The cargo ships of the elves are somewhat different from the cargo ships of humans.

Because of their characteristics, these 'biological ships' are more flexible in function conversion than human steel giants.

Various parts of the elf cargo ship 'Saint Russell' in the space port began to squirm like some kind of creature.

However, the human staff in the spaceport were not surprised by this.

Because of the relationship between the Irons family and the elves of the Thousand Stars Empire, there is still a lot of traffic from elven merchant ships in the spaceport in Weiminster.

It is often seen that some elf cargo ships have converted part of the passenger cabin into a cargo hold through some kind of 'deformation' in order to carry more goods back.

So in their opinion, this was probably another decision made by a greedy elf merchant who was preparing to buy more goods before returning.

But what they didn't notice was that this transformation seemed different from before.

The biological cuticle at the bottom of the ship is constantly thickening, and there is a structure inside the ship similar to the 'deployment bay' on human ships.

If there are knowledgeable people here, they may guess that this elf cargo ship may be intended to become a low-orbit assault ship.

But even if they come to such a conclusion, they will only be ridiculed by the people around them.

"Crazy, why did the elf cargo ship turn into a low-orbit assault ship? Attack the Irons family?"

At the same time, Ellenita in outer space started to take action based on the news from Amber.

Minister Balot, Billwater and Jacques Cole in the manor also temporarily stopped the confrontation.

After a 'simple' exchange, they had realized that the psyker lurking in the study just now did not belong to any of them.

But it comes from new forces.

Considering that this guy may have heard a lot of confidential information, the three of them did not fight again at this time.

Although Jacques Cole, along with the Royal Silencers and Royal Guards, still maintained vigilance against the other two, he did not interfere with their next actions.

After all, there are some things that he doesn't want to spread out like this.

In the entire exclusive area of ​​​​the Irons family, a large net was quickly opened to 'hunt' Amber and Isabel.

A large number of hidden vehicles rushed out of their hiding places, carrying the guards towards the location where Amber disappeared and Isabel's previous sniper point.

The HCP in the manor's Gnaku also began urgent preparations for the attack.

Under the shouts of their respective squad leaders, the members of the maintenance squad ran towards the aircraft they were maintaining, preparing to remove the external lines connected to the aircraft.

The pilots who were on standby in the lounge quickly put on heavy-duty hydraulic anti-gravity suits with the help of the ground crew, and then ran towards their respective aircrafts with their helmets in hand.

Unlike pilots on standby in space, they don't feel much burden wearing heavy-duty hydraulic anti-gravity suits weighing more than ten kilograms.

But on the ground, wearing this equipment on standby under the blessing of gravity is still a bit challenging.

Therefore, pilots on standby on the ground, especially those in non-first-line units, except for those who have confirmed that they are about to be dispatched, generally do not wear heavy hydraulic anti-gravity suits on standby.

On the other side, the satellite's ground control center also received an emergency communication from the manor, asking them to use synchronous reconnaissance satellites to find a fleeing person and vehicle in the exclusive area.

But when the people in the control center saw the images from the geostationary satellites, they were also dumbfounded =.

The manor and the surrounding area were peaceful. Not to mention the people who were running away, even the vehicles that set out to pursue them were not seen.

"Are you kidding us?"

An employee in the control center said weakly.

Then his supervisor walked up behind him and hit his head with the rolled-up document.

"Idiot! We are attacked by an electronic warfare virus!"

After the supervisor finished knocking the stupid young man, he yelled at other people in the control center:

"The entire system in the control center is offline! After sandbox isolation, it is back online! Each subsystem of the satellite is undergoing initialization operations, and the anti-virus program begins to intervene. Idiot, it must be a military type!"

Everyone in the control center immediately became busy. No one including the supervisor could figure out why they were quietly hacked.

The manor was stunned when they heard the reply from the control center. They did not expect that the satellite's ground control center would be attacked by an electronic warfare virus.

"This is not a random act, the other party is well prepared."

As soon as Minister Balot came to this conclusion, he saw Billwater jump up again, pointed at Jacques Cole's nose and cursed:

"After such a big battle, TM still said it wasn't you!"

"Royal Silencer, shut this guy up!"

While the manor was buzzing with excitement, the director of the satellite ground control center was already sweating profusely.

"Supervisor! The request to log the entire system offline was rejected by the system! My permission display here is invalid!"

"Supervisor! The request for satellite initialization was also rejected!"


This supervisor, who had just taken over for less than half a year, was already starting to feel a little dazed amidst the reports from his subordinates.

He originally thought that this position was a casual job suitable for retirement, where he could comfortably earn money until retirement.

But he never expected that he would suddenly get a big surgery today.

"I used to have a job"

"Supervisor? What did you say?"

The assistant's question brought the supervisor back to his senses. He looked at his subordinates around him. These nervous people were all waiting for his instructions.

"Calm down. It's not the last moment yet. Don't give up."

When the supervisor raised his head again, his eyes became determined.

"Cut off the main power supply to the control center and force a restart!

While restarting, the anti-virus program is directly injected through the external data interface!

Notify the garrison fleet and ask them to send engineering ships to the vicinity of the satellite to perform a physical reboot and also inject anti-virus programs! "

While the supervisor's firm words reached the ears of everyone in the control center, they also reached Amber's ears.

"Master, if they do this, we will soon lose control of the ground control center and satellites, and then they will be able to use synchronous reconnaissance satellites to track your location!"

Lilith's voice sounded a little anxious. She still couldn't deal with some physical isolation and physical anti-virus methods perfectly.

"It doesn't matter. Lilith, get ready to turn it on."

"Received, Master! The improved version of the special virus V2.0 has started to be fully activated!"

The moment Amber's order was issued, the electronic warfare virus that had been spread to a large number of units and equipment was fully activated.

Then a devastating attack was carried out on the built-in basic programs of these vectors.

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