After Atlas's convoy got rid of the tracking of Lawrence and others, the journey afterwards was smooth.

After entering the port area, Telak and others began to count the team's consumption, and found that except for a lot of ammunition consumed due to fire suppression, not even the vehicles were damaged.

"That's it?"

After hearing the damage reported by Telak, Mengton curled his lips in disdain.

"This is too much. They fell down before I even tried to do anything."

"Forget it, if you hadn't struck them first and caught them off guard, this battle wouldn't have been so easy."

Telak shook his head. Compared to 'Big Smart' Mengton, his character was more calm.

He looked back at the two brothers in the back seat. After just experiencing a thrilling road chase, the two children had lost their initial nervousness and fear and were curiously studying the bulletproof modifications in the car. .

This also made Telak couldn't help but sigh, these human cubs are quite receptive.

Atlas's convoy quickly entered the port and drove directly through the green channel into the outer gravity zone of the ship's parking area.

Amber, Baninger and the remaining human marines were waiting in this area.

In this kind of satellite city that still maintains order and is restricted by administrative agencies, the only advantage of executing low-intensity battles is that there is no need to worry about the enemy possessing weapons such as electromagnetic rifles.

When performing tasks, both regular troops and mercenaries use the most basic gunpowder kinetic energy weapons.

However, except for Amber, everyone else still wore combat exoskeletons and carried weapons.

According to Amber, it is to ‘prevent these large companies with no moral boundaries from jumping over the wall’.

But fortunately, so far the opponent has a bottom line and has not directly started a war in this satellite city.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is afraid of the HCP of the port internal security forces.

In any case, Amber was quite happy after seeing that the team returned safely and even the paint was not peeled off.

Besides him, the person in charge of the car rental company who came to collect the car was also very happy.

When they were rented out, they were still ordinary civilian vehicles, but when they were returned, they were all modified bulletproof and explosion-proof vehicles, and the customer who rented the car had no intention of taking back these modified parts.

If it were rented out again, the rent would be completely different.

Just as the person in charge of the car rental company was happily taking his employees to collect the car, Amber and his team also escorted the Koch brothers towards the berth where the Ares was located.

A large group of "lion heads" in suits and ties, plus a team of soldiers wearing combat exoskeletons, are enough to make Amber and the others the most handsome boys in the port at this time.

Many people are speculating that the person escorted by such a team may be the son of a high-ranking official or the young master of a certain plutocrat.

Amber wanted to keep a low profile, but after the road chase, he knew that people from Mary Bay Industries were already targeting them.

Now that everyone is being targeted, there's nothing to hide.

Soldiers like Baninger who have been fully armed can also make the opponent retreat in spite of difficulties, at least not to take action at the port.

Amber was glad that she finally decided to bring Eugene Koch and his employees on board.

Otherwise, we would have to return to the satellite city where Trident Studio is located to meet them.

The risk is even greater.

The brothers Simple and Koch explained the situation and informed them that their brother, Eugene Koch, was also on board.

The two children were no longer so afraid of Amber and this large group of armed men.

Amber also arranged for Menton and Tailak, who were in the car with the two brothers, to be 'personal escorts'.

According to him, this can be regarded as a practical exercise of 'protecting important personnel' for these two people.

After the two big lions heard that the performance of this actual combat drill would be converted into KPIs and included in their annual assessment, they immediately became 100% energetic.

And Bottas and Matthew, two guys with rough lines, relaxed a little now.

After the tension in their hearts was relieved, the two children immediately became interested in the two big lions around them.

"Mr. Telak, do you usually lose hair? Do you spit out hair balls?"

"We shed hair, but we don't spit out hair balls because we don't lick our fur like wild animals."

"Brother Menton, do you usually eat vegetables? Or just meat? Do you eat raw meat?"

"Of course you have to eat vegetables, especially you kids. You have to maintain a balanced nutritional intake, you know? You definitely have to eat meat too. Raw meat is only eaten occasionally and inactivated for a taste."

"Then let me ask you quietly, will you be in estrus?"

After hearing the last question, Mengton's eyes lit up as if he had reached the scope of his field.

"I can answer this question. Ouch! Why did you hit me, Telak?"

"Don't answer some questions that are inappropriate for children."

When Amber and the others boarded the ship as quickly as possible, they transferred a "road repair fee" to the chief executive of the satellite city.

With a stroke of his pen, the fat man with Mediterranean hair gave the Ares the green light to start the departure procedure as quickly as possible.

"This greedy guy is really a lion. No, he is greedier than these big lions on our ship!"

At the same time as he ended the communication with the Chief Executive, Randall in the captain's seat complained unhappily.

"Keep calm, keep calm, spend some money for the success of this mission."

Amber, who was floating past the captain's seat and heading towards the CIC, continued to smile after hearing Randall's words:

"Sooner or later, I will make these guys spit out all their money."

"Amber, I suddenly feel that your remarks are a bit dangerous."

Isabel, who was sitting in the tactical operations officer's seat, interrupted, but was immediately knocked on the head by Amber who floated past her.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Just work hard. If anyone is lazy and not focused, be careful that I will deduct his performance."

"What about you? The entire bridge and CIC are just you floating around!"

"Of course I am the supervisor? Who else can do such an important position besides me?"


Of course, Amber said so, but in fact he didn't really intend to just supervise.

He just wanted his men to be more proactive, after all, he couldn't teach them how to fight all his life.

And as the fleet gradually expands, Amber will be more likely to command the entire fleet in future fleet battles.

As for the specific actions of each warship, it will be handed over to the command organization and the shipboard control personality of the warship.

So we have to take advantage of the fact that the scale of the battle is still relatively small and the outcome of the battle is relatively controllable, so as to let these fleet battle rookies gain more experience.

As for what is meant by "controllable outcome of the battle", it naturally means that when the scale of victory begins to show signs of leaning towards the enemy, Amber will drive the HCP to cut the target to pieces.

"Okay, everyone pay attention, I'll say it again!"

Amber floated to the middle of the CIC, making sure that her voice could be heard by everyone on the bridge and CIC.

"Don't think you're safe once you leave the port. From what I know about these companies, Mary Bay Industries will never give up, and they may have already gone too far.

Their commander is definitely planning to attack again before we enter the jump, and this time we are likely to face multiple hostile warships.

Based on the opponent's goal of kidnapping the 'VIP', they will most likely adopt the strategy of intercepting on the route and then boarding at close range.

I hope you all can perform at a level beyond your usual training and face this real fleet battle."

"Yes! Boss!"

After watching the people on the bridge and CIC begin to prepare nervously, Amber floated back to the side of the captain's seat.

In this position, he can better control the current battle situation and can also go to the hangar as quickly as possible.

"Amber, are you sure the other party will attack again after we leave Industrial 4?"

Randall, who was in the captain's seat, turned his head to look at Amber and asked uncertainly.

"There is a 99% chance that they will do it. If they don't, I will take you to a club with young elves and models when we get back this time."

"Hey! You are good at calculating. The club was supposed to take me there! I have been here for so long, and I haven't seen many elves, let alone young elves and models. I just shoot with a bunch of rough guys in the asteroid belt every day."

Randall, who was triggered by the 'keyword', curled his lips in disdain, and then immediately returned to work.

"By the way, why are you so sure?"

"The intuition of a psychic~"

Amber tapped her temple and said with a smile.

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