From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 287 Operation Codename: Supernova Explosion

Miller's straightforward question caught President Brandon on the spot.

Faced with this question, the federal president, who was usually high-spirited and confident in his every move, fell into hesitation and silence.

If it was from the perspective of being responsible for the country, Brandon should have chosen the former between national interests and his own political career without hesitation.

But after he tasted the sweetness of controlling power, would he still be willing to pay such a heavy price as "ending his political life"?

Obviously, Brandon does not have such good qualities, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to contact the military-industrial complex for his own votes and cooperated deeply with them.

"I swear in the name of the full-power president of the Human Federation.

I must faithfully perform the duties of the federal president, respect and protect the rights and freedoms of all human beings and federal citizens.

Do my best to abide by, maintain and defend the federal constitution, and safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the federation.

Faithfully serve all citizens"

Brandon couldn't help but recall the highlight of his life, the moment when he was sworn in as the federal president holding the Federal Constitution.

But how long has it been since I last recalled this scene and the solemn oath?

Now it is becoming more and more blurred in my mind.

Opposite Brandon, Defense Minister Miller looked at the silent federal president with a barely detectable smile on his face.

"It's okay, Mr. President, you can think about this question slowly. Signing a general mobilization order is also a big deal, and there is no rush to make a decision today.

And even if you agree to sign, we will convene the chief officers in charge of various aspects of the army before that to discuss the 'general mobilization order' together.

After all, you only need to sign, but other units still have a lot to do."

Miller paused, then continued:

"Although there is no rush to sign the general mobilization order, there is another thing I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Hearing the last words of Defense Minister Miller, President Brandon finally came back to his senses and looked up and asked.

"Plans for large-scale military activities in the next stage."

Miller sent a battle plan to Brandon through the terminal, and the latter quickly projected it directly above the desk.

"This battle plan is one of the strategic plans we prepared before the war, and the premise for its activation is that our army will launch a large-scale counterattack.

And now is the right time to meet the conditions of this battle plan."

While listening to Miller's report, Brandon looked at the title of the plan.

"Battle Plan - Supernova Explosion Operation"

When Brandon saw the first page of the plan, which described the number of troops required for the battle, his eyes widened.

"Fifteen main fleets and six unmanned fleets? Do we need support from the garrison fleets of the autonomous governments of the galaxies around the war zone?"

He looked up at Miller, who was calm and collected, with doubts in his eyes.

"What do you and Trafalgar want to do? Have a fleet decisive battle with the Empire?"

"Mr. President, you should understand it as a 'fleet decisive battle'." Miller nodded,

"Although this is definitely not the last large-scale fleet battle in this war, it is indeed a 'quasi-decisive battle' that will play a 'final role' at the current stage."

"I need you to give a reason, otherwise I can't agree with you to launch a battle of this level. There are too many troops involved. If the battle fails, the entire federal navy will be paralyzed."

Brandon's expression was very serious. Because of his understanding of Miller and Trafalgar, he now looks at these two people and doubts whether they want to expand the war when they do anything.

"Okay. Okay, although Mr. President, you don't know much about military matters, since you asked it, we will naturally explain our reasons.

By the way, this battle plan was not finalized by Trafalgar and me, but by the Navy Command after discussion, so you don't look at us like 'dictators'."

Miller shrugged, obviously he still had some opinions about the way Brandon looked at him now.

"Like all combat code names, 'Supernova Explosion' was also an action code name chosen before the war.

Because this combat plan hopes that this large-scale offensive of the fleet can annihilate the enemy as fiercely as the energy generated by a supernova explosion.

The premise for the activation of this combat plan is that we can produce an absolute advantage in the number of ships in a certain period of time and turn this advantage in number into a winning advantage.

And now, this condition has been met."

Miller said while operating the holographic projection device on Brandon's desk.

Soon, a huge star map unfolded. In addition to the galaxies of each galaxy, there were also information such as the location, strength, and status of the naval fleets of the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire.

