From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 768 The Strongest Enemy

"We must admit that humans are the strongest enemy since the establishment of the legion, bar none - even this time can be traced back to the period of the ancestors of China thousands of years ago."

Dika's voice echoed heavily and powerfully in the conference room.

His colleagues, or former colleagues, all looked at him with a little surprise - in everyone's memory, Dica, as the second executive officer and Hall's close assistant, was a very proud man!

You know, in general execution bases, the chief and deputy chief executives are often not very harmonious, and various small groups are born from this. This is also one of the methods used by the legion headquarters to check and balance these bases with heavy troops, so many times , when configuring the base's strength, they will even deliberately select two people who are not easy to deal with to serve as chief and deputy positions, and thereby test the wisdom of both parties.

But that's not the case in Base 31.

Thanks to Hall's strength, or the strength of the power behind him, Dika was not appointed by the above, but he personally came to partner with him!

In a sense, Dika lost an opportunity for promotion, so he willingly became Hall's assistant - from this point, we can also see how strong Hall's skills are.

So naturally, as "compensation", although he does not have his own authority and power like other deputy executive officers, Dicka "shared" the power from Hall at Base 31, even for a long time. During this time, he was a symbol of Hall's power!

And from the fact that Dika's fleet was completely wiped out, he was not dragged back to his home planet for accountability despite taking full responsibility for the early failure of Base 31, and he can even still appear in the conference room as a commander... it can be seen that Huo Huo How much I protect Dika.

How could a person who was defended like this not be arrogant?

Could it be that Dika was really beaten awake by humans? Or is he deliberately exaggerating the power of human beings so that he can find reasons for his failure?

"Some people may think that I am making excuses for the destruction of my fleet." Dika seemed to understand everyone's thoughts. He curled his lips slightly and hummed softly: "If you lose, you lose, let alone losing to such a team." Is it a shame to build a fleet? It’s not a shame.”

As he spoke, Dika pointed to the projection on the conference table: "The enemy is still executing encirclement tactics until now - you see, although their fleet maintains good consistency, it has been moving towards the periphery of our fleet. .”

"Then it is obvious that the enemy's base camp must have hidden power to form an encirclement."

"I just said that we must judge the enemy as the strongest opponent and the most cunning enemy - then we cannot expose our intentions easily."

As Dika spoke, he felt his mouth was a little dry. He tilted his head and shouted "water" almost subconsciously.

Of course, no one behind him answered—it was certainly impossible for a sinned slave to appear in the war meeting.

"Sun..." Dika picked up the cup and took a sip before continuing: "Our intention was to determine that the enemy must have a hidden mobile force to deal with the war between the 32717 galaxy and the 31919 galaxy - Don’t forget, they also have artificial jump points. I don’t think I need to remind you how important the spaceship-style artificial jump is, right?”

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, the artificial jump generator is the cornerstone for the Holy Empire to rule the entire universe, making the vast universe a smooth road.

Not to mention the spacecraft-type artificial jump generator, which can enable the legion's power to be instantaneously projected over long distances. However, due to its huge demand for energy and extremely precise structure, it is particularly precious.

Even at Base 31, there are only twenty-four man-made jump ships in the entire base—Dika destroyed eight of them. This leaves other fleets to travel long distances across the galaxy to reach the battlefield.

"So, inducing the enemy's hidden mobility is our first goal. Then we retreat while encircling and suppressing! Finally, we can complete the long-term consumption of maintaining balance and even superiority with the enemy."

After Dika finished speaking, his fat hands quickly started operating on the controller. Immediately afterwards, a tactical simulation evolution began to appear on the star map - I saw that when the imaginary enemy came to support from the star gate, the intention was different from the current one. When the enemy fleet formed a typical V-shaped encirclement, the spacecraft that seemed to be flying all over the sky without any order quickly began to change its formation, maneuvering quickly towards the two enemy fleets in two crescent-shaped arcs, and then Split completed!

Needless to say, this will cause some battleships that turn too slowly to have their tails bitten by the enemy, but so what?

The humans chasing behind are never as fast as the ones in front! And there are not as many as the ones running ahead - as long as the fleets on both sides pass through it at high speed, it will become the scythe of death, and the five hundred or so human warships will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

As for the remaining enemies, as long as they dare to continue chasing...the rail gun is not a vegetarian - the rail gun has not been used. Firstly, it is because they have been fighting with humans before, and secondly, because the railgun It's too troublesome to dispatch, so it's more suitable for tough battles.

But that doesn't mean railguns are useless.

Liana gently poked the electronic pen on her cheek and listened quietly, with a relieved smile on her lips.

Of course she is not an expert in war, but she has been stationed at Base 31 for a year, and she even organized a battle meeting at one point. According to her intelligence... Even if she doesn't understand tactics, she still understands a little bit.

Therefore, she can naturally hear that Dika's tactics are effective - provided that the current more than 2,000 warships can defeat the enemy's 500 warships head-on.

Can you win?

——In the past half year, the most important task of Hall and Dika was to test the gap between the legion and enemy warships through small-scale battles.

It may be a bit incorrect to say that it is a gap, because in actual evaluation, the gap between the warships of the two sides is actually not large, especially against the warships of the Kerong and Kra tribesmen, the warships of the Legion still have an advantage.

What is really bad is the technology and errors in combat aiming and concentrated firepower, as well as the elusive sub-light speed missiles of mankind - but there is now a way to deal with sub-light speed missiles, which is to install strong electromagnetic radiation jammers at the end of warships - -Human subsonic missiles are guided by electromagnetic wave reflection at the end.

As we all know, errors can be adjusted and technology can be improved through training.

