In the black SUV in the middle of the convoy, Bottas and Mathieu, who were sitting in the back seat, looked at each other for a few times.

Then they all saw confusion, tension and uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Of course, for humans who have almost never seen Roma people in reality, it is still a bit nervous to be suddenly taken into the car by such a group of 'orcs'.

Not to mention two children.

In the driver's seat, Menton was driving the SUV carefully.

In the final month of training, all Roma were trained in vehicle driving.

Thanks to the convergence and intelligence of various vehicle driving systems, even these Roma people who have never driven a human vehicle quickly mastered driving skills under the dual training of simulator + real vehicle.

At the moment, Mengton is following the formation requirements of the 'VIP escort convoy', following the SUV in front, constantly weaving in and out of the traffic flow.

Looking through the rearview mirror, he saw two overly nervous human children in the back seat.

The two children were also looking at him carefully through the rearview mirror.

Thinking of Boss telling them to be kind before they set off.

So Monton made a 'wink', intending to make the two children relax.

But obviously, he forgot how much impact a lion's head and grinning teeth would have on humans.

Bottas and Matthew in the back seat immediately did not dare to move any more. They sat stiffly on the chairs, not daring to breathe out, and their faces were full of fear.


Mengton scratched his head with one hand in embarrassment. With his flowing mane, he always made those little lionesses, little she-cats, and little mares crazy when he was doing "wink" on weekdays.

But this time, facing two human boys, this move failed.

"Tailaq, I seem to have frightened the two children behind."

After hearing his words, Telak turned his head and glanced behind him, and sure enough he saw two 'frightened little chickens'.

After thinking for a while, he took out two chocolate-flavored energy bars from his pocket, took out two bottles of drinking water, and handed them to the back.

At the same time, the synchronous translation device hanging on the ear was turned on, and the power amplifier mode was turned on.

"Don't be afraid. Eat some energy bars to calm down. There are body armors under the seats. You can put them on first."

Watching the two children gingerly take the energy bars and water, Telak continued:

"You saw the token just now. We were really sent by your brothers to pick you up."

"Sorry, gentlemen, this is indeed the first time we have seen the legendary Roma with our own eyes, so we are a little nervous."

Matthew, the youngest, showed a higher emotional intelligence than his second brother at this time, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Telak.

"Legendary? Did he just say 'legendary'? Haha~"

Regarding Matthew's description, Menton seemed quite happy, as if he had become a big shot.

However, Telak ignored Menton's madness and prepared to get close to the two children again to relieve their tension.

But at this moment, the car radio buzzed twice, and then the voice of the Memphis instructor came out.

“Attention all vehicles, we are tailing behind, it seems someone is coming to play with us.

Attention VIP cars, follow the car in front.

Other vehicles, take cover! "

"Copy that, sir."

After hearing what Memphis said, Telak quickly replied in the communication channel and then opened a screen in front of the passenger seat.

Under his operation, a four-copter drone flew out of a temporarily installed flat part on the roof of the car.

The footage taken by the drone was also quickly displayed on the screen.

About 50 meters behind the convoy, a car that had been marked by other vehicles was following at a distance at a high speed.

"It seems that Boss is right. Mary Bay Industries really wants to attack these two children. We are really lucky. The routine operations of these large companies in handling these matters are indeed quite simple and crude."

Telak looked at the car on the screen and murmured, while controlling the drone to change to 'follow mode', and then scouting in other directions through the camera.

Mengton, who was driving, quickly glanced at the screen and said:

"Is there only one tail? This is just for tracking, right? If the other party wants to take action, there must be other helpers."

"You're right, and their help is here too."

Telak looked serious. On the screen in front of him, the entire convoy was turning from the main road onto the expressway leading to the port.

It was during working hours during the day, and except for a few freight vehicles, there were no other vehicles on this expressway.

The other party seemed to be planning to pick this spot to attack. Not only did the car turn around, but six other vehicles lurking in the traffic also turned around.

These vehicles with different identities have obviously been modified, and one of them is even disguised as a donut transporter.

You may not be able to tell it when mixed in the traffic, but once you drive it alone, you can see that their bodies are obviously different.

Obviously, like everyone else in Atlas, the vehicle has been modified to be bulletproof and explosion-proof.

"Attention everyone, get ready for battle."

In the communication channel, Memphis's voice came again.

