The detection equipment on all the warships of the Federation Combined Fleet detected the largest strong electric field they had ever detected at the same time.

On the bridges of each battleship, harsh warnings sounded like life-threatening threats.

The central fleet, which is on the illumination path, has raised the power of the deflection field generator to the highest level under Guterres' previous order.

The battleship even cautiously carried out super-power operation.

In the expectations of these battleship captains, they may be about to face a powerful attack like a violent storm.

But when the focusing rainbow really lit up, what swept towards the central fleet was an 'artificial Milky Way'.

While spreading the illumination, the entire Fortress of Sorrow also adjusted its horizontal axis by 2 degrees under the action of the attitude control thruster.

Reflected on the central fleet one hundred thousand kilometers away, it was the light beam of this 'flashlight' that swept from left to right at a very slow speed.

Then the raging torrent of heavy metal particles directly destroyed 95% of the central fleet.

This was a true destruction, with not even the ship's frame left.

Among the federal fleets on the left and right wings, many ships close to the area where the central fleet was located were also affected.

Some small frigates were seriously damaged after being 'rubbed' by some scattered heavy metal ion flows under the focus of the focusing rainbow.

After 15 seconds of illumination, the Milky Way disappeared from the universe.

The flow of heavy metal particles rushing into the depths of the universe will slowly and naturally dissipate in the process.

Although the battleship's portholes had automatically reduced the amount of light just now, the light of the Milky Way still remained on everyone's retinas. If they closed their eyes, they could still feel the shocking scene just now.

"Irradiation is over!"

"The energy circuit has been cut off and energy distribution has begun again."

"Focusing Rainbow begins forced heat dissipation, the main weapon unit begins self-checking, autonomous detection terminals, and manned engineering machinery are dispatched!"

In the eastern hemisphere of the Fortress of Sorrow, the fish-scale heat sinks spread out as densely as scales and turned red.

As seen from the east, the entire fortress now looks like a dark red thorny ball with explosive hair.

Duke Duke, who was sitting on the command seat of the combat command center, had an excited look on his slightly rosy face.

Such a powerful force was completely obeying his orders at this moment.

Such pride made him drink the wine in one gulp.

The Marquis of Ascania and Count Karl were still sitting on their chairs with shocked faces.

Although these high-level noble officers have already heard about this strategic weapon of the empire.

But those rumors and the actual experience of a focusing rainbow are completely different concepts.

Especially when they heard the tactical information coordination officer report: "The enemy's central fleet has a destruction rate of more than 90%, and the two wing fleets have been damaged by 4%!"

Do they think maybe the form of war might have to change?

Duke Duke turned his head and saw the two people who had not recovered yet, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, you two look exactly the same as when I first saw the Focusing Iris shooting."

Looking at the slightly confused and hesitant expressions on the faces of these two senior Royal Navy generals, Duke Duke continued:

"Do you think that with this fortress at our feet, the form of war will change in the future?"

After hearing Duke Duke's words, the two looked at each other and nodded.

"That's what I thought at the time."

After the Duke handed his wine glass to the attendant, he looked at the two admirals and shook his head.

“But what I want to say is that relying on one or two so-called ‘decisive weapons’ may have the final say on a certain battlefield, but it still cannot easily change the form of war.”

Duke Duke stood up and stepped on the ground of the combat command center.

“Although the strategic-level artificial celestial body fortress is powerful enough, it is still small when looking at the vast universe.

And although it seems to be able to sweep thousands of armies now, during the time I served as the fortress commander, I have already thought of five possibilities for defeating it using conventional fleets. "

The Duke slowly walked to the edge of the platform where the command seat was located. Looking at the embarrassed federal combined fleet on the main screen after being strafed by the Focusing Iris, he continued:

"I can think of it, and the commanders of the Federation can also think of it. They have just seen the power of the Focusing Iris for the first time, and they may be in shock and panic for a while.

But as long as they come to their senses, I believe there will be smart people in the Federation who will come up with ways to deal with this giant. "

While the Duke was speaking, the Marquis of Ascania and Count Karl also came to his side, like two students listening attentively.

"Okay, let's stop talking here. Let's completely defeat the federal fleet first!"

Federation Combined Fleet, on the bridge of the flagship Destiny.

Next to Lieutenant General Guterres, only the holographic projection of Major General Griezmann remains.

That respectable old man, Commodore Duwell, the commander of the task force, and his flagship Equality, had disappeared in the strafing of the Focusing Iris.

Also connected are all the ships of the task force, as well as some battleships of the Fourteenth Fleet.

At a certain moment, Guterres was suddenly glad that he did not put himself and his fleet in the center of the combined fleet to undertake the task of central assault as usual.

Although the original intention of this change of formation was that he wanted to use the Thirteenth Fleet, which had more capital ships and better battleships, to act as a powerful left hook to attack the Imperial Fleet.

But I never thought that this move would save a life.

"The empire's man-made celestial fortresses, which can maneuver over long distances, are already ready for actual combat."

Looking at the giant thing standing quietly in the center of the Imperial fleet on the screen, Guterres couldn't help but think of the 'Experimental Mobile Fortress No. 1' that was still under construction on the Federation side.

Not only is the development progress 'pleasant', but both the size and the configuration of the main weapon unit seem to be weaker.

Guterres took a deep breath and threw all these thoughts out of his mind.

These random thoughts will only affect his current decision-making. Now he must clear his mind and calm down, so that he can prevent his own fleet from being completely annihilated in the next battle.

Robert 4's surface, space elevator base area.

Amber, who was in the cockpit of Steppenwolf, suddenly felt as if her forehead was electrified.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then saw a very familiar thin white line running through the sky.

"The illumination of the flashlight. Damn it, man-made celestial fortress? How did this thing get to the Robert Galaxy?"

But this shocking thought only stayed in Amber's mind for a few seconds before being temporarily suppressed.

Because judging from the situation on the tactical map, he should be surrounded by the Imperial HCP.

Less than a kilometer directly in front of him, there was a machine with a red painted shoulder armor and a wolf head painted on it, charging straight towards him.

And Amber knows that people who use this kind of paint on the battlefield are generally not easy to mess with.

Too late!

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