From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 326 Think tank, good thing, but not much better

After the crisis in the Quest for Truth Foundation fleet was temporarily resolved, Amber and everyone on board the Polarized Light heaved a sigh of relief.

No matter what, having so many enemies on a single ship can still make people a little panicked.

Fortunately, through 'Lilith's Magic Trick', the Foundation's fleet has been temporarily scared away, although it is not ruled out that the other party may come back again.

But now that the jump has been entered, even if the other party discovers the problem and plans to fight back, they have to wait for the end of the current jump → temporary maintenance of the jump drive → re-determine the coordinates and enter the jump process.

No matter how awesome the ship's technicians are or how they streamline the process, they can still create a window of more than ten hours, so Amber and the others are still safe during this period.

After ordering Tom and the others to slowly adjust the course and attitude of the Polarized Light so that they could remain invisible and close to the bottom of the Forerunner Ruins, he headed to the center of Think Tank No. 332 under the leadership of Saleh.

After accepting Amber's 'spiritual shackles' anchor, Saleh threw a broken jar and completely relaxed.

"You are quite relaxed now."

On the transportation platform heading to the central area, Amber looked at Saleh who was standing next to him with a relaxed expression. The latter even had the soft foot-like tentacles on his head attached to the back of her head very relaxedly.

"I've 'locked' your brain, but you don't even have any sense of crisis."

"As you said, my brain has been 'locked', so what do I need to resist? As long as I promise not to cross the red line you set, my life is not in danger and I will not be punished or abused. Isn’t that a relaxing life?”

Saleh showed a sly smile:

"You still have to provide food and accommodation, don't you?"

"Do all of you Jerram people adapt so quickly? Or is it just you?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because after sleeping for more than two million years, my mentality may have changed."

While the two were communicating, Lilith was also observing this 'uninvited guest' through various sensors in the power armor.

"Is this an alien? It's really very different from human structures."

"Master, look at her tentacles. Every movement reminds me of the 'Facehugger' in an old science fiction horror movie."

"Master, do you think this alien is reproductively isolated from humans?"

Lilith kept asking some strange questions, while Amber chatted with him in her head.

The multi-tasking ability of a psyker came in handy here, allowing him to chat with two people at the same time, which can be called a 'Sea King's special skill'.

For Lilith, a strong artificial intelligence that has already understood almost all human knowledge, new knowledge often makes her unable to help but understand, and a brand new species can greatly arouse her interest.

"Master, when we get back, can you let me do a full body check on her?"

"Are you sure it's not some weird test?"

"Master, where are you thinking? Hmph, pervert~"

Amber was chatting with Saleh and Lilith at the same time while doing two things, and contacted the "Polarized Light Signal" remotely from time to time.

As for Isabel, she is leading members of the intelligence analysis team, busy analyzing and archiving the large number of images and videos sent back by Amber.

Soon, the transportation platform Amber and the others arrived at the central area of ​​332 Think Tank.

This is not only the core control area of ​​the entire think tank, but also the 'technology storage warehouse' of the think tank. All technologies developed in this think tank have complete technical data backup.

This is an absolute treasure trove for Amber and Atlas.

The forerunners, or the technological products of the Jerram civilization, are still very advanced for the current human civilization. If they can be mastered, it is not impossible to trigger a technological revolution in mankind.

But the premise is that the technology in this think tank is operable.

If it is a blueprint like a 'megastructure design drawing - stellar energy extraction station' or a 'strategic weapons plan - planetary destroyer', it is indeed very powerful and beautiful. But the problem is that it takes a lot of time to turn these things from blueprints into real objects. Front-end technology.

Materials, engineering, chemistry, automatic control. A large number of pre-existing basic technological limitations prevent humans from soaring into the sky just because of a few accidental blueprints.

Even in the relics of the 'jump drive' technology discovered on Blue Star, there are many supporting pre-technologies, which has saved mankind from making many detours.

"Assistant, check the current storage status of the central database and check the results. You don't need to tell me separately, they will be broadcast directly."

"Copy that, respected Steward of the Think Tank."

Saleh already knew Amber's purpose in the previous conversation, so he directly used his authority to issue instructions to the think tank's assistant.

Those radicals who locked her in a cryogenic dormant chamber two million years ago probably did not expect that she would see the light of day again, so they did not erase Saleh's authority as a deacon of the think tank when they left.

It can only be said to be a very dramatic development.

Since Think Tank No. 332 still suffered certain losses in the battle two million years ago, many subsystems and energy supply problems have occurred, which has also caused the processing speed of the central system to become somewhat slow.

After waiting for a long time, the voice of the assistant AI sounded again.

"Think Tank No. 332, 1277 technical data are stored, including 92 advanced technical data, 667 intermediate technical data, and 518 basic technologies."

"How much complete data is currently saved?"

"Due to the influence of force majeure, 99.84% of the data can no longer be read, and it is judged to be damaged. The remaining 2 items are intact and can be extracted for data and blueprints."

When Amber heard the assistant AI report that only two technologies could be extracted, she actually had a hunch of "shipping" in her heart.

"The name of the technology that can be extracted in the report?"

"Advanced technology theory-gravity control technology"

"Intermediate technology theory and blueprint-long-distance pointing magnetic field channel"

"Sure enough."

After hearing the names of these two technologies, Amber's hanging heart finally settled down. Now it seems that the experience in the game, especially this kind of "item drop" experience, is applicable even if it is placed on the ruins of the forerunners.

On the other side, Saleh felt that Amber seemed to be relieved, and asked curiously: "You seem to have known that there are these two technologies in this think tank?" "I don't know. This is the first time I have come to this place in my life. How can I know what is in your Jeram people's think tank." "Really? I always feel that you are fooling me." "Really." Amber interrupted Saleh's question and continued: "Ahem. Hurry up, extract these two technologies, and we will leave here."

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