From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 150 I wonder if no one wants this thing?

The hatch of the main control room was opened by Marvin.

When the Marines carefully floated in through the hatch with their shields on, the first thing they saw was more than 100 hostages formed into a human wall.

After these workers were tied up hand and foot, they were connected together with ropes and zip ties, and many had explosives tied to their bodies.

Under their feet was a box filled with high explosives.

The leading Marine has recognized it. It is a high-energy explosive used for blasting operations on the surface of the planet or in the asteroid belt.

If it detonated, it would be enough to blow this operating base into several pieces.

At this time, Brother Eric and the remaining pirates were hiding behind the human wall, using these workers as human bunkers to start a confrontation with the Marines.

Although Eric and his group of pirates had been operating on the border of the Star Dragon Empire for a long time, they did not recognize the Federation-produced saber-tooth tiger series exoskeletons worn by the marines.

But this did not prevent him from judging that the exoskeleton on the opponent's body was military-grade, far beyond the simple exoskeletons welded together with several steel pipes worn by his group.

This time we really encountered a problem.

"Your ships have been destroyed, give up resistance."

The low voice sounded in the temporary communication channel again, and all that was received was a disdainful sneer from Marvin.

"Hmph, there's no need to say this. What are our identities? Can we survive without these hostages?"

He clenched the detonator in his hand, hid behind a pirate and continued:

"I won't talk nonsense to you. We are only doing this for money and not for life. Provide us with a ship that can jump and a ransom. When we are safe, we will naturally release these hostages."

While Marvin and the Marines were taking the lead in negotiations, a team member who was also hiding behind the shield was nervously watching a progress bar on the tactical visor slowly come to an end.

"Damn it, I've been hacked! This cracking program given by Boss is really easy to use!"

The excited voice of this team member sounded in the communication channel.

"Acquiring the management authority of the main control room. OK, the camera has been taken over, I will show the picture."

As the marine operated, a small screen popped up in the upper right corner of everyone's tactical visor.

What is shown inside is a picture taken from another angle by the camera in the main control room.

This image was also projected on the main screen of the Hermes bridge and Amber's cockpit.

"Based on the footage captured, the pirate holding the detonator should be their leader."

Randall's voice also appeared in the communication channel.

"But his detonator seems to be wire-controlled?"

"That's right, it's a wire-controlled detonator. I've already tried it. It's really impossible to hack into it."

Amber said in the fanatic cockpit. At this time, the huge machine had stopped above the main control room.

Several cables protruding from the chest of the machine also penetrated into the interface near the external antenna array in the main control room.

Lilith, who was connected to the main control room system, found herself at a loss for the first time with this traditional wired control method.

In the communication channel, judging from the voice coming from the Marines responsible for the negotiations, the pirate leader was obviously getting more and more irritable.

"There's no time. This guy is running out of patience."

Amber gave the order decisively.

"Activate backup plan No. 2, prepare the Marines for attack, and prepare the quick-drying styrofoam."

"Yes, sir!"

Marvin, who was hiding at the back, felt something was wrong.

He felt that these marines did not intend to attack or provide ransom, and the leader seemed to be stalling for time by talking nonsense.

Thinking of this, he said loudly:

"Don't delay, I'm not joking. Press this button and so many people will be buried with me, it's worth it!"

"Listen, don't get excited! If you have anything to say, talk to us and we will definitely meet your conditions."

The Marines still patiently comforted Marvin, and Amber's voice came from the communication channel.

"Get ready, 3! 2! 1! Action!"


A blue beam of light penetrated the ceiling of the main control room without warning, and then engulfed Marvin who was hiding at the back, and also reduced the detonator in his hand to ashes.

At this moment, the entire control room lost pressure instantly, and the manic air flow rushed out along the ceiling penetrated by the charged particle beam.

Several Marines armed with fully automatic shotguns also rushed out of the team.

The jet devices mounted on their exoskeletons violently sent them forward, and then hit the wall from the side.

At the same time, Amber, who had finished irradiating the charged particle cannon outside the main control room, also used the multi-function launcher mounted under the robotic arm to fire a series of quick-drying foam glue to re-block the hole.

The Marines who completed the breakthrough in the cabin also used quick-drying styrofoam to block the holes in the ceiling and floor. At the same time, the fully automatic shotguns in their hands also sprayed out tongues of flame.

The barrage instantly covered the pirates, and the exploding steel balls quickly harvested the lives of the pirates like the scythe of death.

It only took a few seconds from Amber's vertical attack with the charged particle cannon to the time the Marines stopped firing.

All the remaining pirates were beaten into pieces.

The Marines divided into two people and continued to apply quick-drying foam glue on the bulkhead that had been ravaged by steel balls to prevent accidents. At the same time, they divided two people into two people and continued to apply the quick-drying foam glue to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

The remaining people quickly controlled the panicked miners.

Although there were more than 100 people here, they knew very well what to do and what not to do when facing these marines who were armed to the teeth and wiped out the pirates in an instant.

"General control room, suppression completed!"

When these words came from the communication channel, everyone, including the personnel on the Hermes, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good, pay attention to those high explosives, and divide a few people to clean the other cabins. You can also come close to the Hermes."

Amber also relaxed in the fanatic's cockpit, and was even in the mood to tease her apprentice.

"Mura, have you learned this trick?"

"I learned it! Instructor!"

After the Marines cleared the entire base of operations and the Hermes docked nearby, Randall asked the crucial question.

"Amber, so what are you going to do with this base of operations now? Well, there are also three small mining ships."

"What else are you thinking about? No one wants this thing here, so just pack it up and take it away~"


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