Chapter 122 93.47%

In Amber's own estimation, the frigate he was on should have entered the jump nearly 1 minute faster than the pursuer.

This is mainly because it takes a long time for the opponent to increase the speed before activating the jump drive.

And this less than a minute is enough to reverse the identities of hunter and prey.

The Past Glory, which was originally being pursued as prey, has now taken the lead in hiding itself in the light radiation emitted by the Robert One.

Became a hunter hunting the Swift Strike.

Even without turning on the long-wave radar, as long as the infrared sensor is used to detect the location of the space collapse phenomenon, this unusually conspicuous target can be found in the cosmic background.

Based on the relative positions of the two ships before the jump, Lilith estimated that the pursuing Swift Strike had a 93.47% probability of appearing in the hemisphere pointed by the current axis of the Glory.

This also gives Amber and the others a 93.47% probability of discovering the target first.

Being discovered first and firing first by the enemy will infinitely amplify one's own advantages in space battles.

As for the remaining 6.53% probability, it can only be said that it is at a level that humans are currently unable to intervene.

After all, humans have not yet fully understood the principle of this space jump driver dug out from the ruins.

"Gunner, the metal bismuth of the heavy particle cannon is loaded according to the standard quality, and it is fired in a single shot! The electromagnetic reconnection cannon is loaded with the alloy penetrating rod. After the heavy particle cannon completes shooting, immediately use the electromagnetic reconnection cannon to finish the damage."

"Remember! Aim at the location of the fusion reactor in the middle of the opponent's ship!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Under Amber's order, the Past Glory quickly adjusted its posture. At the same time, the ship's weapon unit also completed activation, and the gunner was busy preparing to fire according to his instructions.

Among all the boarding personnel, except for Amber, only Randall, Tom and Isabel had been exposed to battleship control, but they were not familiar with battleship bombardment.

So Amber finally had no choice but to capture the mobile infantryman with the highest shooting accuracy in the team, and let him sit on the gunner's seat on the central axis of the ship along with the helmsman's seat and captain's seat.

The gunner's seat on a battleship is generally fixed to the bridge floor and cannot be moved, ensuring that the gunner's orientation is consistent with the ship's axis.

After putting on the special full-coverage shelling helmet, step on the pedals and hold the stick.

This gunner can temporarily gain the highest control over the ship's attitude during the bombardment, control the ship's axis adjustment according to the pupil aiming method, and finally complete the shooting.

Compared with other positions on the bridge, the gunner's seat is a seat with a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit.

As low as this mobile infantryman, during the time when the warship left the berth, left the port, accelerated, and entered the jump, he had already roughly understood the gunner's job through the ship's built-in 'quick start tutorial'.

With Lilith's assistance, all he had to do was control the main gun's beam, aim at the target and shoot.

The frigate Amber is on, like the ship of Captain Klein the Chaser, is a Confessor-class frigate designed by the Royal Navy Design Bureau of the Star Dragon Empire.

This kind of warship with a length of 382 meters and a mass of 840,000 tons is currently the largest number of ships in service in the Imperial Royal Navy.

In terms of combat equipment, the main weapons of this small high-speed frigate are only one frigate-class heavy particle cannon located on the bow, and two 50-meter-class electromagnetic reconnection cannons distributed on both sides of the bow.

In addition, there are two high-energy laser beam emitters and two small charged particle cannons distributed on the hull.

Of course, the deflection field generator that is essential for all combat ships is also indispensable.

And the Gnaku can carry 2 HCPs.

Warships like the Confessor-class frigates, which do not have powerful shipboard firepower, are almost classified as combat auxiliary ships in the battle sequence of the Imperial Royal Navy.

In large-scale fleet battles, the greatest role of the Confessor-class is to use heavy particle cannons and charged particle cannons to intercept physical warheads, plasma torpedoes and thermonuclear missiles launched by the opponent's warships.

In this case, a large number of Confessors will transform into air defense combat ships and support an air defense network for the troops.

In normal times, this kind of small boat is used more for patrolling and dealing with pirates and civilian ships.

As two frigates of the same type belonging to the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group, it can be said that there is no difference between the Glory and the Swift Strike in terms of ship parameters, fusion furnace power, and configuration.

So if Amber can really discover and fire before the enemy, then it is indeed possible to sink the enemy ship in one fell swoop.

"Captain! Space collapse has been detected, and the pursuing frigate is coming out!"

"Copy that, the whole ship is ready to meet the enemy."

Amber replied in a deep voice, but after thinking for a moment, he connected to Gnaku again and added:

"The maintenance team is preparing an Imperial HCP in the Gnaku and a set of anti-Dutch suits. The relevant operation manuals can be found in the Gnaku."

After the maintenance squad received the order, under the leadership of the squad leader, the big head began to prepare for the HCP attack.

The Swift Strike chasing Amber and the others also escaped from the space jump after a burst of white light.

The infrared sensor that had been pointed in this direction easily found the frigate with its main thruster emitting blue light in the cold cosmic background.

After all, 93.47% is a relatively high probability, so as Amber and Lilith expected, this frigate appeared in the axial hemisphere of the Glory.

And it also perfectly exposed the slender curves of the battleship's side.

"Captain, the target has been discovered! An Imperial Penance-class frigate, a straight-line distance of 3,216 kilometers!"

"Gunner! Aim at the target! Fire the heavy particle cannon at full power!"

In the past, the attitude control nozzles on various parts of the Glory's hull began to continuously eject pulses, adjusting the axis of the ship.

At the same time, when the Swift Strike's optical and infrared sensors failed to find the Past Glory, Captain Klein ordered the long-wave radar to be turned on.

But at this time, the gunner aimed his pupils at the middle of the target ship and pressed the fire button.

"Captain! A strong electric field reaction has been detected! It is presumed to be the enemy's heavy particle cannon fire!"

While the tactical information coordinator of the Swift Strike reported anxiously.

On the bridge of the Glory in the past, most of the lights and all the lights on the ship except the emergency lights were extinguished. At the same time, all non-combat electronic equipment was also powered off at this moment.

A fusion pulse output by the Confessor-class fusion reactor at full power rushed into the tail end of the heavy particle cannon under the constraints of the directional magnetic field.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy particle cannon at the bow of the ship flashed at the end of its accelerated trajectory.

A jet of heavy metal particles accelerated to 1,600 kilometers per second was violently ejected from the accelerating orbit and rushed towards the position pointed by the gunner's pupils under the confinement magnetic field.

But what followed did not appear, as Amber had expected, the scene where the target frigate was intercepted by the surging jet of heavy metal particles.

This jet of heavy metal particles almost passed right above the battleship, leaving a hideous but not fatal wound on the laminated armor plate on top.

"Gunner? Are you serious?!"

The Amber man on the captain's seat was dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen a heavy particle cannon shoot at 'Miss' from a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers.

"No. My grandma can hit this blow! Oh, forget it. Keep attacking!"

Amber knew that this was not the time to pursue the issue and did not continue.

He glanced at the holographic projection screen on the left, which displayed the resumes of the two HCP pilots in the assault team.

In the column of 'space warfare', both of them had three very concise words - 'inexperienced'.

Seeing this, Amber silently unbuckled the seat belt on the captain's seat.

"It's done, I feel like I might be ready to warm up."

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