From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 300 The world line changes again

In terms of time alone, the Star Dragon Empire's general mobilization order was signed and issued only 18 hours later than the Federation.

With the two factions of the 'Regent Party' and the 'Princess Party' sitting at the same table, coupled with Norton II's initiative to make concessions, the efficiency of the entire empire's upper echelons was much higher than usual.

After urgent analysis and continuous discussions, the participants finally came to the conclusion that "the federation will sign a general mobilization order to launch a counterattack."

Due to the insurmountable distance between the federal capital and the imperial capital, which is insurmountable for ordinary people, there is a huge time difference.

So this conclusion is basically equivalent to pure 'prejudgment'.

When the Imperial Princess Agnes took up the pen and signed her name on the mobilization order, she actually felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She was worried that her own advance mobilization would stimulate the federal side and cause them to also launch a general mobilization.

If this is the case, then the person who will completely expand this war is himself.

However, more than twenty days later, news came back from within the Federation.

Everyone, including Agnes, breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the Federation launched a general mobilization, and the Empire was less than 20 hours late. It can be said that both sides made moves to escalate the war almost at the same time.

"This is a legendary strategic prediction!"

At an emergency meeting after the news came back, Chief of General Staff Stephen excitedly praised, and others also agreed.

For a time, Regent Norton II, who was the first to propose general mobilization, invisibly increased his reputation significantly.

The few remaining neutral factions in the political arena also showed signs of siding with the regent at this moment.

"Now he has gained a lot of political reputation. None of these people realize that the real pressure is actually on you, your highness, who is responsible for signing the general mobilization order."

Many people on the "Princess Party" side are somewhat dissatisfied with the current situation. In their view, the Regent has almost picked all the "fruits" by himself.

All the benefits were taken away by him, but the person who actually signed the general mobilization order was ignored.

"It doesn't matter. If Norton II hadn't put forward this suggestion so early, our general mobilization meeting might have been delayed a lot. By then, we would have been really passive."

Regarding the dissatisfaction of her subordinates on this matter, Her Royal Highness Agnes still spoke out to appease them. Party disputes belong to party disputes. However, after rising to the national level, this imperial princess still knows what "the overall situation is the most important".

"From this point of view, he has indeed made a great contribution. But we don't have to worry too much, it's just the beginning."

When the Star Dragon Empire's general mobilization began, it almost replicated the same 'splendid scene' as that of the Federation, and could even be said to be even worse.

Fanatic war sentiments broke out in the capital and the core galaxy circle, and many radicals outrageously attributed the cause of the old emperor Frederico Rosa Leon's serious illness to the Federation.

Although I don’t know how they did this, it has become one of the ‘100 reasons to destroy the Federation’.

Compared with the fanatical atmosphere of these core galaxy circles, the T2 and T3 galaxy circles have a completely different scene.

After receiving the messages on their personal terminals, one after another young people left home with their bags on their backs under the worried and reluctant eyes of their families.

There are no excited crowds, no exciting music, and no noisy and fanatical atmosphere.

Some were just silent crowds that slowly gathered from various places on the main road and finally gathered at the entrance of the military station.

Most of these young people who received the "mobilization order" didn't even know what had happened in the past six months.

They only knew that a war broke out between their country and another distant human country, the Federation.

What was the cause of the war? They don't know, or they don't know much about the country called the 'Federation'.

Before today, they had always thought that this war was far away from them. After all, a few days ago the empire's propaganda machine was still telling them that 'this is a war far away from the country and will not affect people's lives.'

But now, they are suddenly told that their country is facing a crisis and they need to fight on the front line

"John, why do you think there was a sudden general mobilization? Is there something wrong with the front line?"

"I advise you to be careful in your words and actions." The young man known as John looked at his companions and lowered his voice and said:

"If you talk nonsense here, be careful if someone overhears you and report you to the Military Justice Department. You will be locked up by then. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"It doesn't matter if I say a few words, the sky won't fall~"

The companion shook his head angrily, "I don't know when we can finish the fight and go home. Do you think we can bring back some military medals?"

"I hope so. I heard they said that if you have military medals, your family can be exempted from a lot of taxes every year."

"Then let's work hard! Try to get a bag back!"

"Yeah! Come on!"


As the man who receives news the fastest in the human world, Amber received the news shortly after the Federation and the Empire signed the "General Mobilization Order" respectively.

Amber was not surprised by the federal mobilization order, because it was like this in the game plot.

However, the general mobilization order signed almost immediately by the empire made him feel a little unexpected.

After all, in the original game timeline, the Empire waited until news came from the Federation before hastily signing the general mobilization order.

But no matter what, it is still nearly a month late.

One wrong step, one wrong step, and the late news directly put the empire into a passive position in the ensuing escalation of the war.

In the view of many plot parties and textual research parties, the late issuance of the general mobilization order was also one of the inducements for the final split of the Star Dragon Empire.

"The world line has changed again, and not just a little bit."

Looking at the message she received, Amber couldn't help but frown.

Although he was also curious about whether the fate of these two human countries would reach a new fork in the road if the empire carried out simultaneous general mobilization.

But this also means that his understanding of the subsequent plot may not be of use. After the timeline changes, the "gold finger" of foresight is no longer as useful as it was at the beginning.

"Fortunately, things like resource points and forerunner ruins will not change, otherwise it would be really big."

While thinking about this, a message from the Rubian Galaxy was forwarded to Amber's personal terminal by Lilith.

The content of the message is very simple, just one sentence:

"Boss, we have obtained the capital ship construction permit!"

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