From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 778 It is better to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave men

Sophie Galaxy, Home flagship.

Hercules' roar echoed throughout the main control cabin.

"Fire! Fire for me!"

"Ship No. 37, are you stupid? Someone bumped into you and you didn't even know how to hide? How long has Aita been reminding you?"

"Open the shield! Open the shield!"

"Free Fire!"

All the commanders who had been in the war room had left the war room and came to the main control hall.

In the main control hall, dozens of Blue Star warriors wearing human holographic combat helmets were holding control handles to control the battleship. Although the combat helmet is fully enclosed, the intense exchanges between these soldiers and the digital command system can still be heard.

Hercules stood outside the captain's seat, with his hands on his hips and an extremely serious expression. Three meters in front of him was a huge digital battlefield holographic projection screen.

"67, you haven't fired the rice grains yet? Do you want to keep them for the New Year?"

At this moment, a violent flash of light passed through the observation window in front, shocking Halko for a full two seconds before he cursed: "Fuck! Scared me... Home!"


"Aim at target No. 7, lock it and fire!"

Less than three seconds after Helko's voice fell, a blue pillar of death burst out instantly. Two seconds later, the frontmost battleship in the enemy fleet turned into a firework.

"Continue! Call your names one by one, the enemy is about to run away."

On the star map, the warships of the Holy Empire have passed through the interception direction, accelerating crazily towards the uninhabited deep space.

Unlike Commander Helko and Commander Yiqian who stood beside the digital battlefield and commanded, Cao Xinyu, the human liaison officer, stood next to the observation window.

Wearing the observation glasses specially made by the Blue Stars, he looked at the space outside the window intently, even greedily, through the thick observation window.

In the quiet space, in addition to the faint stars that can be seen shining in the very distance, there are also the huge ships that often appear in movies, thousands of cannons firing, and countless lasers intertwining into a network in the sky. The scene is completely invisible.

But this did not hinder his excitement.

Because this is the moment when humans are closest to a real battlefield - although there is no simultaneous firing of thousands of guns, hundreds of warships fire in sequence, and the high-energy beams of light formed by shaking space dust and plasma can still bring a deep shock.

Not to mention... the enemy is not a target, the enemy will fight back.

He saw with his own eyes that a friendly warship that had appeared in his naked eye was directly destroyed by the enemy's counterattack; he also saw the enemy's high-speed reconnaissance ship pass through layers of firepower nets and transform into a huge "human missile" that would One of the few main battleships of the Kron people crashed into a ball of fireworks that lit up the night sky.

At this time, nearly thirty minutes had passed since the two sides entered each other's shooting range.

As a liaison officer, Cao Xingyu knew every step of the arrangements and even every discussion of the former enemy headquarters. Therefore, he knew that all the enemy's choices had not escaped the predictions and arrangements of the group of battle-hardened commanders at the former enemy headquarters - in After being hit hard for the first time, the enemy gained a decisive momentum, and even used his body as a weapon to "kill" a bloody path in the human defense line!

Of course, the cost to the enemy is huge.

The coalition forces, having seen through the enemy's choice, did not choose to stagger. Instead, they slowed down and transferred early. Relying on Aita's powerful prediction and judgment, they used the battleship's own shield to avoid the enemy's salvo damage, and then relied on small-scale maneuvers to adjust. The position of the main gun not only "makes" a passage for the enemy, but also constantly baptizes the enemy with the main gun.

When another firework bloomed in the distance, Yang Wenzhi's voice sounded in Cao Xingyu's earphones and also sounded in the entire main control hall.

"Lao Hai, it's better to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave men." Yang Wenzhi's voice was filled with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

Cao Xingyu immediately turned around and looked at Halko, who had his hands on his hips and a mighty look on his face: "I mean, chase him to the end!"

Karatu Galaxy, Mercury.

Hearty laughter came from the combat center.

