There is no doubt that in modern human society, no matter where nuclear weapons are used to launch an attack, it must be a big event - this is why frontline officers will clamor for rain of nuclear bombs except when "talking", but When it comes to formulating an attack plan, nuclear weapons are rarely considered.

Therefore, when Crozier's suggestion was reported to Taiyue, the entire Taiyue command center was severely shaken.

"It seems that the old saying is indeed true, the two Japanese are the most ruthless."

In the office, Qin Weiguo held a teacup, crossed his legs leisurely, and sighed at Ye Ming with a smile.

Ye Ming deeply agreed: "And I think this person's move may also express his determination to us, and it means accepting the certificate of surrender."

Qin Weiguo nodded deeply: "Inevitable."

Although Crozier has betrayed his tribe and civilization, in a sense... all of his choices can be considered "forced".

Because he and Grena have always been under house arrest under human restrictions, even if they work for humans, it can be explained by "making a living" - if humans lose and Crozier is "rescued", he will always There are reasons to defend.

But this time, Crozier took the initiative to propose that humans use weapons of mass destruction to conduct ground attacks, and the target was his own compatriots... This was an act of complete betrayal that could never be washed away no matter how hard it was washed!

And after receiving such a letter of nomination, he will naturally be more reused and trusted by humans.

"It's just that in the future, the reconstruction work on Frost Star will be a bit troublesome, and we have to deal with radiation and pollution problems." Ye Ming knew that Qin Weiguo had submitted a nuclear weapons application, and it was also under urgent discussion above, and according to his view of the current situation Knowing the progress, I am afraid it is only a matter of time before it is approved.

After all, the war machine of the entire super galaxy group has been fully activated and has entered an explosive period - if you include the ship factories of the Kron and Tara people, the entire coalition can roll off nearly 300 combat ships every month Enter the front lines!

With such a terrifying dumpling speed, it would really be unreasonable if the main fleet of humanity still wastes time in the slave system of Frost Star.

In addition, the main reason why humans are cautious about nuclear weapons is that the previous use scenarios were on the earth, but this time they are used on hostile civilizations outside the system, and the psychological burden is always much lighter.

But the absence of psychological burden does not mean that there will be no subsequent governance pressure.

Humans took over the Frost Star to bring the planet into their sphere of influence and rule.

How do you say that? Whoever pollutes it is the one who cleans it up!

Qin Weiguo laughed: "This is none of our business. This is the task of your scientists."

Ye Ming immediately wanted to roll his eyes, but he couldn't help but laugh: "Fortunately, this time it is only used in a purely military zone, and the place is also in a mountainous area, so it will have little impact on populated areas..."

"Well, if that weren't the case, I'm afraid it would be difficult for the higher-ups to make a decision."

Qin Weiguo chatted for a few more words and then got up and left. Ye Ming also looked at the time and found that it was still early. He picked up his briefcase and walked out of the office, then got on the anti-gravity lunar rover and headed to the accelerator laboratory.

With the revolution of two-dimensional batteries, anti-gravity devices have gradually moved from space and military use to civilian use. The anti-gravity car is a direct product of this transfer - in terms of design and concept, it completely conforms to the fantasy of future cars in science fiction works, has the speed and all-terrain adaptability of a civil aviation airliner, and also has Comfortable small space design.

But how can I put it... The two-dimensional battery revolution is a revolution, but it is still not very complete.

At least so far, the problem of stable operation of two-dimensional nuclear reactors has not been solved.

Therefore, the battery life of anti-gravity vehicles is still a big problem. It's a little better on the moon, with a range of about 400 kilometers, but on the earth, this distance is only one-sixth. Therefore, all current anti-gravity vehicles are actually put into use only in low-gravity areas.

Entering the accelerator laboratory, Ye Ming met Professor Cao Xin, who was in charge of the high-dimensional matter analysis project.

Ye Ming saw that even though Professor Cao was greeting him, his eyes were still looking at the projection on his desk, and he asked casually: "Is there still no data?"

