From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 370 The future of Atlas lies in this battle

"General! Atlas's fleet has moved!"

When the tactical information coordination officer's voice sounded, a three-dimensional diagram of Para 4 and the surrounding orbit was also displayed by the holographic projection device.

Guterres, commander of the Thirteenth Federation Main Fleet, looked at the Atlas 'Humanitarian Assistance Fleet' that was unabashedly moving towards the airspace where its own orbital attack ship detachment was located, and his expression gradually became more and more serious. and become cold.

"Are Atlas not planning for the best? Conflicts on the ground can eventually be resolved through negotiation and other means, but conflicts in they really not realize the consequences of actively firing on the Federation fleet?"

The fleet combat staff floating next to Guterres looked at the lines shown on the three-dimensional diagram and said with some uncertainty.

"They must know the consequences of doing this, but now they have to do it unless they plan to abandon their ground troops," Guterres said calmly,

"But obviously judging from the previous situation, Atlas Group values ​​their employees quite seriously, and their boss obviously cannot sit back and watch employees on the ground being attacked from orbit."

After hearing what Guterres said, the fleet operations staff approached his ear and asked in a low voice: "So you used the orbital attack ship as a bait to force them to fire on us?"

"That's right, doesn't this achieve the effect we want?"

Guterres showed a sneer and then ordered:

"The main fleet began to maneuver, adjusted its orbit to approach the Atlas fleet, and told the cruiser formation covering the orbital attack ship detachment that if the opponent fires on the orbital attack ship, fire back immediately!

The opponent's fleet doesn't even have a single capital ship. Let's fight and try to eat the opponent in one go! "


"Boss, the Federation fleet has made a move. It seems that we are determined to attack the orbital assault ship."

On the bridge of the Hermes, Cleeves looked at the three-dimensional diagram that was updated in real time and said to Amber on the screen.

"I understand, the fleet continues to act as planned."

Amber on the screen nodded, and the background of the full-circle cockpit behind him also changed from the previous Gnaku to the deep space of the universe. At this moment, he was riding a landline fixed to the bottom deck of the Hermes. on the ejection track outside.

Then Amber glanced at Cleeves and showed a trusting smile.

"Cliffs, the rest is up to you."

"Boss, you said that I'm under a lot of pressure." Cliffs responded with a bitter smile, and the corners of his mouth even blistered because of his anger.

"Don't be afraid, you will win."

"Then let me lend you your good words. Boss, at the same time, I wish you good luck in martial arts. We will meet at the predetermined coordinates!"

Cliffs' eyes gradually became determined, and he raised his hand to salute Amber. Amber, after raising her hand in return, temporarily closed the communication with the bridge, and then connected the communication request from Isabel. .

"Amber really can't let anyone else attack with you?"

"Why are you crying again?"

Looking at Isabel with tearful eyes and a crying voice on the screen, Amber also sighed softly.

"The HCP troops will be of great use in subsequent battles, but the current mission is too dangerous. If they follow me in the attack, I don't know how many of them will come back alive."

Believe me, I am enough for Isa to attack this time. "

Amber's voice was calm, but it also had an undeniable meaning. Isabel, who had been with him day and night for a long time, naturally heard what he meant.

The war was imminent, and she knew that if she continued to speak, she would definitely disturb Amber, so she took back what she wanted to say, and thousands of words finally merged into one sentence.

"Amber, I will wait for you to come back."

"Well, just wait for my return with peace of mind~ Also, don't cry anymore, it's like saying goodbye to the body."

"Bah, bah, bah! Disgusting!"

Not long after the communication with Isabel ended, Atlas's fleet approached the first scheduled coordinate point of this fleet battle.

On the ejection track on the bottom deck of the Hermes, various external cables connected to the huge red heavy-duty HCP have been detached. On the virtual screen on the side of the track, the number representing the current voltage of the ejection track is also rising.

"The voltage of the electromagnetic ejection track has increased to 520, all subsystems are operating normally, the front is clear, and the entry route is unobstructed. The low-orbit monitoring data will be shared through the D2 channel."

The flight deck controller is the first Roma crew to complete all-subject training, and her voice also has the unique accent and rhythm of a female Roma.

"Boss, the ejection authority has been transferred. You can now control the ejection timing yourself."

"Confirm handover."

Amber took a deep breath, looked at the light green virtual track line on the all-circle display, and then decisively took a picture of the group of light that represented the 'ejection'.

"Amber'Titan 01', attack!"

Everyone on the Hermes only felt the light cruiser shake slightly. At the same time, the attitude control nozzles throughout the ship were flashing, offsetting the reaction force caused by Amber's aircraft ejection.

Ordinary HCPs would not make such a noise when ejecting. Only this 'Heavy Lancer', which appeared in front of the world for the first time, would announce its appearance to others in this way.

It is far larger than a conventional machine body, has thick external armor and heavy shields, a huge auxiliary propulsion unit, an exaggerated back weapon storage box, a large heavy particle cannon with abundant martial arts, and Amber's iconic deep red and light pink colors. Colorblock painting.

This is the newly built Amber exclusive space combat aircraft - 'ATLAS' after extensive optimization and modification based on the actual combat data of the 'Experimental MK1'.

Everyone in the Atlas fleet invariably looked at the screen closest to them at this moment, watching the 'meteor' attacking the federal fleet in low orbit, and at the same time they couldn't help but feel something in their ears. Echoes of Amber's last words during mobilization before the war:

"Fight, the future of Atlas lies in this battle."


"Wait a minute. The Atlas fleet has crossed the attack orbit. They don't seem to be attacking the orbital attack ship detachment?"

After hearing the slightly confused voice of the tactical information coordination officer, Guterres also frowned.

In his prediction, Atlas should attack the orbital attack ship detachment preparing for orbital strikes to prevent their attacks from causing greater casualties to ground forces.

But now, Guterres did not expect this maneuver to cross the attack orbit and move towards the other side of the planet Para 4.

Just as he was thinking about the opponent's commander's tactical intentions, the sound of new information was announced again.

"The Second Orbital Assault Ship Detachment and the escorting cruiser formation both sent back reports that they detected a target suspected of being an HCP maneuvering towards their position. It seems to have just broken away from the Atlas fleet!"


Guterres was stunned. He had just guessed a large number of possible tactical intentions, but he never expected that it would be like this.

"Solo attack? Are you crazy?" The combat staff beside Guterres was also stunned for a moment.

"Who knows? Maybe the pilot realized that this was a desperate battle, so he wanted to die heroically?"

Guterres raised his eyebrows disapprovingly. Although he did not expect this situation, he did not think that an HCP could play any role in space battles.

However, he finally gave the order:

"Let the escort formation give a warning and drive away. If it continues to approach, kill it."

Before Guterres could finish his words, his order was interrupted by a sudden burst of fireball in the area where the orbital attack fleet was located.

The battleship's optical sensors also quickly captured the situation at the explosion. When the image was projected onto the main screen of the bridge, everyone let out a cry of surprise.

A Minotaur-class orbital assault ship was seen losing control of its posture in the flames of the explosion, and rolled and disintegrated as it gradually fell toward the planet.

Immediately afterwards, the true appearance of the 'raider' captured by the escorting cruiser formation also came over simultaneously.

Looking at this aircraft with a flamboyant and murderous paint scheme, Guterres felt inexplicably frightened in his heart.

"What the hell is this?"

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