From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 337: A Combination of Statements and Advertisements

Although Baron BASF still had some doubts in his heart before, when he contacted Her Royal Highness Agnes in Saint-Saunière through the "trial service", the reaction of this special envoy of the Princess Party was exactly the same as that of the Regent's special envoy Perseus at that time.

Moreover, the current "quantum entanglement communication" technology is a more advanced version modified by Saleh based on the technical experience of the Jerram people in this area.

So Baron BASF's experience is even better than Perseus at that time.

"If this communication technology is rolled out, it will definitely change the world."

Baron BASF's expression was still a little fanatical after returning to the reception room.

"Mr. Amber, your company has developed such technology, and you just want to make money with it?"

"What else? Publicize it to promote the development of the world? I didn't expect that the Baron has such a broad mind, and he really cares about all mankind~"

Amber said a little unhappily:

"You have also seen the situation of our Atlas these days. There are so many people under my command who need to eat. How can I feed them if I don't make more money?"

"Well, what I said just now is indeed a bit presumptuous, please ignore it, Mr. Amber."

After being ridiculed by Amber, BASF also knew that what he said just now was a bit inappropriate, and at the same time, the whole person also slowed down from the enthusiasm just now.

He sorted out his thoughts and continued:

"As I said just now, no matter what package Perseus and others finally choose, please give us the same service, and the cost is easy to talk about"

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, since Her Highness Agnes has authorized me to contact you, she has naturally granted me the corresponding authority." Baron BASF replied confidently.

"Then, Lord Baron, can you answer me a question? Is this a cooperation from the royal family of the Star Dragon Empire, or a private cooperation from Her Highness Agnes?"

"Of course it's the latter. If it was a cooperation from the royal family, I wouldn't have come to talk to you."

After hearing the other party's answer, Amber nodded, and then said, "Then before continuing the discussion, there is one thing I must explain to you."

Then, Amber brought out the same rhetoric she had said to Perseus and said it again.

After listening to it, Baron Bass fell into thinking like the regent's envoy.

Then he made almost the same suggestion as Perseus, hoping that Atlas could be more neutral, and they were willing to make some compensation in this regard.


A few days later, the envoys from the two major camps of the empire almost signed an agreement with Atlas on comprehensive cooperation in the communication business.

According to the agreement, they will pay an additional fee in addition to the "package fee" in exchange for Atlas' "relative neutrality" in the war, so that they can better cooperate and minimize the impact of negative public opinion.

What Atlas needs to do is to issue a statement to the outside world to show their position in this war.

In fact, Amber and others have prepared this statement long ago.

Long before the war was fully escalated, the public relations department had completed the drafting of relevant announcements, and showing the position of Atlas Group to the outside world was just one of the plans.

Soon, through the unmanned communication relay nodes that have been fully deployed during this period, a video statement released by Atlas' "external publicity director" Shi Koti quickly spread throughout the Federation and the Empire.

The content of the statement is divided into two parts.

The first part is an introduction to the Atlas Group, including business scope, corporate culture, etc. It also emphasizes that this is a company established by many like-minded "peace lovers" in the Thousand Star Empire.

In the second part, it shows that the Atlas Group will maintain a neutral position in the current war between the two major human forces.

In this part, the video statement also added a real picture from the front line. This specially selected video fully demonstrated the cruelty of the war.

At the end of this part, Shikoti also specifically stated that Atlas' humanitarian aid team will go to various fronts in the near future to set up temporary refugee shelters so that civilians who are displaced by the war can have a temporary place to stay

Since Amber deliberately chose Shikoti, an elf from the Thousand Star Empire, to speak, the credibility of this statement was immediately raised.

Under Lilith's secret operation, this video statement quickly spread among the people before the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire officials reacted.

When the people saw that it was an elf who spoke, their first reaction was that it was very novel, and after listening to it, they felt it was very reasonable.

After all, in the eyes of most civilians who have never been to the Thousand Star Empire, elves should be such a "peace-loving" race.

The effect of this round of video statements also met Amber's expectations, and successfully implanted the idea in the minds of most people who saw this statement that "Atlas is a company based in the Thousand Star Empire that pursues development and loves peace."

Two days after the video statement spread rapidly, when people began to discuss "Atlas" in the streets and alleys, a new corporate image promotional video began to spread rapidly on the Internet again.

The beginning of the advertisement is a fierce battlefield camera shot and a picture of the ruins of the city after the war, accompanied by a heavy prelude music. Many people were instantly distressed when they saw the little girl walking alone on the street and the armed men who were obviously "enemies" in front of her.

Then, a steady male voice sounded as a voice-over:

"Some tragedies are unavoidable and unforgettable.

It will be deeply engraved in your mind until you die.

When all this happens to you, how should you deal with it?

Escape? Or accept fate?"

The appropriate question made people who saw the advertisement frown and think.

At the moment when the war has broken out, such a scene is actually not far away from them.

Although they have not been completely involved in the war, no one can be sure that all this will not really happen to them.

At the same time, the picture changed again. A huge gymnasium filled with body bags appeared in the picture. The number of these body bags was so large that it was piled up into a small mountain.

"Do you feel that you can't think of the answer and feel that you can't find a way out?"

When hearing this, many people who were deep in thought even nodded involuntarily.

Then, the dark picture changed again, from pitch black to a picture of a heavy truck full of supplies rushing out of the tunnel.

The background music naturally changed to a melody that made people see hope, and the male voice as the voice-over also became a little excited.

"But now, we have found a way out with our concerted efforts"

"When you are devastated by war, we will protect you."

Armed personnel with the Atlas logo appeared on the screen. They protected the little girl who had just walked alone in the ruins in the hail of bullets and retreated to a safe place.

Interestingly, in the advertisement seen on the Empire side, the unidentified armed personnel who fired at the Atlas troops and the little girl were similar to the "Federal Army".

In the advertisements of the Federation, it was just the opposite.

"When you feel hungry and cold, we will provide you with the most basic protection and shelter."

The scene changed to a scene where a large number of Atlas armed personnel put away their weapons and distributed supplies to the people with the help of HCP.

"When chaos strikes, we will bring order."

This time, the advertisement scene changed to a scene where a group of armed thugs attacked refugees. When a large number of grenades were about to fall into the crowd, several lasers detonated them in mid-air.

Then, a red-painted HCP appeared like a hero and landed in front of the refugees.

At the specially selected shooting angle, this HCP was like a tall guardian, raising a heavy shield and activating the deflection field to block all incoming attacks.

"Stability, safety, and a chance to regain our original lives."

"Who are we?"

"We are pioneers who move forward courageously."

"We are Atlas."

When Atlas' distinctive logo appeared on the screen, many people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But more people were still immersed in the images and voiceovers for a long time.

After this "corporate image promotional video" spread like a virus during these days, Lilith, who had been monitoring the public opinion on the Internet, finally couldn't hold back her excitement and appeared in Amber's office and said excitedly:

"It's a big hit! It's a big hit, Master!!!"

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