"Yes, but no." Professor Cao asked Ye Ming to sit down with a wry smile: "Theoretical support is not yet complete at present. Each feature requires us to do a lot of analysis, and we also have to take into account the measurement error... …Coupled with the fact that the accelerator is so busy all day’s very difficult to schedule our experiments.”

Ye Ming hummed and frowned slightly.

Professor Cao has been here for three years. Ever since humans received the "Slanqi substance" from the Blue Star people three years ago, they have been analyzing the various characteristics of the Slanqi substance - Ye Ming just gave In one direction, it is believed that the Slanqi matter of the Blue Star people is matter in high-dimensional space, and then it also gives an explanation of the main characteristics of Slanqi matter, believing that high-dimensional matter has natural space regression.

Apart from this, Ye Ming has never provided more valuable support for the experiment.

This time, he stayed in Taiyue continuously, and with the smooth sailing of the war, he also had time to come to the laboratory every day to take a look.

Just looking at it every day, there is not much progress, or... no progress at all.

As we all know, if an experimental scientific research project makes no progress for three years... it is unlikely to survive - especially a scientific research project that requires the use of super accelerators and has huge costs for each experiment.

To put it bluntly, if this project had not been proposed by Ye Ming, given Professor Cao’s influence, it would have been stopped long ago.

Ye Ming pondered while looking at the projection.

What is still displayed on the projection is the "atomic" structure of Slanzi matter - Professor Cao's team has used accelerators to blast it more than ten times in three years, but still cannot completely blast it away.

Even, due to the measurement accuracy, it is impossible to know whether the data is real.

"Academician Ye, I think... maybe we have too much interference on the moon." Professor Cao made a cup of tea for Ye Ming and said hesitantly: "Although the tachyon detector is more sensitive, it is too sensitive. Thus making it prone to false positives..."

After a pause, Professor Cao sighed: "And as I said before, because there is no theory, we don't even know whether it has really been blasted..."

Ye Ming hummed again and fell into deep thought.

It is speculated that Slanqi matter is composed of atoms. This is the consensus between him, Professor Cao, Mr. Huo Laien and Uda. Since so many top scientists have reached a consensus, the direction of experiments and verification must be in this direction. .

But as Professor Cao said, due to the lack of theory, what is the structure of high-dimensional atoms? Is it the same as atoms in three-dimensional space, with particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons...

Human beings know nothing.

Since nothing is known, there is no way to accurately judge when there are no obvious detection results.

Therefore, the current work of Professor Cao's team is essentially constantly adjusting the detector and discovering "anomalies" through multiple impacts, thereby capturing "high-dimensional" elementary particles.

"Indeed, interference may be a situation." After pondering, Ye Ming nodded slowly: "But our current situation is no longer enough to support us to build a large accelerator in relatively clean space. And... the accelerator itself, It’s also a source of interference.”

"Yeah..." Professor Cao was convinced. He touched his hair with a bitter look on his face: "My head has been bald... Sometimes I feel that this thing is simply a paradox - it is absolutely clean. How can the space, observation and acceleration environment coexist!"

Ye Ming smiled and nodded. Seeing Professor Cao's distressed look, he stopped continuing the topic - this kind of exploration of the unknown requires enough patience. Even if you are anxious, you can't rush.

So he changed the topic and talked about life and work on the moon.

When talking about the lunar rover, Professor Cao said that even if a two-dimensional reactor is realized, its application on earth may be limited.

"Look, the earth has already built enough transportation networks, and with the transformation of human centralized cities and road networks, the transportation network will only become more and more developed..." After a pause, Professor Cao said with a smile: " To put it simply, aren’t all our scientific and technological improvements just for people to be able to lie at home? You said, technology is so advanced, what other benefits does a flying car have besides being faster and capable of covering all terrains? "

"Isn't this a benefit?" Ye Ming retorted with a smile: "It is always used in the wild. And if it is not used on the earth, it does not mean that it is not used on other planets."

