In the end, Model won the order at a price that was 8 points higher than the official market price.

The reason for the increase to 8 points is also very simple, that is, when Model left the hotel, he happened to see Krell walking into the hotel with a hurried look.

Soon, Model also got the news from Ray Bill that Craven had raised the price to 7.8 points.

Pressure immediately climbed onto his shoulders, prompting him to make an impulsive decision in the shortest possible time.

He was determined to win this transaction, and finally ended the bidding competition with a price of 8 points.

"Master, obviously these two people came to see you for the first time today, but under your deliberate misleading, they both thought that the other party had come to see you many times. Is this the art of language?"

"That's natural~"

Amber, whose alias was Ray Bill, stood in front of the window of the room and looked at the sky outside the window.

There is the dome of this satellite city, and the blue sky on the planet is being simulated on the screen of the dome.

However, there is a row of huge white dates hanging on the blue sky.

Still using the system default font.

January 26, 589 in the New Calendar, afternoon, 3:26.

"But I always feel like Master you are a liar."

Lilith's complaint drew Amber's attention back.

"What do you mean by cheating? This is all an aboveboard operation, okay! Why do these two people not communicate with each other?"

Amber responded angrily:

"This is how the ore business is in this environment now. I am a seller who is willing to buy the ore at this price, and I do not force them to buy it."

Amber heard the noise behind her and glanced back. Isabel, who had just finished taking a bath, was walking out of the bathroom in a bathrobe.

After taking a shower at this point, it is obvious what happened just now.

After seeing Amber, the blond Persian cat rolled her eyes at him charmingly, obviously having some opinions on Amber's 'conquest' just now.

Amber smiled, turned around and faced him, and at the same time added the last sentence to Lilith in her mind:

"Mr. Model might even want to thank me. After all, the price on the market in a few days will not be this price."

The final transaction price between Amber and Model was 14.04 million Imperial Golden Dragon.

9 million turned into 14.04 million in less than two months. Only during the window period when the war just broke out could such a high rate of return be achieved through ore trading.

After Lilith purchased the ore in multiple trading markets, she entrusted each market to finally deliver the ore to rental warehouses in three different systems.

After Model learned this, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, he wanted to find an opportunity to resell it, so after he sent his men to the three warehouses to inspect the goods, he happily transferred the money to the account of Atlas Mining Company.

At the same time, the lease rights to these three warehouses, as well as the ownership of the ore inside, were also transferred to Model.

Although the price was still a bit higher than Model's psychological expectations, looking at the ore transaction price that was rising every day, he thought that he had grabbed this order from Craven.

Model thinks this deal is still a good deal.

"Mr. Rebel, it's really a pleasure to do business with you. I hope we can continue to cooperate next time if we have the opportunity!"

Sitting on the St. Russell, which was about to leave the port, and looking at the messages received on her personal terminal, Amber couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth.

"Lilith, look, what I said is right, this person has to thank me~"


While letting this strong artificial intelligence fall into thinking due to the complexity of human nature, Amber floated to the edge of the captain's seat.

Ellenita is sitting here at this time, and a crystal in her hand is projecting many images in the air.

Amber took a glance and saw various K-line charts and reports.

"Ms. Yuge, it's really troublesome for you to wait here for so long this time. In fact, you can go back first. Isa and I can just take the passenger spaceship back."

"Don't be so polite, Mr. Amber, I am also a shareholder of Atlas, this little thing is nothing~"

Ellenita temporarily put down the crystal, looked at Amber and said with a smile:

"This little time won't waste anything. Anyway, I usually mainly do remote work and meetings. After all, the family business is spread across many galaxies, and I can't do many things myself."

"I envy your psychic entanglement communication technology, which can achieve real-time transmission across galaxies. This is simply too critical in business activities."

Looking at the crystal pendant on the female elf's chest, Amber said with some envy.

"Oh~ Mr. Amber seems to have something in his words."

Ellenita's eyes narrowed, with an expression on her face that said, 'I've seen through your trick~'.

"Ahem. I still can't beat around the bush with you. Your elves' minds work really fast."

The expression on Amber's face was a little awkward, partly because of the female elf's words, and partly because of the 'fruit' on the other person's chest. It was simply too astringent in a gravity-free environment.

She looks like the heroine Huang You.

However, he quickly adjusted, ignored the other party's teasing expression, and then said:

"I have always felt that quantum entanglement communication technology, which humans have been unable to make progress for, can learn from the principles of psychic entanglement communication technology."

"Then I'll go back and look for any unused crystals, and I'll lend them to you to study~"

Amber was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Ellenita to be so cheerful.

"Then thank the sponsor in advance, but are you sure you want to do this? From a conspiracy theory perspective, shouldn't you elves hope that human communication technology will never improve?"

"Mr. Amber said this, I think you look down on us elves."

Ellenita covered her mouth and chuckled.

"We elves have been able to develop to this point in business today, and the development of communication technology only plays a very small role in it. Even if humans immediately obtain the same level or even higher technology tomorrow, we are confident that we will be able to do so for a long time. , continue to maintain its leading position.”

When an elf says 'quite a while', she means that the length of time is really long.

While Amber and Ellenita were chatting, the St. Russell also left the port together with the escort ship and began to accelerate towards the scheduled channel.

Next, the cargo ship will probably spend more than ten days jumping to the vicinity of the asteroid belt operations base.

As the major shareholder of Atlas Mining Development Co., Ltd., Ellenita decided to take this opportunity to 'inspect' the mining site.

Generally speaking, Ellenita asks her team to do this kind of regular inspections of her investment projects.

However, Atlas is currently one of the projects that the female elf is most concerned about.

So this time she decided to inspect it in person and discuss the mining team expansion plan with Amber.

After the Imperial Golden Dragons called by Model and Count Jonathan gradually arrived, in addition to the untouchable operating funds, the available cash in the company's account reached 29 million Imperial Golden Dragons.

In addition to Amber's plan to purchase another federal military-class destroyer to facilitate operations within the federal territory.

The remaining funds will be used to upgrade asteroid mining equipment and improve production efficiency.

Then we'll see if we can squeeze out the money to buy two more Stormtrooper-class small mining ships.

It is indeed a bit stressful to do these things with 29 million, but it is still feasible enough.

After all, the Federation's combat ships are much cheaper than the Empire's works of art.

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