From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 179 Asteroid Base Construction Plan

In Amber's mind, the recruitment plan for fleet members is only temporary.

Its purpose is only to meet the initial personnel needs of the Atlas PMC combat fleet.

Although he did not know at this time that the Federation had launched the unmanned fleet plan and put it into actual combat.

But in the original game, shortly after the Star Dragon Empire split, the major forces started fighting against each other, causing a large number of experienced crew members to return to the Star Sea.

Ship automation technology also developed rapidly during the war.

Although it is not as thorough as the Federation's unmanned fleet, after giving the shipboard control personality high enough authority, it can still reduce the crew size by more than 70%.

Sixty or seventy people can operate a destroyer, and more than a hundred people can operate a cruiser.

Capital ships such as battlecruisers and battleships only need less than four hundred people to form combat effectiveness.

Most of these are positions that cannot be replaced by machines, such as CIC, maintenance team, damage control team, etc.

Now, the several kilometers long capital ships of the Federation and the Empire each have two to three thousand crew members.

Every time there is a large-scale fleet battle, the loss of crew members also makes both sides feel heartache.

According to Amber's idea, after having a larger server array and giving Lilith a surplus of computing power, she started to take care of it to see if she could carry out related development.

After the fleet automation technology of other forces emerges, I will find a way to "purchase" it and combine it with Lilith's research to form Atlas's own fleet automation technology.

Then this involves a new development focus-the construction of large server arrays.

Since Lilith will become the core existence in the future, the construction of a very large server array needs to be put on the agenda.

Like now, it would definitely not work to find a room in Babel Manor and hang a sign saying 'Company Computer Room'.

Once this server array is set up, it will definitely be one of Atalas's most important assets, so it must be placed in a hidden and safe place.

"The construction of an asteroid base is one of our next development priorities."

In the main control room of the operational base deployed on an asteroid, an impromptu meeting was held under the leadership of Amber.

In addition to Ellenita, who is the major shareholder, the participants also included Isabel, Randall and others.

George, who is in charge of asteroid belt mining, was also brought over to attend the meeting.

“In my plan, the asteroid base will serve as the true headquarters of Atlas Company, with functions such as personnel stationing, ship docking and maintenance, combat equipment and logistics centers, and data centers.

At present, most PMCs lease ports to be used as ship terminals, but we cannot take this route.

The future of Atlas cannot be limited to these small ships, and our development route is also different from the traditional PMC.

They only have the ability to participate in a certain battle, but Atlas will have the ability to intervene and even initiate a war in the future."

This was the first time that Amber directly stated his 'ambition' in front of everyone.

There is nothing to hide about these things. As the company continues to develop, everyone will know it sooner or later.

This time, I just happened to take advantage of Ellenita's presence to tell it in advance.

"Amber, are you going to rebel?"

Randall crossed his arms and looked surprised. Although he had known that Amber would never settle down, he really didn't expect that his ambition would be so big.

"No, I just want to bring peace to the people who will be caught in the war in the future."

Amber replied with a smile.

"Although at first I just wanted to live with you here, but after hearing what you said, I really felt that the blood in my body started to surge upwards."

Although he was in zero gravity, Randall stood up straight and continued:

"I don't have any objections. Aren't PMCs always fighting everywhere? It's just that the scale of our battles is a little larger."

"I don't have any objection either~"

Isabel had no other objections. After the incident at the family manor, she had already accepted whatever Amber said.

Other veterans who followed Amber to establish Atlas, including those who stayed at the Tower of Babel and were participating in the meeting remotely through the psychically entangled communication crystal provided by Ellenita, also had no objections.

Their thoughts were the same as Randall's. They were going to fight anyway, just on a larger scale.

They also believed that Amber had the ability to do what he said. After all, it was a miracle to bring these people here from Robert Four.

Then it is not impossible to create another miracle.

"I don't have any objections. I don't have any other abilities. As long as I can mine and make money, I will continue to work in the company. After all, there is no mining company with better pay and benefits than here."

‘Miner Chief’ George scratched his head in embarrassment, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Mr. Amber, I feel more and more that the investment I made in you was the most visionary project I have done in this period."

Ellenita was the last to comment, and hers was 'no comment'.

"From the current point of view, your plans are long-term and feasible, and it seems that the return on investment will only get higher and higher in the future. For me, this is enough."

After everyone finished speaking, Amber took a deep breath and bowed sincerely to everyone.

"Thank you for your trust in me. Then I won't be my mother-in-law. I will start arranging the tasks for the next stage directly."

Amber clicked a few times on the terminal, and the content he had prepared appeared on the big screen in the main control room.

"First, George will take the lead in forming an asteroid base site selection team to find a suitable asteroid in this asteroid belt, with a long axis of no less than 180 kilometers and a short axis of no less than 100 kilometers. I will I will send you the coordinates of several areas. You can start exploring from these areas first.

After the site selection was completed, the codename of the asteroid was 'A.Bawa.ku'.

At the same time, the mining team will continue to purchase additional small mining ships in the near future, and you need to be prepared to receive them. "

"Yes, boss."

"Second, Randall continues to organize the training of the Hermes, striving to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and at the same time select the personnel to board the second battleship, because we will purchase a second destroyer in the near future, most likely a federal navy You are also familiar with the retired destroyer, the Federation ship Randall, and you will be the captain when the time comes to carry out combat missions."

"Yes, Boss~"

"Third, everyone at the Tower of Babel Comprehensive Training Center, the adaptive training of the first batch of Roma Marines has passed halfway, but according to your feedback, 32 of the 100 trainees have been eliminated. Considering We need to form combat capabilities as soon as possible and start taking orders, so I suggest starting the adaptive training of the second batch of candidates directly, and I will also personally direct the training.”

"Yes, sir!"

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