"Then why not just make the battery bigger and make it into the form of a spaceship." Professor Cao chuckled and said, "For example, it's like the ETA - it's not impossible for everyone to have an ETA from now on."

Ye Ming's head was full of black lines.

Good guy, everyone has an ETA, how can there be so many places to park?

"Actually, the most important thing is the two-dimensional reactor - is it a heat dissipation problem or is it still unresolved?"

"Well, heat must go somewhere. There is no way to avoid this physical law. Even in a two-dimensional space..." Ye Ming shook his head with emotion, and suddenly his eyes condensed slightly!

Seeing his expression, Professor Cao suddenly became curious: "What happened to the two-dimensional space?"

Ye Ming did not answer him, but closed his eyes and thought for a while before opening his eyes. Staring at Professor Cao, Ye Ming said slowly: "The two-dimensional space is a clean space."

Professor Cao's vision also froze for an instant, and after a moment, he stood up!

"You mean, we knock high-dimensional atoms into the two-dimensional space membrane?"

"We put the high-dimensional atoms into the two-dimensional space membrane and then collide!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Ming also stood up and quickly took out his mobile phone. He took a deep breath, looked above his head, and dialed He Mo's number.

Three days later, Frost Galaxy.

The main human fleet still surrounded the Frost Star, and at the same time it also sent mechanical troops to search and take over the enemy's space factory.

During the search, humans captured more than 3,000 local indigenous people.

Of course, humans did not capture the indigenous people as the Imperials did. Instead, they were controlled and managed by robots in accordance with the principle of local resettlement, and were given maximum survival guarantees.

On the Mercury, a little man with a height of only about 1.5 meters stood timidly in front of the commanders. Especially when he saw the unusually burly Borali, who was more than 2 meters tall, this "dwarf" was even more exposed. A look of horror.

"Is this a special case or...are the natives of Frost Star short?" Yang Wenzhi looked down at the native and asked curiously.

"He was originally a dwarf, calling himself the Himba tribe." Crozier replied. In the past few days, he clearly felt that the people from the former enemy headquarters were a little more polite to him. He smiled and said: "In the past, they were even shorter. Some are only less than 1.4 meters tall, but they have grown a lot taller now. But don’t underestimate them, the level of indigenous engineers is still very high, and they are basically responsible for the factories here. "

"Well, then you ask him what his name is and what race they are - by the way, this person is the person in charge, right?"

Crozier nodded, and then asked the Himba dwarf a few questions in Imperial language.

"His name is Kazite. If their leader is gone, then he should indeed be able to speak. I once met him in the space city."

"Then please make a regular inquiry on him." Yang Wenzhi said and handed a piece of paper to Crozier: "Let's discuss the battle plan first."


Crozier sat down on the chair, and then looked at Kazite, a Himba tribesman who looked at him in horror, with a smile on his face.

He knew that according to human titles and positions, this man should be the deputy chief engineer.

After pondering for a few seconds, Crozier pointed to the chair opposite him, with a condescending indifference in his tone: "Sit down."

The Himba climbed onto the chair obediently.

"Kazit, tell me, who is the leader of the Supreme Council on your planet now?"

"It's Dutru." The Himba man held his hands tightly. His hands were big and looked very strong. He stared and tried his best to hide his fear: "Dear Sir, may I ask... Are you an emissary of the empire?"

"You just need to answer my words." Crozier looked at him lightly.

"Okay, sir."

"Next question, can you contact Dutroux?"


"Okay. Then..." Crozier turned his head and glanced at the door of the conference room that was slowly closing, and breathed out slowly: "You contact your Supreme Speaker, and you can choose a new owner."

The Simba's eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at Crozier.

"You heard me right. If you don't want to see your people and planet completely destroyed...then choose a new master."

"Sir, isn't the Empire coming?"

"Yes, it won't come."

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