Para 4 was almost among the first planets to be abandoned during the empire's homeland defense operations.

Not only is its location on the outermost layer of the macro defense line, which is used to "delay the enemy's offensive edge," but this planet is also just an ordinary colonial planet.

There are neither special industries nor symbolic landmarks. As a marginal planet among the empire's many colonial planets, the biggest role of Para 4 is to produce two things in rotation.

Taxes and mobs.

And judging from historical statistics, the proportion of the latter is relatively higher.

For such a planet, it is impossible to fight a heroic battle to defend it.

Therefore, from the beginning, the Imperial Military Department did not consider making a big splash on this planet. In addition to the original garrison troops, it only provided some temporary brigade-level combat teams for support.

Hmm. There is also the private soldier of a hereditary viscount who owns a fief on Para 4.

Although the equipment of these noble private soldiers is even higher than that of the emergency deployed regular army, their number is not large, only the size of two brigade-level combat teams.

As for these emergency-deployed brigade combat teams, they are basically short of heavy equipment, and the HCP troops are the hardest hit area in this regard.

But at the same time, despite the insufficient supply of heavy equipment, the Imperial Military provided a large amount of air defense equipment to the defenders on the Para IV, especially high-energy laser anti-aircraft vehicles and anti-aircraft vehicles specially used to fight aerial and aerial transport aircraft. Units such as missile launchers.

The military knew very well that once dragged into a ground battle, these ground troops, which were theoretically equivalent to being 'abandoned', had serious problems with their fighting will, so they did not expect these troops to last long.

The only time they can achieve huge results is to use highly densely deployed air defense units to strike when the federal army is deploying large-scale troops.

In order to force the federal army to use aerospace transport planes to land, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Department learned from the federation's "advanced experience" on the Robert IV. After locking the space elevator and removing the key, the agents responsible for carrying out the mission disappeared without a trace. disappeared.

Therefore, after destroying the Empire's garrison fleet, the Federation's main fleet responsible for attacking this galaxy had to bite the bullet and start a landing operation.

At this time, some "patriotic" Imperial Royal Navy commanders, either actively or forcedly, led the remaining fleets and began to launch "harassment operations" against the Federation Navy that was conducting planetary landing operations.

After the fleet of civilian defense contractors hired by the federal navy to transport supplies arrived, these remaining imperial soldiers began to hunt them.

It is obvious that the defense contractors on the federal side are still not satisfied when facing the regular army of the Royal Navy of the Star Dragon Empire.

What's more, they are only here to make money, and in the eyes of these defense contractors, the latter are protecting their homes and the country. If they fight with their lives, they will definitely suffer.


"Horn, why do you think we stay here to fight guerrillas?"

In the shadow of the second satellite orbiting Para IV, on the bridge of a Dragoon-class destroyer, the commander, Viscount York, asked his adjutant.

"Protect your home and country, my lord."

As York's adjutant and also his domestic servant, Horne answered seriously.

"Protect the home and the country. Hahaha, is this the official answer or your true thoughts?"

"Of course that's the official answer, my lord."

"What about the private ones?" Viscount York asked with interest.

"We are forced to risk our lives here, sir."

"You are indeed very conscious, Horn."

Viscount York smiled, and then after remembering the damn order given by his superiors, he slowly stopped laughing.

As the commander of the escort detachment and an imperial nobleman, he was given the order to lead his troops to stay in the system to conduct a 'raider operation' when he learned that the main force would not come to support.

Such an order was issued to all the remnants of the Pyla system garrison fleet, as well as several squadrons that had been mobilized in advance to assist in the defense.

The Viscount of York and his deportation detachment were just one of these unlucky ones.

You said it didn't occur to him that escape was impossible.

But as an imperial noble (although he did not get a fief), his sense of honor made it difficult for him to make such a decision.

Not to mention that leading his troops to flee without authorization is a very serious violation of military discipline. Not only will his noble title be revoked, but he will also be sent to a military court.

During this special period, the Viscount of York estimated that he would probably be hanged publicly as a warning to others.

In this case, for the sake of his own life and that of his family, he could only choose to lead his troops to wander near Para 4 and start a 'guerrilla fight'.

The two satellites of Para 4 did provide him with natural cover. During this period, he repeatedly led the fleet to suddenly attack with the help of the shadow cover of the satellites, causing great damage to the Federation's transport fleet. Kill.

This is why the controller at the temporary orbital control center kindly reminded Cliffs that they should pay attention to the presence of the remnants of the Imperial fleet.

"Sir, the reconnaissance ship reported that the target fleet has entered the scheduled attack area. There are 82 in number, but most of them are transport ships. There are only 32 escort warships. Except for one light cruiser, the others are mainly destroyers and a small number of frigates."

"This should be the largest target in the past few days, right?"

"Yes, sir. If this transport fleet can be severely damaged, the supply of the federal army will most likely be affected." Horn nodded. Although he complained, he would not hesitate when it came to doing business.

"But the escort warships have increased. We only have 35 ships left now, and the other side has a light cruiser. I don't know if we can take it down."

Viscount York looked at the fleet marked on the holographic projection platform and frowned.

"If you are worried about the loss, do you want to try a quick attack and quick retreat?"

"Well, you and I are thinking the same thing. I am indeed worried that the loss in a head-on battle will be relatively large, but I still want to take you alive to complete the mission and leave."

Viscount York nodded and continued:

"Pass my order, the entire fleet follows the flagship and prepares for a round of high-speed raids. Don't fight with the enemy. We have only one goal, that is, to maximize the damage to the target transport ship!"

Soon, the Imperial escort detachment, which was lurking in the shadow of the satellite in a stealth mode, lifted its camouflage and exposed its fangs.

The illuminated main propulsion array made this escort detachment like a group of fish with luminous organs in the deep sea, swimming out of the shadow and directly poking at the flank of the transport fleet.

The Atlas transport fleet's reaction was not slow either. After discovering the enemy, the escort warships quickly changed their formation to the flank of the fleet and fired a round of interference gel to prevent the enemy from using high-energy lasers and charged particle cannons to target the transport ships.

"Everyone, pay attention, don't fight too long! The response speed of the federal patrol fleet has been getting faster and faster recently, so after penetrating the opponent's route and completing the attack, immediately leave quickly according to the scheduled route!"

As the distance continued to shrink, Viscount York continued to issue orders, but at this moment, the tactical information coordinator reported a piece of news that made him shudder.

"Report! Unknown units were found in the zenith direction, number three! Distance 3,000 kilometers, relative speed 120 kilometers per second!"

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