From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 20 The base was attacked (Please read it! Please collect it!)

During the empire's orbital strike, the Yasin base was affected by the presence of sleeper personnel and federal "surrendered" personnel.

Therefore, the federal soldiers here were not hit by tactical hydrogen bombs.

Instead, he received an air-burst tactical thermobaric bomb.

Especially the soldiers at the Army Day celebration party, who were basically served in one pot.

Commander Adam, who had finished singing, happened to be near the base's air raid shelter to inspect the officers and soldiers when the orbital strike occurred.

So I was very lucky to escape this round of tactical missiles.

But other soldiers were not so lucky.

Before they could recover from the orbital blow and figure out what happened.

I saw Imperial orbital drop pods falling to the ground one after another, with screams and screams, against the base's remaining anti-aircraft firepower.

When they saw a bunch of fully armed orbital paratroopers rushing out of these airborne pods.

The surviving soldiers finally understood what had happened.

The Empire has invaded.

The first to launch a counterattack were the surviving soldiers on duty at Yassin Base.

Although most of their sentries are in the first round of strikes, they are focused on taking care of them.

And after the base's power station was destroyed, most of the automatic defense weapons also lost their function.

However, these soldiers wearing exoskeletons, under the leadership of their officers, quickly gathered and launched an attack on the Imperial orbital paratroopers who had already invaded the base.

With the support of several multi-legged tanks, the motorized infantry firmly guarded the main road in the base.

Then, relying on the absolute firepower advantage of the electrothermal chemical cannon and small charged particle cannon on the multi-legged chariot, the empire's orbital paratroopers were suppressed at the corner of the street.

Viscount Ancarin, who completed the airborne landing and walked out of the airborne cabin, joined the nearby members of the 'Noble Squad'.

What was heard on the shortwave communication channel were calls from multiple vanguard teams under his command, requesting support.

Through the battlefield command system, Viscount Ankarin also saw the first batch of 100 airborne pods thrown down by his regiment (one airborne pod can hold 5 people).

Only 56 fell to the ground intact.

"Bah! People from the Intelligence Department can go eat shit."

Seeing the troops that suffered heavy losses during the airdrop, Viscount Ankarin lifted his visor angrily and spat.

"Thankfully they were able to say nonsense like 'at most, 25% of the airborne troops will be lost' at the pre-war meeting!"

Frowning and shaking his head, Viscount Ankarin clicked and loaded the Gauss rifle mounted under his arm.

Then he looked at a nearby orbital paratrooper who had just stepped out of the drop cabin and said.

"Dale! I leave the battlefield command to you. Lead the boys to capture our mission area!"

Although Viscount Ankarin is a senior orbital paratrooper, his attainments in tactical command are actually not very high.

Therefore, the battlefield command of the 'Blood Dragon Regiment' actually falls on the heads of the battalion commanders under their command.

On the battlefield, Lord Viscount exists more as a 'hero unit', boosting the morale of friendly troops.

"Received, Lord Viscount! Just go and enjoy the battlefield with peace of mind~"

The tactical commander named Dale shrugged, obviously used to this job.

"Hahahaha! Of the four battalion commanders in the regiment, you understand me best!"

Viscount Ankarin laughed and walked in the other direction with his 'noble squad'.

At the end, I didn't forget to go back and give one more instruction.

"That's right! Speed ​​up the progress, our Blood Dragon Regiment cannot lose to other troops!"

"I obey your will~"

Like a drama actor, Dale saluted in the direction Viscount Ankarin left.

When he turned around and looked at the other soldiers around him, his seriousness had returned.

"I heard what Lord Viscount said! What are we!"

"Blood Dragon Group!"

"What is the Blood Dragon Group!"

"The Emperor's Blade!"

"Very good~ let's go!"

Dale looked with satisfaction at the orbital paratroopers around him who were still in high morale despite suffering heavy casualties, and waved his big hand forward.

At the same time, the troops began to be commanded to start operations through short-wave communications and battlefield command systems.

"The surviving members of companies A and B are combined and put under the command of the commander of company A! Go support the advance team and stabilize the front!"

"C Company follows me into the building and prepares for blasting operations!"

"The fire team went to the area I marked and found an opportunity to pick up the multi-legged chariot!"

"Electronic countermeasures team, release electronic warfare drones and start battlefield interference!"

"Communications team, start guiding the follow-up troops to airborne!"

On the other side, Viscount Ankarin, who led the noble team to the communication center, soon encountered a counterattack by the surviving federal troops.

As time passed, more and more surviving Union soldiers pulled out their equipment from the rubble and began to join the battle.

The pressure on Viscount Ankarin to attack the communication center is also increasing.

"MBT! 11 o'clock direction!"

A slightly panicked call suddenly came from the communication channel.

On the HUD of Viscount Ankarin's visor, a purple 'high-threat unit' logo has just been standardized by the system.

The next second, a programmed high-explosive bomb streaked across the street and exploded in the direction of the Imperial orbital paratrooper attack.


The shock wave caused by the high-explosive bomb directly overturned the Viscount.

He struggled to get up from the ground, then stumbled and hid behind a broken wall.

Where the high-explosive bomb exploded, the bodies of seven or eight orbital paratroopers were left behind.

The wounded nearby were being helped by their comrades to find shelter nearby.

Viscount Ankarin poked his head out from behind the broken wall. A gray main battle tank with thick composite armor knocked over a wall like a wild beast and rushed out.

In direct fire mode, the 155mm dual-purpose electrothermal chemical cannon looks slightly ferocious, and green smoke is still rising from the muzzle of the gun that has just been fired.

The twin 35mm automatic chain guns on the top of the turret were spitting out tongues of fire.

The hail of bullets swept across the street like a giant broom, cutting off several orbital paratroopers who had no time to dodge.

The chain gun doesn't matter whether you are a noble or not, it will still interrupt what should be interrupted.

Viscount Ancarin looked at this scene without much sadness.

But whether it was him or the other members of the noble team, they had actually been mentally prepared for it.

Instead of spending time feeling sad or fearful, it is better to think about how to solve the problem in front of you.

"**** (empire expletive), why are there such old guys in the federal base!"

"Hate, there are many tanks in our border base that have not yet been retired."

"Besides, this thing is old and it's really useful at critical moments."

In the communication channel, the suppressed members of the noble team were complaining.

But they didn't just wait behind the bunker.

Because the MBT's main gun was roaring rhythmically.

If we don't do something, it won't be long before all the buildings nearby that can be used as bunkers will be demolished by this guy's 155mm high-explosive bombs.

Several orbital paratroopers with anti-vehicle weapons touched the side under the cover of their teammates.

A moment later, several top-attack missiles flew out from behind the surrounding buildings.

But at the moment when the missile fell vertically and hit the tank, a burst of dazzling white light exploded along with the explosion and fire.

"Fuck! It's a deflection field!"

The missile, which was detonated in advance by the strong magnetic field surrounding the tank, only ended up with a layer of black scorch on the top of the turret.

"Captain, we can't handle this thing! We need a more powerful weapon to knock it over!"

"Understood, I told them to throw down the Titan!"

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