Just like countless times of rehearsal, when the reconnaissance team of the teaching team issued a warning, the Atlas soldiers near the cordon immediately responded.

An additional sensor extended from the back of their combat exoskeleton and pointed in the direction of the crowd. At the same time, a hidden point between the cordon and the outpost was opened, and a large number of "worker bees" equipped with flight components flew out.

The lower hangers of these flying worker bees are also equipped with the same sensors as those on the Atlas soldiers.

When they fly above the refugee tide at a certain interval, all the sensors on the field begin to form a network and completely cover this group of refugees.

"The danger detection network has been established, and the source of danger has begun to be detected!"

Following the order of a ground commander, the honeycomb core of Camp No. 5 allocated a part of its computing power to support the "danger detection network".

This explosion-proof early warning device, which relies on a large number of sensors, can collect biological information including heartbeat and breathing rate within the coverage of the network, and identify suspected explosives.

After the Atlas search team encountered a suicide bombing for the first time, Amber asked the equipment research and development center to start developing this set of equipment.

Because he knew that no matter whether it was the battle on Pyra IV or the battle in the more distant future, as long as there were civilians who were difficult to identify in the war zone, there would be many incidents like suicide bombings.

So although this system is an emergency product, it does not mean that it will not be used in the future.

If it doesn't work, it can be repackaged and sold to a third party. Anyway, such things are not uncommon in the Empire and the Federation.

Soon, with the computing power support of the Hive Core, the danger detection network found many suspicious targets in the refugee wave within the range, and shared them with each soldier's tactical visor through the Atlas internal data link.

Looking at the multiple suspicious targets marked with "red highlights" on the HUD, Om, the ram head platoon leader responsible for maintaining order near the cordon, also issued an order to continue identification on the command terminal.

Several drones quickly descended and came to the sky above these suspicious targets. While shooting a visible light indicator line to mark the target, a sweet female voice came from the speaker on the drone:

"Hello civilians, according to the "Regulations on the Management of Refugee Reception Camps", you are now subject to random inspection of dangerous goods. Please take off your coat and raise your hands."

The refugees around did not even need the drone to issue a second warning. Only the suspicious targets below the drone were left with a few confused.

Except for the two "chess pieces" controlled by the Hanged Man, the other suspicious targets were confused at this time. They didn't know what they had done to become the so-called "suspicious targets".

However, after these people reacted, they still did what normal people would do, taking off their tattered coats and raising their hands at the same time.

The drone quickly stopped "marking" them, and soon there were only two marked targets left on the field. At this time, they still hesitated to take off their coats to prove their innocence, so that the surrounding Atlas soldiers had already guessed their identities.

Seeing that the refugees around him were running away, he might be captured alive if he didn't take action. Thinking that the lives of his family were still controlled by the Hanged Man, one of the "chess pieces" gritted his teeth and planned to rush towards the Atlas soldiers who were evacuating refugees nearby.

But it was obvious that he overestimated his athletic ability and underestimated the reaction speed of the worker bees.

Before he took the first step, just when he turned around and exerted force, the non-lethal weapon launcher mounted under the drone fired two electric needle bullets and pierced his body. The burst of electric current swept through his body in an instant, and he was electrocuted to the ground and twitched without any reaction.

The same scene was happening at the location of the other "chess piece".

After the two fell to the ground, the drone in the air continued to lower its altitude and stretched out a mechanical arm to take off each other's coat.

When the explosives tied to the two people appeared in front of everyone, the refugees around them screamed and squeezed towards a farther position in fear.

The Hanged Man behind the earth slope saw this scene and finally gave up the idea of ​​remote detonation, because he was worried that the other party would find his position based on the detonation signal.

Although the mission had failed halfway, it did not mean that there was no chance to continue. If he used the "worst plan\

,"Thinking of this, the Hanged Man, after a moment of "conflict between heaven and man", finally made the decision that made the federal high-level officials regret it afterwards.

The two mentally controlled "puppets" hidden in the imperial surrendered soldiers suddenly pushed aside the people around them and rushed in the same direction.

The speed was extremely fast, and it changed from the previous zombie appearance, but instead looked like a sprint champion on the field.

In this direction, a wheeled armored vehicle of the federal army was parked near the imperial surrendered soldiers. The soldiers on it were pointing at these surrendered soldiers at the moment, and occasionally making some ridicule.

When they saw the two imperial soldiers who suddenly ran out, they thought they couldn't stand the ridicule and planned to rush over and be furious.

A federal soldier walked forward with a grin in the gaze of his teammates, moved his power gloves twice with a 'sizzling' sound, and then clenched them into fists.

Obviously, this federal soldier intended to teach these two "ignorant" defeated soldiers a lesson.



The power of military high-energy explosives blew the federal soldier and the puppet that rushed up to him to pieces.

His teammates didn't realize what happened until they were covered with minced meat and equipment fragments. They immediately raised their guns and aimed at another figure that had already rushed in front of them, but they were still a step too late.


Another explosion sounded, this time with greater power, and the smoke and dust even completely covered the wheeled armored vehicle next to it.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, one side of the wheeled battle had been completely blackened by the explosion, and a large number of fragments were scattered on the ground, and the specific damage could not be seen.

As for the federal soldiers around the wheeled battle, they had disappeared in the two explosions.

The refugees and imperial surrendered soldiers near the warning area exploded instantly, and everyone cried and rushed towards the direction of the refugee camp, hoping to seek shelter.

Seeing this scene, the ram-headed platoon leader Om frowned and was forced to release a large number of "worker bees" that were originally used to deal with emergencies.

Half of the worker bees equipped with flight kits quickly flew to the top of the crowd. While giving instructions through the loudspeaker, the high-pressure gas cylinders carried below began to spray some kind of forced sedative gas on the crowd like spraying pesticides.

As if a large number of sheepdogs were cooperating, the crowd that was originally running around was gathered again and began to move to the designated location in an orderly manner.

However, one wave has not yet subsided, and another wave has risen.

Before Om turned around to negotiate with the federal soldiers near the cordon, he saw that the upper body of the soldier standing in the front was instantly interrupted, and then the gunshots came late.

But this was just the beginning. There were several consecutive shots next. While killing two federal soldiers and injuring one, the side of the armored vehicle behind them was also shot with several bullet holes.

"It's broken! Everyone find cover and hide!"

Om's alarm bells suddenly rang loudly. While yelling in the channel, he ran to the back of the nearest vehicle.

At the same time, the unbelievable voice of the teaching team reconnaissance team came from the communication channel:

"Fuck, the Federation's psychic agents are firing at their own people?!"

"Diverting the trouble! He wants to force a conflict! Get ready for battle!" Terak, who had been listening quietly in the communication channel, spoke at this juncture.

But even if he didn't say it, the Atlas soldiers near the cordon also hid behind the vehicle or mobile shelter at the fastest speed.

Because on their tactical visors, the electromagnetic reconnection gun in the middle of the turret of the Federation main battle tank marked as "purple high-risk unit" in the distance has flashed blue light.

And their headphones also heard sharp beeps and tactical warning prompts at the same time.

"Warning, strong magnetic field reaction detected, determined to be electromagnetic reconnection gun shooting, pay attention to avoid!"

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