"Viewers, according to the latest news we have received, the orbital attack ship from the Federation is entering the attack orbit and is preparing to drop tactical thermobaric bombs on the refugee camp on the Para 4."

In the live broadcast room of the 'Eye of Truth', the cat lady anchor still broadcasts the battle situation on Pyla 4 with an emotional voice.

This unprecedented form of battlefield live broadcast has brought the number of real-time viewers in the 'Eye of Reality' live broadcast room to a level that no one has ever reached.

Although not everyone has purchased the viewing service in the live broadcast room, the owners of many restaurants and bars in economically underdeveloped areas will purchase the viewing service in order to attract customers, and then put it on the big screen.

And ‘Real Eye’ does not restrict terminal or screen placement like some other paid programs. After all, for Atlas, the most important thing about this live broadcast is to build corporate visibility.

The more people watching, the better, and the pay-to-view service just makes some extra profits in the process.

In this way, the owners of these restaurants and bars became happy when they saw the attendance rate far exceeding the usual number, and Atlas also received free promotion.

It's a win-win situation.

In a cheap bar located on an industrial planet within the Federation, workers who were off work gathered here in twos and threes.

Although the cheap drinks taste a little rough, they can provide them with the alcohol they need at a price that is acceptable to these workers, as well as a place to chat and relax with their coworkers, and at the same time, sneeze at the indifferent assembly line leader.

Today, it was rare that the indifferent assembly line leader did not become the target of criticism, because everyone gathered in front of the big screen in the tavern to watch the live broadcast of the 'Eye of Truth'.

Although the tavern owner and proprietress are also paying attention to the live content, they don't bother to watch the big screen. Instead, they constantly shuttle among the crowd, delivering cups of crude beer or snacks to the workers.

While the workers were constantly washing away their fatigue with cold beer, they also did not forget to comment critically on the content on the big screen.

Perhaps apart from using personal terminals to vote in the presidential election, now is the time when workers at the bottom are most concerned about current political news.

"The Federation actually used thermobaric bombs to attack refugees?"

"Don't worry, the federal army can't even defeat a private company's army. Where did the taxes we paid go?"

"Indeed, it is really embarrassing to be beaten like this, but I have to say that this Atlas Group is indeed quite powerful."

"I also admire them very much. A company actually challenged the federation, and I don't know how it will end in the end?"

"By the way, the host of this live broadcast room is really good-looking. I didn't expect Roma girls to have a special style."

The workers in the tavern were chatting with each other, and many people had a "just having fun" attitude towards the Federation's failure. They were all curious about how far this private enterprise called Atlas would push the Federation.

"We have just obtained a set of live footage captured by the fleet. In order to prevent the federal navy from planning to use tactical thermobaric bombs to attack the refugee camps, the top leader of the Atlas Group has personally taken action. What you are seeing now is our group's latest HCP specially developed for space warfare"

As the cat lady anchor explained, the picture on the big screen turned into a video shot from a distance and then enlarged.

A specially marked spot of light was seen moving through the federal orbital attack fleet in various bizarre trajectories, and the federal orbital attack fleet under attack was emitting several bursts of fire from time to time.

"Ah? The boss comes in person? Is this company so brave?"

"I don't believe it, this must be a show."

"But with their company's style, it's really possible, and I heard that the owner of this company is a powerful psychic?"

"Psychic? That's okay. I'm not surprised by what these madmen do."

"Let me tell you, it's a bit cool to break the formation alone."

"Yes, I have the material for my dream tonight."

"You can pull it off, I have to work overtime tonight."


Captain Baninger, who was at the center of this conflict, felt very complicated at this time.

After discovering that the command cabin vehicle in the target convoy was a false target, the veteran knew that he and Hogg might have made the wrong bet.

After receiving news from the Fifth Medium-sized Combined Battalion that a command shelter vehicle disguised as a cooking vehicle and several escort vehicles escaped from the rear of the convoy, the veteran let out a deep sigh.

“Sure enough, I still take it too much for granted.”

Baninger thought with great regret as he took out a new box of penetration rods from the storage box mounted on the power armor leg armor, and then installed it on the electromagnetic machine gun whose track temperature was already close to the threshold.

Regarding his life that should have been lost to Robert No. 4, Baninger has always felt that the extra time he has to live every day is God's mercy to him.

Therefore, in every battle after leaving Robert IV, Baninger held the determination of "death or life". This is why during these battles, he often behaved calmly, but always remained calm. The one at the front of the line.

His regret at the moment was more because he led his men and the Fifth Medium Combined Battalion into the enemy's counter-ambush, and many people would stay here forever because of this.

"Captain, the enemy's firepower is getting stronger and stronger, and their heavy armor is also coming up. My brothers can't resist it anymore!"

The voice of a member of the training team came from the communication channel. Baninger immediately recognized that it was Memphis who came out of Robert IV like him.

"Don't resist, install the explosives and take turns to cover, and retreat to the position of the fifth medium-sized synthetic battalion!"


Looking at the federal troops approaching this hidden place in front, Baninger activated the micro plasma missile launch nest mounted behind his right shoulder.

The HUD quickly marked a row of targets locked by the power armor fire control unit. A certain interval ensured that the high-temperature plasma fireballs generated by the plasma missiles could cover enough areas.

The next moment, the micro plasma missiles soared into the sky, and after hitting the locked targets, they formed a spectacular "fire wall".


"The orbital attack ship was intercepted? Atlas sent warships. If they split up, wouldn't it be an excellent time to attack now?"

Van Fleet, who was hiding in the camouflaged command cabin, immediately became ugly after hearing that his own orbital strike was interfered with, and was stunned on the spot after hearing the next answer.

"What? Just one HCP, are you kidding?"

But unfortunately, there was no sense of joking in the voice of the fleet communicator on the other end of the communication channel, and they had already started chasing the Atlas fleet, so they had no mood to joke at this time.

After the communication ended, Van Fleet was silent for a long time. The obstruction of orbital strikes was not good news for him, which meant that he had to rely on the power of his hands to bite the "turtle shell" of Atlas.

But now, he has more important things to do.

That is to get rid of the troops in front of him who were going to behead his headquarters.

Although the federal soldiers had been mocking these guys who were privately called "battlefield angels" by the imperial refugees, and thought that the other side's uniform white paint was just for show.

But after the real fight, both Van Fleet and the federal front-line soldiers recognized a fact, that is, these "angels" would also fight back.

And it hurts.

Especially the team in front of them, all equipped with heavy power armor, although the number of people was small, suppressed the federal troops for a very long time.

The scene where one of them, holding a plasma long-handled halberd, cut a mechanized infantry vehicle that rushed over his head into several pieces, left many people with psychological trauma on the spot.

However, Van Fleet believed that as long as this team could be completely wiped out, it would definitely be a heavy blow to Atlas, which did not have many ground troops.

And the ambush he set up in advance to counter the possible "decapitation operation" did play an important role at this time.

"The other side has only one battalion, let the troops attack quickly to eat them up!"

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