Telak also picked up a heavy-duty fully automatic shotgun with a drum cartridge from his feet, and loaded it with a click.

After modification, this heavy-duty shotgun had an enlarged handle and trigger guard, as well as enlarged safety, speed and other components. It was as compact as a submachine gun in Telak's hands.

The weapons of other people in the team have also been temporarily modified to make them easier for Roma people to hold.

However, everyone's weapons are gunpowder kinetic energy weapons, which is also a regulation of the satellite city administrative agency.

Although these Atlas employees have obtained temporary gun licenses and are allowed to bring weapons in, they are still limited in the power of their weapons.

High-penetration weapons such as small directed energy weapons and electromagnetic rifles are prohibited. The use of these weapons may still cause harm to satellite cities.

But for gunpowder kinetic energy weapons, there are no such big restrictions.

Memphis, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the lead car, also completed the last communication with Amber through the encrypted communication channel.

After hearing Memphis' report, Amber also made the same judgment as Telak with the help of the information Lilith collected in the satellite city network.

The ‘tail’ behind them in Memphis must be someone from Mary Bay Industries.

Maybe it was their private soldiers, or maybe other mercenaries they hired.

These people were originally planning to find opportunities to kidnap Eugene Koch's two younger brothers these days, and then use this to threaten the studio manager and agree to their 'acquisition'.

Unexpectedly, Atlas's security team came to pick them up.

According to Amber's judgment, these people would definitely not let Memphis reach the port easily.

The best time to do it is on the expressway to the port.

However, based on the dispatch speed of the satellite city's internal defense troops, it is possible that they have finished their work and headed to the port. They have just received the news and are ready to dispatch.

So I don't expect these internal guards to be of any help. In the end, Memphis can only rely on them to rush through it themselves.

Since Mary Bay Industries is also "mobilizing forces" like this, it means that they have probably parked ships at the port, and there must be backup forces on board.

If these people fail to intercept the target along the way, the people at the port will be the final insurance.

And Amber will personally lead another team to kill this last insurance.

After ending the communication with Amber, Memphis manipulated the passenger screen.

A small laser communication device protrudes from a 'patch' on the top of the vehicle.

The simple and crude connection method proves that this thing is also a temporary installation.

At the same time, the Roma people in other vehicles also received the instructor's latest instructions through the team communication channel.

"All vehicles, turn off short-wave communication, and switch the team communication channel to blue-green laser communication mode.

Vehicle No. 4, turns on the electronic warfare module for final debugging, and conducts full-band interference blocking after confirming that the battle has begun.

Cars No. 3 and 5 should pay close attention to the movements of the "tail" behind them. Once they find that the other party has an intention to attack, it is better to strike first.

We have obtained the Boss's permission to fight. "

"Roger that! Sir!"

Behind the Atalas motorcade, a modified SUV was accelerating to catch up.

Lawrence, who was affiliated with Yaoguang Defense, felt an ominous premonition in his heart when he looked at the high-speed convoy maintaining a dense formation in front of him.

Yaoguang Defense, where he works, is considered a big company in the mercenary circle, and has signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Mary Bay Industries.

In addition to regular tasks such as important area defense and VIP protection, I occasionally have to help Mary Bay Industries do some dirty and dirty work.

For example, they can kill important R\u0026D personnel and executives of competing companies, steal their opponents' confidential documents, or create some small surprises for other companies' factories.

Compared with the above tasks, today's 'picking up' task is considered to be relatively 'friendly'.

But this team of people suddenly appeared and caught Lawrence and others by surprise.

After they watched their target being taken away, some vague information came from the 'nest'.

This team of people who suddenly appeared should be other mercenaries hired by Eugene Koch.

"I remember the boss said, isn't the Trident Studio not big in scale? How can we still have the money to hire so many mercenaries? And most of them are Roma. Hey, this is the first time I've seen these big cats. "

"Who knows, maybe this guy sold his family property? Planning to save his brothers and run away?"

"Well, I quite like their modified parts. It would be a shame if I didn't do them again."

The other companions in the SUV started chatting in a few words.

But Lawrence, whose premonition was getting worse and worse, interrupted their conversation.

"Shut up, don't make unreasonable comments about the higher-ups, and don't talk too much during the mission."

"Yes, boss."