"I thought if two thousand battleships came over, what kind of battle would they be able to create... and this is what happened?"

"That's because the first wave of missile offensive made the enemy a little confused."

"The main reason is that the enemy's two super battleships were destroyed as soon as they arrived. This will definitely affect morale - do you think there will be commanders in their super battleships on the front line? We ended up taking the blame."


Listening to the discussions among many commanders, Ye Ming looked at the statistics of the battle results on the star map, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

So far in this battle, humans have destroyed a total of 1,438 enemy ships of various types, including two super battleships "orbital ships" that were feared by the Kron people - unfortunately, we have never seen how such NB weapons can be fired. ——More than 300 battleships, more than 800 cruisers, destroyers, frigates, etc., and more than 200 support and functional ships of various types.

Correspondingly, humanity only lost about two hundred warships of various types.

If we exclude the harmless results of the first wave of missiles, this is equivalent to a 1:5 battle loss between humans and the enemy in the subsequent honest artillery battle.

To be honest, if we purely look at the battle loss ratio, then this result... can be regarded as the worst since mankind stepped out of the Auriga galaxy and the fleet was formed - the most awesome thing is the ambush in the Tara galaxy. Commanding the coalition forces composed of the Tara and Kerong people, they achieved a brilliant record of 1 for 130 while waiting for work.

In addition, humans relied on the intelligence brought by the "Dialogue" communication ship and used the high-speed battleship device Mi Li to raid the Dibi galaxy and annihilate an enemy force of 400 battleships with a huge advantage of nearly 1:20. Reorganize the fleet.

It is these brilliant results that prompted mankind's combat thinking to change from passive defense to active offense. The biggest worry is not that they can't be defeated, but that the enemy will run away and lose the chance to annihilate them all.

Of course, even Yang Wenzhi, who wanted to fight back to the enemy's lair, was not blinded by these "easy" victories. After more than half a year of dealing with and summarizing the enemy, the goal that mankind has set for itself is to defeat both the enemy and ourselves. In the case of a ratio of 1:2, maintaining the battle loss ratio at 1:5 is a great victory!

In particular, the goal of this operation is to form a front to intercept the enemy. In a sense, it is a pure competition to see who has more accurate fire control, whose projection is greater, and whose defense is more precise - the numerical advantage will be more effective. enlarge.

Now, the enemy's fleet divided into two parts has passed through the defense line, and each part of the fleet has close to 500 ships, and it seems that it still has an organic strength.

But behind them, there is also a human mixed fleet with a strength of 300 ships! Moreover, humans have already set off a fleet to their main star road in advance, and an allied fleet of hundreds of ships is rushing towards the location of the Mercury.

It can be said that in the Sophie Galaxy, the number of combat warships that humans can assemble in the next two days is already equal to that of the enemy.

In 2V1, the enemy can lose 5:1. Now in 1V1, can the enemy still be defeated?

Not to mention... the next battle will involve humans chasing the enemy - as long as they can hit, they will gain blood.

At this moment, Aita's voice sounded.

"Receive signal from Taiyue Command Center and connect in ten seconds."

After hearing this, everyone knew that Lao Qin was definitely coming to encourage everyone. If it were normal times, they would definitely be sitting upright and with a strict military appearance. But now... everyone is immersed in the joy of victory, so He didn't take Aita's reminder seriously at all, and continued to discuss and summarize in a low voice, with hearty laughter coming from time to time.

Even Yang Wenzhi was sitting very casually, with his uniform open and holding a tea cup.

Ten seconds later, the light curtain lowered, and the leader with a smile on his face appeared on the screen.

All the commanders stood up in unison, looking intently.

Ye Ming also stood up slowly, looking at the leader with a smile who finally couldn't help but come out.

"You guys fought well!"

"It is better to pursue the poor bandits with courage, not to be known as the academic overlord. I hope you will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, continue your efforts, and plant the red flag in the enemy's lair as soon as possible!"

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