Chapter 190 Eugene Koch

Peony Star, Swan Harbor.

The Hermes, painted in low-visibility paint, slowly sailed into space from the open valve of the living spaceport.

Randall, who led the entire crew to complete the last training subject within the prescribed time, commanded the Hermes to return to Swan Harbor a few days ago.

In addition to regular supplies to the ship, the most important thing is to pick up Amber and others, and then, accompanied by an elf cargo ship affiliated with the Yuge family, go to the second-hand ship trading market in the Federation to complete the ship The handover of the newly purchased Haiyan class and two small mining ships.

As for the defense of the asteroid belt in the near future, it will be taken over by a batch of newly deployed automatic defense equipment.

These equipment, including camouflaged air mines and automatic turrets, are enough to drive away ordinary pirates.

These bullies will only target small mining areas that have not built any defenses.

Whenever resistance appears in the target area, they will retreat immediately.

Moreover, the location where the asteroid mining operation base is deployed is originally very secret, and it is even possible that no one has been there before.

Therefore, in terms of short-term safety and self-preservation, Amber does not have to worry about this asteroid mining area and the current only 'income-generating unit' in Atlas.

Moreover, the cargo ships of the Yuge family will arrive at this mining area regularly. While replenishing the operational base, they will also tow away the raw ore and the Revolver-class refined ore.

Due to Amber's lack of energy, the ore produced by the asteroid base was directly sold to the Yuge family at a price slightly lower than the market price.

Anyway, even if the price is lower than the market price, in these days of soaring ore prices, the profit is extremely high.

At the same time, Randall also brought a new message.

That is the asteroid exploration team led by George. After preliminary exploration in several areas provided by Amber, they have currently discovered two asteroids that are suitable in size and completeness.

At present, George has personally led a team to land on these two asteroids one after another to explore their internal structures and contained mineral deposits.

If nothing else happens, there should be results when Amber comes back from the federation this time.

"This is indeed good news. After the exploration is completed, specific planning of the asteroid base can be carried out based on the structure of the asteroid."

Looking at the current status report on the mining area that Randall brought back and written by George himself, Amber felt confident.

And he found that George did have certain abilities in this area.

Not only does he have solid basic skills, but he is also very able to endure hardships and is neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Even though she was given management functions by Amber, she still worked on the front line and did not hide behind and dominate.

During this period, under his "lead the charge" management, the asteroid mining area was operating normally.

The output of minerals is also in line with the output that should be achieved based on the current scale of personnel and mining fleet.

Atlas's company account was finally credited.

While Amber was reading the report on the bridge, sixty Roma marines were curiously looking at the interior structure of the cabin in the Hermes crew cabin.

For these furballs, this is their first time boarding a human ship.

They were accustomed to seeing elven biological ships, and they also had a strong interest in this cold steel giant built by humans.

After completing the training assessment in the last subject, 60 of the first batch of Roma candidates finally passed the assessment in all subjects.

They survived the 40% elimination rate and became the first batch of Roma marines to join the Atlas Private Military Company.

and integrated into a reinforced infantry platoon.

When Amber left the Tower of Babel this time, she also took the 'A Platoon' with her on the battleship.

Also accompanying him were Sergeant Baninger and 17 other instructors. The 18 of them formed two 'teaching classes'.

The long-awaited field mission made these instructors very excited.

The remaining instructors who had just installed the prosthetic bodies remained in the Tower of Babel this time.

They will continue to train the second batch of Roma candidates based on the training outline left by Amber.

As for why these ‘soldiers’ were brought along this time, it was mainly because Amber would go directly to the location of Trident Studio after completing the transaction of second-hand ships.

In previous email communications, Amber and studio manager Eugene Koch chatted very smoothly.

Both parties also agreed to have an interview this time.

The process of picking up a ship in the Federation's second-hand ship trading market is similar to that in the Empire.

However, in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Amber still let the Hermes stop at a coordinate in deep space.

He took Randall and a group of other crew members who were preparing to board the new ship and headed to the market on the elf cargo ship.

During the ship inspection, payment, repainting and basic maintenance, the two second-hand Stormtrooper-class small mining ships purchased during this process were also packed into the Elf cargo ship after being disassembled and packed.

This cargo ship will also go directly to the asteroid belt to 'deliver goods' after the transaction is completed.

Because the Federation's livery is much more low-key than the Imperial Royal Navy's 'gold-rimmed' livery.

Therefore, the construction period for adjusting the painting was shortened a lot. This time Amber only asked the staff to erase some symbols and signs.

A week later, the Ares and the Elf cargo ship completed the rendezvous with the Hermes at the predetermined coordinates.

After transporting the Roma Marines and other personnel to the Ares via transport boats, the Hermes left with the Elf cargo ship.

Although there are currently only a group of less skilled crew members on the Hermes, even the captain is served by the shipboard control personality.

But at least the old Ass are still on the ship, and the 'ten-year veteran' class shipboard control personality has gained more authority, so it will definitely be no problem to return the ship to the asteroid belt.

On the other side, Ares, which broke away from the formation, quickly entered the jump and arrived at the galaxy where Trident Studio is located three days later.

This small workshop-like studio is located in an artificial satellite in the galaxy.

Compared with the surface of the planet, housing rents are cheaper and logistics are more convenient for delivery and delivery, so most small businesses have chosen this type of artificial residential satellite as their office location.

Amber also met Eugene Koch waiting at the studio gate in a remote area of ​​the satellite city.

"Mr. Eugene, we finally meet."

Seeing the real owner, Amber walked up with a smile and took the initiative to extend her hand.

And Eugene, who was obviously a little nervous, wiped his hand vigorously on his body and grabbed it.

"I have been looking forward to your arrival, Mr. Rebeer."

In addition to being nervous, Eugene's expression also contained a hint of excitement and happiness.

When he first received Amber's email, he didn't take it seriously.

But after several exchanges, he discovered that the other party was also very knowledgeable in individual soldier equipment, and he also made suggestions on the modification parts of several of the studio's main sales.

“The brief exchange with you via email really inspired me to come up with a lot of new ideas!”

"I wish I could help you."

Amber responded with a smile, but felt a little embarrassed.

After all, some of the things he said in the email were solutions that Eugene would come up with in the future.

"Although I still have some doubts about the acquisition you mentioned. After all, you have also seen the conditions of my studio. I really don't know how I fell into your eyes."

Speaking of this, Eugene Koch also seemed a little embarrassed.

He still hasn't figured out why Amber suddenly came to him and proposed to acquire the studio.

"Of course it's because of your talent, Mr. Eugene."

Amber paused, her eyes exuding a brilliance that could not be denied.

"I believe in the conditions I proposed. Mr. Eugene, you will definitely not be able to refuse."

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