After the car became quiet, Lawrence, who was determined to cut through the mess quickly, no longer hesitated and said directly on the team channel:

"Everyone, cheer up! Follow Plan C and start attacking."

After his order was issued, he quickly received replies from other cars on the channel.

And these camouflaged vehicles also began to speed up, closing the distance with the Atlas convoy.

The windows of several of the cars were also rolled down, and several people wearing combat equipment leaned out and aimed their guns ahead.

"Attention, the opponent has drawn a gun! Prepare to counterattack!"

A slightly nervous call from Car No. 5 came over the communication channel.

Adhering to the principle of 'strike first to gain the upper hand', the Roma man on the No. 4 car did not hesitate to activate the 'full-band jamming' mode of the portable electronic warfare unit.

During the training process at the Tower of Babel, they only received the most basic technical weapons skills.

Since professional electronic warfare technicians have not yet been trained, these Roma will only use off-the-shelf electronic warfare equipment in terms of electronic warfare, and are limited to using the relatively fixed functions of these equipment.

If it were the three electronic warfare technicians who followed Amber and killed them, the following vehicles would have a big job.

But even relying on this portable electronic warfare unit alone is enough to feed the mercenaries of Yaoguang Defense behind them.

These mercenaries would never have thought that the Atlas team in front of them would behave exactly like the army in combat.

In order to fight in a complex electromagnetic environment, a blue-green laser communication device was even installed on the vehicle.

So when the electronic warfare unit started to "work", the people behind Yaoguang Defense were confused.

There were only bursts of rustling noise in the communication channel, and the only way to communicate with other vehicles was through gestures.

And just when the mercenaries leaning out of the car window were still hesitating whether to continue attacking as planned.

They saw that the team in front of them, which had been maintaining a tight formation, finally changed.

Two of the SUVs retreated to the end of the queue, staying parallel in the two lanes.

From the open sunroofs of the two cars, a strong lion head poked out of each one.

With their smiles that looked very kind to the Roma but looked extremely ferocious to outsiders, they lifted two general-purpose machine guns out of the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, the two lion heads showed what "recoil is a lie of capitalism" to the mercenaries behind them who had not yet understood the situation.

“Da da da da da da da!!!”

When two tongues of flame swept from the SUV in front, Lawrence knew something was wrong.

The other party's strength and professionalism far exceed the judgment of the 'nest' intelligence personnel.

And they were very decisive. After discovering that Lawrence and the others had offensive intentions, they opened fire without saying a word.

Just a few long bursts of fire from the 'world-class pressure gun' suppressed all the mercenaries of Yaoguang Defense who had leaned out and returned to the car.

But these Yaoguang Defense mercenaries are not rookies either.

Although the communication within the team had been disrupted at this time, they relied on their experience and immediately drew a dragon on the road.

The drivers of several trucks behind them stepped on the brakes and started to slow down after seeing seven vehicles snaking on the road ahead, and at the same time there seemed to be vehicles firing further ahead.

A few enthusiastic drivers even took the time to call the satellite city police station's emergency hotline.

"Hello? I want to call the police! There are many cars fighting on the N37 expressway heading towards the port!"

"Huh? What weapon are you talking about? A machine gun! Have you seen the clicking machine gun?!"

Regardless of how the police in the satellite city felt when they heard someone firing a machine gun on the expressway.

Lawrence of Yaoguang Defense was not in a good mood at this time anyway.

Although the front windshield of the vehicle he was riding in had been changed to bulletproof glass, it was still shot into a blur by the general machine gun fire.

The mercenary in the driving seat can only drive through the footage captured by the on-board camera.

The situation of other vehicles is not much different from them.

After the two Roma discovered that these vehicles had been modified to be bulletproof, they focused their shooting on the front windshields of the vehicles.

Under their incredible gun control, the front windshields of the seven vehicles were all turned into a blur of white, which also prevented these vehicles from making greater evasive maneuvers.

But this is not over yet. The Roma security team, which has already taken the initiative, does not intend to waste this excellent opportunity.

While the two machine gunners maintained suppressive fire, the two SUVs slowed down and quickly drove to a position parallel to the two Yaoguang Defense vehicles.

The mercenaries on these two vehicles didn't even have time to urge the drivers to evade.

They saw the window of the back seat of the SUV rolled down, a grinning lion head giving them a 'kind' smile, and then aiming the fully automatic shotgun at them.

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