In fact, Saleh wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers at the beginning. After the two groups of Homo sapiens in front of her finished fighting, she would then act on her own initiative.

After all, it is very likely that he will be left alone in this world that has passed two million years. It is always right to be cautious to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter.

But who knew that the one fighting alone would suddenly rush in his direction at an absurdly fast speed.

Under his guidance, the other side's fire strikes also followed.

In this case, Saleh had to put up a spiritual shield to protect himself.

Then, the aftereffects of sleeping for two million years appeared.

Although the cryogenic sleep chamber is already 'charging' Saleh while executing the 'wake-up procedure', unfortunately this Jerram man still slept for a little too long, and his body functions have not yet fully recovered. .

It's like you slept beautifully all night, and then suddenly woke up without any warning, and then was pulled directly to start a 1000-meter run without any buffer time.

After the round of fire coverage ended, although the strong psychic shield held up by Saleh blocked most of the attacks - including direct hits from the heavy particle cannon and the main battle tank's electromagnetic reconnection cannon.

But Saleh herself also felt a psychic disorder in her body at the same time. If she hadn't reacted in time, dodged the remaining attacks, and then quickly suppressed the spiritual energy that was running around in her body, she might have been confused at this moment. The psychic energy went out of control and exploded.

"It's been a long time since I've fought like this. It seems my body hasn't fully recovered yet."

While letting his body calm down, Saleh thought about countermeasures.

The powered armor that attracted the firepower is now gone, and has probably entered a state of invisibility. The original intention of 'watching the tiger fight from a distance' has become a 'tiger' instead.

Thinking of this, a feeling of shame and anger at being tricked by the 'primitive man' was superimposed with two million years of 'waking up anger', and rushed into Saleh's mind, even making the soft foot-like tentacles on her head angry. Gotta tremble.

Although as a think tank deacon, Saleh is not particularly good at combat, her thinking and ability to adapt to situations are not weak.

Soon, she noticed the connection between Foundation soldiers and puppet masters. This large-scale mind control method reminded her of relevant information she had seen in other think tanks.

"The familiar technology, especially the devices on the heads of these 'puppets', are they obtained from other think tanks?"

Saleh quickly thought of this possibility. If this was the case, she would have a way to 'win with one blow'.

Ahead, the combat units of the Quest for Truth Foundation were still attacking her position. After losing Amber's figure, all firepower began to focus on Saleh.

Although the Jerams are stronger than humans, it's more in terms of technology.

In terms of physical strength alone, although it is also stronger than humans, it is not so strong that it is exaggerated. It will die when faced with a fire attack that exceeds the threshold.

So Saleh knew that she couldn't always rely on the psychic shield to resist, and her current body couldn't support her to use massive psychic energy to destroy the enemy in front of her.

Fortunately, she has found a solution.

"Assistant, help me analyze the opponent's psychic characteristics."

"Yes, respected deacon of the think tank, analysis is in progress."

A large number of psychic detection devices arranged in the low-temperature dormancy area were all aimed at the combat area under the mobilization of the assistant AI.

Soon, the psionic signatures used by the puppet masters to control these Foundation armed units were analyzed by the psionic detection device and simultaneously received by the soft-foot-like tentacles on Saleh's head.

Yes, in addition to serving as additional brain partitions, these things can also receive and send psychic energy. They can be said to be some kind of 'psychic antenna'.

"Sure enough, even the psychic characteristics have not been modified. They are actually the characteristics used in the experiment at that time. It seems that these Homo sapiens can only use it roughly and have not fully absorbed this technology."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Saleh's face, which was full of superiority in terms of 'IQ'.

"Primitive people, let me teach you what true 'psionic skills' are!"

The next moment, a powerful psychic wave was released by Saleh.

When this spiritual energy wave affected the soldiers of the Foundation, it directly covered the spiritual energy that was like a 'puppet control thread' that controlled them, and took over the control forcefully.

The puppet master who had retreated to the gate was surprised to find that the 'puppet' under him was losing sensitivity one by one after blocking this round of psychic waves.

It was as if there was a huge pair of scissors in the void, cutting off the silk threads on the heads of these 'string puppets'.

Almost in an instant, the puppet master who was still playing 'RTS' found himself as a polished commander.

Without the slightest hesitation, the psychic from the Quest for Truth Foundation turned around and ran away.

After the psyker gained the ability to levitate for a short period of time, his powerful mobility was fully utilized at this moment, and he disappeared outside the cryogenic sleep zone in the blink of an eye.

However, Saleh, who had already taken the initiative, did not continue to pursue, because she herself was now trapped in a 'choice question'.

When she took over these puppets of the Quest for Truth Foundation, she was able to directly read their memories because of her psychic link and her 'superior and subordinate' relationship.

Small defense companies were deceived, veterans were coerced, ordinary people were kidnapped, and then inhumane brainwashing and human body modification were carried out. This is the origin of these puppets of the foundation.

At this moment, Saleh hesitated as to whether he should command these 'puppet' battles.

The pain they suffered was so felt by Saleh that she lost control for a moment and fell directly from the air.

"Maybe I should give them a good time?"

While this idea came to his mind, Saleh couldn't help but think of what his own tribe said just before the dormant cabin was closed:

"Traitor, take your pathetic compassion and stay in this hopeless universe forever."

Yes, for the Jerram people, opposing the 'Time and Space Crusade' is indeed an act of traitor, and the consequences of their 'compassion' are indeed very sad.

"Salih, you have been abandoned by your tribe because of this 'Mother's Heart' and have been left in this world for two million years. Don't you still have a long memory?"

A voice sounded in Saleh's mind. This voice was full of unwillingness and regret.

But another voice also sounded in her mind at the same time:

"I can't go back anyway, I'm here now. Or just follow your inner thoughts~"

A smile appeared on Saleh's lips, and the soft foot-like tentacles on his head spread out.

The next second, the 'one-shaped' eyepieces on the heads of the Foundation soldiers who were standing still went out one after another, and then fell to the ground one by one like dominoes.

The main battle tank and HCP also stopped moving, and the crew and pilots inside also slumped in their seats with expressions of relief.

"Good night, wise men."

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