From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 1 Cannon Fodder (Please read it! Please collect it!)

Amber was awakened by a jolt.

When his senses returned to normal, he found that he was not lying in the game cabin as usual.

Instead, sit on a seat inside a confined space.

Irregular vibrations continued to come from the buttocks, and the scenery continued to recede in the small observation window on the opposite bulkhead.

All told Amber that he was inside a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.

The bulkhead is filled with camouflage cushions and the seats are symmetrically arranged facing each other.

There are also the young people wearing federal officer uniforms around him who are talking and laughing.

Amber understood that she was probably sitting in a federal troop carrier.

"BUG? Didn't I choose to log out?"

Amber was stunned for a moment, and then realized that her clothes seemed different from her memory.

And they are different from the young federal officers next to them.

Amber found that she was wearing a long black and gray military uniform similar to a coat, with a shawl embroidered with silver star patterns draped over her shoulders.

Of course, the most important thing is the hood on the head.

And the full-coverage visor exposed under the brim of the hat is as smooth as a black mirror.

"Confederate psychic agent?"

"But doesn't this equipment only appear in war history museums?"

Amber's brows suddenly wrinkled.

As a loyal player of the massively multiplayer online MMORPG "Starry Sky".

At the same time, he is also the main fleet commander of the 'Pink Rabbit', a player guild that ranks among the top three in terms of overall strength.

Amber thinks about this ‘monster-killing and upgrading game’ with a sci-fi and space opera skin.

Even if you don't know everything about it, you can still be considered to know the basics.

At least he can be sure that in the context of the game he is in, the military uniform he is wearing is already an antique in the museum.

"Something's wrong. What kind of time and space retrieval mission is this?"

For Aper, who has just commanded the guild war and is ready to go offline.

The current plot mission, which is suspected to be 'time and space retrieval', comes at the wrong time.

This kind of mission focuses on the player's plot experience, but the benefits are not high.

From the perspective of a person who is hungry and eager to eat skewers, it is basically unattractive.

So Amber planned to call out the game menu and exit the game completely, as usual.

But after he tried several times, he couldn't summon the familiar UI.

Amber found that things seemed to be serious.

"Wait a minute, it won't be so bloody."

Just as this thought arose.

A very vague memory emerged from the depths of Amber's mind, as if the seal had been lifted.

Soon, Amber's expression became distorted. The information he read from this vague and intermittent memory made him feel something was not good.

However, the full-coverage visor concealed his expression, so that the surrounding federal officers did not notice anything strange.

This body belongs to a new federal officer also named ‘Amber’.

To be precise, he is a 'psionic agent' who has just graduated from the military academy.

The current time is decades earlier than the background time when the game was launched.

Amber, who just attended the graduation ceremony last week, was with her colleagues who were also assigned.

Boarding a destroyer that was undergoing a defense change, we arrived at this agricultural planet located on the federal border.

After reaching the ground through the orbital elevator connecting the spaceport and the ground, these young officers rotated through various means of transportation such as ground-effect aircraft, large transport aircraft, and maglev intercontinental trains, and finally arrived at a place 120 kilometers away from their assigned base. .

Then he got on the armored personnel carrier and completed the final journey.

Amber took over this body at this time.

"What is this? Soul penetration? This is really ridiculous."

Amber took off the leather glove on her right hand, which was more decorative than functional, and gently rubbed the cushion on her back and the folding stool under her body.

The feel of soft padding and cold metal across your fingertips cannot be simulated in Starry Sky.

The fresh air produced by the air filter device under the visor, and the friction caused by clothing everywhere on the body.

Everyone is telling Amber that this is no longer in the game.

In order to prevent players from being overly addicted to the game and even unable to distinguish reality, the operators of "Starry Sky" have lowered the degree of simulation of the game even though they have sufficient technical capabilities.

In the exact words of the chief operating officer: "Our team has retained some of the characteristics of the game so that players know they are playing a game."

At a time when fully immersive games are extremely mature, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also specifically requires that all games should not have plots such as 'travel'.

This prevents some fools from really thinking that they have traveled through time when encountering such plots.

Amber also believes that the "Starry Sky" developer and professional operation team with capital injection from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will not step on this red line.

So there is only one explanation left for the current situation.

He was really soul-pierced.

If it was just a simple soul travel, Amber, whose parents were dead and had no relatives, felt that she might be able to accept it gradually.

But the problem lies in his identity as a soul wearer.

A new federal officer who just graduated from the First Federal Military Academy?

A very cool-sounding 'psionic agent' who receives extensive combat training and is able to control psychic powers?

And the rank of warrant officer, which doesn’t seem to be a low starting point?

Whether these three characteristics are separated or combined, it can be said to be the ‘Tianhu opening’.

But the problem lies in the frontier agricultural planet where Amber is located at this time.

If it is really the talent that the Federation Army is interested in and plans to focus on cultivating, will it be thrown to this barren border planet?

the answer is negative.

Amber, who knows a lot of the game's background story, is well aware of the cancer-like corruption within the Federation.

He is also a young officer who graduated from the First Military Academy.

If you are born into a rich family or a high-ranking official family, you will definitely join the army stationed in the core administrative system of the Federation.

High-level talents such as psychic agents will enter specialized training camps to receive higher-level training.

But if you have no background, you are just an ordinary family.

Sorry, I'll randomly assign them to outer galaxies or deep space fleets to supplement the missing officers.

What? You said you were a psychic agent?

That's great, the federal army is in desperate need of talents like you!

Go directly to the border planet, show off your fighting skills, and devote the rest of your life to the Federation!

If that's all it is, it's just a bad future and a difficult start.

But the problem is that the timing of Amber's time travel isn't very good either.

"August 14th, 588th year of the New Calendar."

Amber silently read out the date in the upper right corner of the visor's HUD, above the local time, which represented Cosmic Standard Time.

If there is no deviation in his memory.

Three days later, the Federation's mortal enemy, the Star Dragon Empire's assault fleet, will launch a surprise attack.

After destroying the garrison fleet stationed in synchronous orbit and taking control of the space port.

Imperial orbital paratroopers will arrive.

This landing battle on Planet Robert IV also kicked off the ‘Dark Ages’

Unfortunately, Amber is now a cannon fodder for the Federal Army on Planet Robert IV.

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