In the scope of the sniper rifle in the Hanged Man's hand, the crosshairs were locked on the head of a federal soldier outside the cordon of Atlas Camp No. 5.

As long as he pulled the trigger, the high-speed piercing rod would blow up the head of the tactical mask like a watermelon at a speed that no one could react to.

However, the Hanged Man did not do so. After staring at the location where the two sides were negotiating for a while, he turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed in another direction.

That was the refugee tide slowly moving towards the Atlas Camp.

The Hanged Man quickly locked onto a man in the crowd wearing a tattered long windbreaker, shrinking his head and looking at the ground numbly.

Then there was another older middle-aged man near him.

The families of these two people were under the control of the Hanged Man and his people. Under the coercion of their families, all the people the Hanged Man had met so far were as obedient as the two men in front of him.

For their families, they even died.

The muzzle turned again, and this time, an imperial soldier in combat uniform appeared in the center of the cross differentiation. He looked more numb than the two middle-aged men just now, and looked like a "walking corpse".

This is also the best effect that the Hanged Man can achieve when using mental control.

Especially when controlling two imperial soldiers at a time, being able to make them act according to his instructions is the result of his special training in this regard.

The will of soldiers is naturally much higher than that of civilians, even if most of these imperial soldiers are "mobilized soldiers" who are temporarily recruited.

In addition, there is nothing on this planet that can restrict them like family and loved ones, so in order to prevent the other party from getting out of control, the Hanged Man can only use mental control.

But the consequence is that these two unfortunate imperial soldiers have become walking corpses who have no thinking ability and can only act according to the instructions of the Hanged Man.

However, it doesn't matter to the latter. Anyway, these two soldiers carrying military-standard high-energy explosives will disappear in a self-explosion in a while.

There is no evidence of death, perfect.

After receiving the latest order from their superiors, the Hanged Man and Aurora began planning this round of attacks.

They are psychic agents airdropped into the war zone, which is different from the psychic agents assigned to the military base before Amber.

In essence, the former is highly independent from the federal army and will only accept direct command from the CIA.

Even on Pyra IV, only a few people in the highest command of the ground forces knew of their existence.

So when planning the multiple suicide bombings on Pyra IV, the Hanged Man and Aurora did not consider the situation of friendly forces, or friendly forces were also part of their "calculation".

Just like today, taking advantage of the opportunity of negotiations and conflicts between the federal ground forces and Atlas, the pawns hidden among the refugees and surrendered soldiers launched an attack.

And this time the attack was directly aimed at the Atlas unit.

The Hanged Man knew his intention when he issued this order.

They were putting extreme pressure on Atlas - when the refugees also started to attack you, could your humanitarian aid operations continue?

The crowd moving slowly, the chess pieces lurking silently according to the instructions, the soldiers of both sides arguing, and the slightly chaotic warning area.

Everything is going according to the plan of the Hanged Man, and it seems that this will be another successful operation.

But for some reason, since he approached this area, the Hanged Man has a feeling of being watched.

That's why when he was ambushing behind the earth slope just now, he even made a momentary mistake in maintaining his psychic invisibility because of this feeling.

He vigilantly searched all the suspicious places around with a high-powered scope, but did not find anything abnormal. The feeling of being watched seemed to be just an illusion.

"In the state of psychic invisibility, even a higher-level psychic would find it difficult to detect my existence."

"But why do I have such an illusion? Is it because of the lack of rest during the high-intensity combat during this period?"

While thinking this, the Hanged Man re-aimed the cross split at the two controlled refugees.

No matter what the reason is, the top priority now is to keep the plan going.


"Memphis, do you think the other party has discovered that we have discovered him?"

"Why do you say this in such a roundabout way?"


In an infiltration reconnaissance vehicle used by the special operations team of the training team, several veterans of the training team were staring at the screen in the car nervously.

In the center of the screen, where the pile of marks and engraved lines pointed, a group of humanoid units lying on the ground were emitting "faint blue light".

"It shouldn't be discovered. Boss said that this new thing is also a passive detection route in theory. Only a keen psychic like him, or a higher level of psychic, can detect the clues."

While answering his companion's questions, Memphis operated the equipment a few times, making the blue figure in the picture clearer.

The "new thing" he mentioned is part of the latest "anti-psychic combat system", that is, the "psychic detection radar" installed on this infiltration reconnaissance vehicle.

At this time, this radar is detecting the surroundings through the raised optoelectronic mast.

This penetration reconnaissance vehicle continues to remain in a latent state at this time. The tarpaulin covering the body and photoelectric mast is also one of the latest "black technologies" issued.

After being connected to the interface on the outside of the car body for power supply, this huge tarpaulin can provide the dual effects of optical camouflage invisibility and anti-psionic wave detection.

As for the 'psionic detection radar', which is said to be developed based on the technology in a certain Forerunner ruins, it can detect the existence of 'spiritual energy emission sources' through similar passive detection means.

Obviously, psykers are also a kind of 'spiritual energy emanation source'.

Even if the Hanged Man turns on psychic invisibility, this invisibility, which requires psychic energy to be maintained, will still be discovered when faced with the 'psychic detection radar'.

Of course, the source of this technology is not entirely the technology in the Forerunner ruins, but more of it comes from Saleh’s ‘friendly contribution’.

After learning that humans currently do not have any reliable detection methods for 'spiritual energy emission sources', this pioneer even couldn't help but complain: "Why are you Homo sapiens still so backward after so many years?"

Of course, after she finished complaining, Amber immediately 'kneaded' her in her mind through mental shackles, and finally begged for mercy.——

When the atmosphere in the security area of ​​Camp 5 gradually became anxious, there was also a busy scene inside the Hermes in the outer space orbit of Para 4.

At this time, there are still 5 minutes left before the real-time live broadcast of the battlefield on the official channel of 'Eye of Truth'. In the 'Frontline Directing Center' in charge of the External Propaganda Department under the Intelligence Analysis Center, the staff are doing the final touch-ups on a cat lady anchor. .

Everyone understands the importance of this battlefield live broadcast, and no one dares to neglect it.

Soon, dispatchers began making final confirmations to various departments.

"The Technology Department of the Group's Communications Business Center is preparing to shut down the federal communication services on Para 4 and nearby space areas."

"The 'Eye of Truth' broadcasting center is preparing to connect to the live footage of the ground troops. The anchor is ready. There is a 10-second countdown until the live broadcast goes online!"


The staff at the directing center made an 'OK' gesture, and the cat girl anchor in the anchor seat quickly entered the live broadcast state.

"Hello viewers, welcome to the official live broadcast room of 'Eye of Truth'. Just now we received emergency news from the humanitarian assistance force. Federal forces are outside the warning area and requesting entry into the refugee camp to search."

The cat lady anchor paused and said in a nervous and serious tone:

“At the same time, the humanitarian assistance force also discovered suspected federal psychic agents around the cordoned area!

For details, please see the scene! "

When the image on the screen of the penetration reconnaissance vehicle was broadcast simultaneously, the audience watching the live broadcast was shocked when they saw the 'little blue man' lying on the ground in the center of the screen.

In the conference room of the Federal Central Intelligence Agency, the senior intelligence officials who were also watching the emergency live broadcast collectively petrified on their chairs.

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