"The Star Dragon Empire just completed a troop rotation some time ago. According to the intelligence we received, the two Dukes of Duke and William, who belonged to the Regent Party, withdrew their fleets and artificial celestial fortresses to the Star Dragon Empire for rest.

Their replacements were the two Dukes of Hastings and Artesia from the Princess Party. In terms of military strength, in addition to the two man-made celestial fortresses, there were eight expeditionary strike groups, and they were all well-established new troops with high morale. Entering troops.

At the same time, according to the information collected by our long-term lurkers, the Duke of Hastings should be the one with the strongest ability to command fleet battles among the five current Dukes of the Star Dragon Empire. "

Defense Secretary Miller referred to the markings on the star map and spoke fluently about the current situation of the Star Dragon Empire. He had obviously been prepared to report beforehand.

"A new force with high morale, and there are also two man-made celestial fortresses. If I remember correctly, there are two more eight expeditionary strike groups than before, right?"

Brandon raised his eyebrows, "In this case, you still decided to take the initiative?"

"It is a fresh force, but it is also a fleet that has not been baptized by large-scale fleet battles and is definitely lacking in experience.

On the contrary, our fleet has accumulated a lot of experience after this year of fighting.

Moreover, the replenishment of personnel, equipment, and ships based on local operations must be faster. There is no need for rotation and rest to allow these fleets with combat experience to quickly replenish their establishment.

Coupled with our numerical advantage in fleets, taking the initiative to take advantage of the unstable foothold of the imperial fleet can produce miraculous results. "

Miller's tone was firm and serious. When discussing military issues, he became less cunning and more iron-blooded.

Immediately afterwards, he said the last and most crucial reason:

“The biggest reason why we chose to launch this campaign at this time is because of this rare opportunity.

After the news of the emperor's critical illness reaches the front line, even if it is covered up by the fleet's senior officials and the grassroots officers and soldiers are not informed, I believe that this news will definitely affect the judgment of the two dukes.

You must know that they are already the ones standing at the top of the Star Dragon Empire's pyramid, and the issue of legal succession is also very important to them.

Because they will eventually swear allegiance to the crowned new emperor, these dukes must hope that the person they support and assist will come to power.

At this time, if the two dukes on the front line were to face a 'decisive level' fleet battle, they would inevitably have concerns, and 'vacillating' and 'contemplating' were absolute taboos for military strategists.

Therefore, for this large-scale operation, the Navy, from Marshal Trafalgar to the combat staff, and even the fleet commanders of each fleet, are full of determination to win. "

After listening to Miller's eloquent words, Brandon fell silent.

He did not know much about fleet warfare, but after listening to Miller's analysis and description, the president began to feel that this battle seemed worth fighting.

Including the unmanned fleet, the Federation will dispatch an unprecedented 21 main fleets, totaling more than 5,300 warships of various types.

In terms of fleet numbers, the Federal Navy undoubtedly gained an absolute advantage on this battlefield.

Although the role that the empire's man-made celestial fortress can play in battles cannot be measured by "a few fleets".

But in the battle with these giants, Marshal Trafalgar gradually understood their various characteristics and summarized many usable tactics.

So when they appeared on the battlefield again, they no longer had the 'shocking' sense of oppression they had when they first appeared.

Of course, this does not mean that the Federation looks down upon this thing, otherwise they would not allow their mobile fortresses to be included as soon as possible.

After all, being swept away by the fortress' flashlight for one round will have devastating consequences for any fleet.

"I will convene an emergency meeting immediately. Mr. Minister, please elaborate again at the meeting later." Brandon looked at Miller and said after pondering for a moment.

"It seems that you agree with the federal navy to implement this combat plan?"

"Yes, because I think the outcome of this battle will have an impact on my other decision-making."

"You mean the general mobilization order?" Miller sat up straight and stared at Brandon seriously.

"Yes, if in Operation Supernova our navy can prove their ability to defeat the enemy"

Brandon paused for a moment, as if making a final struggle, but this struggle did not last long, and soon he said the next words that would be recorded in the history books in the future.

"Then I will agree to sign the general mobilization order and launch a war of annihilation against the Star Dragon Empire."

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