The violent vibration made Baninger unable to support his body any longer, and he could only slowly sit on the ground leaning on the bunker behind him.

At this time, the veteran felt that his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, but he still used the last bit of strength in his body to force himself to open his eyes and look forward.

It wasn't until the familiar red-painted machine appeared in his sight that a smile finally appeared on his face, and then he slowly closed his eyes as if he had let go of something in his heart.

"Master Captain Baninger's vital signs have disappeared."

"Ok, I know."

Amber's tone was calm, but the more she said it, the more Lilith felt a little nervous.

Glancing again at this comrade-in-arms who looked like an old friend, Amber controlled the machine and slowly turned around.

Ahead, the federal ground troops were forming a wide offensive surface, rushing towards their position. From behind the woods in the distance, missiles continued to rise with long trails.

"Lilith, let 'Icarus' throw all the armed components according to the coordinates I marked. At the same time, I grant you the ability to conduct 'unlimited electronic warfare' in this battle."

After saying this, Amber rushed towards the vast number of federal troops in front of him without hesitation. The two cylindrical 'sword hilts' held in the hands of the machine also produced two 'light blades' again.

"Burst mode, activate!"

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