"The entire fleet, execute counterattack procedures! At the same time, maneuver according to the predetermined plan!"

Marquis Ascania's order was quickly executed and conveyed by Raphael and others, and the combat command center suddenly became busy.

The Marquis in the captain's seat looked at the images of the federal warships in front of the fleet captured by the optical lens at extreme distances. He raised his tea cup and gestured to Heinrich.

"Heinrich, follow the battle plan. See you later."

"Hmm, see you later~"

The latter also raised his glass in response and quickly interrupted the communication.

The Empire's mixed fleet, which originally formed a 'box formation' in space, also began to maneuver to the left and right according to the respective ownership of the ships, and gradually turned into two fleets.

"The imperial guys actually divided their forces."

On the bridge of the Destiny, the flagship of the Thirteenth Fleet of the Federal Navy, Rear Admiral Griezmann's voice came from the left of Guterres.

"Didn't they just complete the integrated formation? Why did they start dividing their troops again?"

"I don't know. The number of combat ships is not as good as ours. Now we are still dividing our troops to move left and right. Is this something a human can do?"

Major General Griezmann has a relatively straightforward personality, and he is carefree and never hides anything when he speaks.

"Commodore Duwell, you have more experience dealing with the Imperial Fleet. Can you tell what the Imperial Fleet wants to do?"

Guterres ignored Griezmann's words for the time being and turned to look at Brigadier General Duwell who had been silent.

This old man is obviously more reliable than the other one.

Upon hearing Guterres's inquiry, Brigadier General Duwell held his chin with his hand, pondered for a moment and then said:

"Although the fight lasted only a short time, at least I know that the Imperial Fleet Commander opposite me is definitely not a mediocre and incompetent person.

The current movement of the imperial fleet seems to be to divide its forces and launch a pincer attack from the left and right, but "

"But it looks so much like a trap."

Guterres slowly added:

"Tsk. Originally, the number of combat fleets was not as good as ours, and now they are still engaged in such operations as dividing their forces."

Guterres shook his head helplessly.

His right eyelid has been beating wildly since the battle between the two fleets began, and he cannot calm down.

He knew that on the Blue Star, the origin of humankind in ancient times, there was an Eastern country with a long history that conducted considerable research in this area.

They even summarized the relevant experience after conducting a detailed investigation on the 'Eyelid Twitch' project.

"The left eye jumps to make money, the right eye jumps to disaster" is one of them.

"Why doesn't my left eye twitch at all?"

However, the battlefield situation was changing rapidly, and Guterres did not have more time to think. Although he could not guess the opponent's commander's thoughts at this time, he could only take over forcefully now.

Thinking of this, the commander-in-chief of the Federation Combined Fleet issued a new order:

"Pass my order, the fleets on the left and right wings should hold their positions and keep attacking the imperial fleet. The salvo authority is now delegated to the commanders of each squadron.

The central fleet moves forward and attacks the enemy's second fleet first. "

Neither Griezmann nor Duwell had any objections to his order. Their thoughts at this time were similar to Guterres.

No matter how you divide your troops, I will first take advantage of my superior strength to eat up one of your squadrons.

The order was quickly conveyed, and with the fleets on both wings maintaining their formation and relative positions, the central fleet began to advance.

Seen from a distance, among these blue light spots neatly arranged in rows, some of the light spots in the middle area suddenly became a lot brighter.

The plasma propulsion array operating at full power emits a dazzling blue-white light like a supernova explosion.

The central fleet quickly moved forward from the formation, and the warships in the fleet began to adjust their axes and aimed the bow's main guns at the enemy's 'Second Fleet' that was approaching its right wing.

Of course, this 'Second Fleet' is a title temporarily assigned to these enemy fleets by the Combat Intelligence Center, which also facilitates identification by various units.

But at this moment, Lieutenant General Guterres suddenly felt his right eyelid jump twice, and then stopped.

He immediately felt that something was not right, but the next second the voice of the tactical information coordinator came from the bridge:

"Warning! A large-scale space collapse phenomenon has been detected!"

"Warning! The mass detector has detected an unusually large mass increase!"

The two warnings hit Guterres in the heart like two heavy hammers, and the other two fleet commanders involuntarily grasped the armrests of their seats.

Soon, the integrated sensor unit captured a shocking sight in the space vacated after the Imperial fleet was divided.

First, a huge ripple that was visible to the naked eye, like a miracle, appeared in the universe, and then a faint star-like red light flashed in the center of the ripple.

The next moment everyone in the Federation Combined Fleet saw a huge 'celestial body' appearing out of thin air in the blink of an eye on the picture synthesized by photoelectric, microwave and other observation methods.

It was as if a big hand had 'taken' it from somewhere far away at a speed that humans could not recognize, and then placed it precisely where it was at this moment.

The bridge and combat intelligence center fell silent for a moment, leaving only the sound of various instruments and equipment operating.

"I'm just talking about why my right eyelid keeps twitching."

Looking at this huge 'celestial body' that almost occupied the entire screen, Lieutenant General Guterres couldn't help but take a breath of air.

And he became the fastest person on the bridge to react.

"Pass my order, the central fleet will stop attacking immediately! Adjust the axis to align the bow of the ship with the artificial celestial body, and prepare the deflection field generator to operate at super power!"

Maybe others still don't know the origin of the celestial body in front of them, but as the commanders of the two main fleets, Guterres and Griezmann, they certainly know.

The Celestial Fortress is the product of the Star Dragon Empire’s ‘Wall of Sighs’ plan that has been going on for 25 years.

This kind of man-made celestial body with a diameter of 450 kilometers, even if the country is as powerful as the Star Dragon Empire, only 5 have been completed in the past 25 years.

It is said that there is enough space inside the celestial body for 1.8 million people to live.

It can also park two full imperial fleets at the same time, and can also provide corresponding maintenance, repair, and transformation work.

It may even have the ability to build capital ships.

At the same time, it is also equipped with battle-level weapons of unknown power, as well as defenses that are said to never be breached.

For such a huge man-made celestial body, once construction begins, it will naturally be impossible to hide it from the outside.

But the above is all the information about this celestial fortress that federal intelligence personnel have obtained over the years.

Of course, if Amber were on the bridge of the Destiny at this time, she would definitely pat her chest and say:

"It's harmful, this thing is from my family!"

Sorry to keep everyone waiting!

Thank you again for your support and rewards. No matter what the results are, I will be very happy if someone reads the book ~

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