Humanity has a reserve force, and the thieves' executives at Base 31 also have a hand - in previous confrontations, in regular battleship main gun duels, the legion's battleships have actually been able to even do a 2-for-1 exchange. !

But now, the legion has four times the combat effectiveness, coupled with orbital ships that can support at any time...

The advantage must be in the legion!

As soon as she thought of this, Liana also looked at Hall, and saw a meaningful smile on the corner of Hall's mouth. She smiled too, and then breathed out gently.

She knew that Hall's pursuit had never been to destroy all human fleets this time...

What Hall wants is just to eliminate an uncertain "threat" - the legion must have an enemy, but the enemy's power must be controlled and restricted.

Only in this way can Base 31 take control of the war.

Withdrawing her gaze, Lianna looked at the portable device in front of her again. When she saw the fourth planet, she seemed to realize something, her brows suddenly furrowed slightly, and she coughed lightly while everyone was communicating. A voice: "I have a question, can I ask it?"

Hall immediately looked at her and smiled gently: "Anna, when did you become so polite?"

Liana pursed her lips slightly, glanced at Dika first, and then laughed and said: "I don't want to steal Dika's limelight!"

Dika was drinking water from a water cup. Hearing this, he laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? What do you mean by my limelight?"

Being called "sister-in-law" by Dika, Lianna blushed slightly - just for a moment. After all, many of Hall's "brothers" have called her sister-in-law in the past six months, but it was only like today in such a formal occasion. It was the first time I shouted.

Of course, this can also show that the stalemate with humans has not failed for more than half a year, and even now there is still enough energy to launch an offensive, which makes everyone present feel very happy.

It's just... this sister-in-law... she's really embarrassed to "take it" - after all, she hasn't officially become Hall's woman yet.

"Ana, just say it."

"Well, okay." Liana put down her pen, pondered for a few seconds and then said seriously: "That's it, the fourth planet of 32717 has intelligent undersea creatures on it."

As she spoke, Liana threw a piece of information onto the projection.

This is a video from the bottom of the sea. It can be clearly seen that there are various ancient cities built of rocks and corals underwater, as well as marine life that shuttles back and forth in the city.

"This is a video from the Enlightenment Association's inspection three hundred years ago. Judging from the judgment on the front line, humans should also have discovered this creature. And the direction of our warship's movement..."

When her voice fell, several people looked at her in surprise at the same time.

"Sister-in-law, you won't commit Sumaya's crime, right? Do you also have to consider this primitive creature?"

"Sister-in-law, we are not going to grab the planet..."

Liana shook her head, looked at Hall who looked a little serious and said softly: "Hall, I am not suffering from Sumaya disease, but there are currently very few samples of advanced aquatic intelligent creatures, and they are very rare found in the entire universe. is an excellent object for observation."

"What I mean is that, as long as it does not affect the battle, you can try not to point the main gun at the planet." Liana paused as she said: "And from a cooperation perspective, we don't need to The Enlightenment Society is offended at this juncture."

As soon as she finished speaking, Prophet Dieter nodded with a smile and took the lead in echoing: "From a scholar's perspective, I also agree with Anna's considerations."

Seeing that the two representatives from the House of Prophets had expressed their opinions, Hall pondered for a moment and then nodded slightly and smiled: "Of course it can, and it should be so."

Lianna was startled for a moment, and then she smiled sweetly.

There is still a day before the battleship is in place, so the meeting cannot last until then.

After finishing the meeting, Liana deliberately stayed at the end - she wanted to know Hall's truest thoughts, and hoped that she could be of some help in this most important battle to date - no doubt, just like Dee Dee As Ka said, humans are smart. So... can humans realize the base's intentions? If humans realize it, what should they do?

And Hall also willingly let everyone go first. When everyone left with strange expressions, he walked happily to Liana, and his eyes fell gently on Lianna's face, which obviously no longer looked young. .

Liana stood up from her chair and found that Hall was too close to her, so she had no choice but to lean against the conference table.

Facing Hall's eyes, Liana felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter, and her body was getting softer and softer, so that she had to support her hands on the table.

But Hall, this guy, actually took it a step further and kept a forearm's length away from her.

"What do you want to do!" Liana breathed softly, and she stared suddenly when she found that she could not resist, but as soon as she said the words, she knew that she said these words at the wrong time...

This guy's answer must be the same as last time.

Sure enough, Hall chuckled: "I think!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, hugged Liana's waist directly, and then lowered his head.

" guy..."

Her mouth was blocked instantly, but Liana instantly put down all resistance. After a moment, she closed her eyes, and the spiritual touch above her head began to slowly rise.

Like an elf, the spiritual touch danced on top of her head, and then slowly approached each other with Hall's spiritual touch, and finally touched each other lightly.

A joy that cannot be described in words arose in my mind.

This is an emotional communication that only belongs to advanced creatures like the holy imperial people.

After a long time, Liana slowly opened her eyes.

She pursed her lips hard and stuck out her tongue slightly.

Her actions were indescribably cute in the eyes of Hall who was very close.

"dislike me?"

"No, it's just a little numb." Lianna bit her lower lip gently, supported the conference table and stood up, staring at Hall with water-like clarity in her eyes: "Tell me the truth, how many sin descendants have you practiced with? "

"I don't!"

"So your kung fu is so good?"

"...I really don't..." Hall still stared at her: "How can a sinner be worthy? can other women be worthy?"

Rao knew that Hall's words were a bit false, but to Liana's ears, they sounded as sweet as the sound of nature.

A strange thought suddenly flashed through her mind - just the touch of spiritual touch can have such an experience...

So what will it feel like when the final ritual is performed...?

Of course, this thought only passed through her mind for a moment, and she quickly suppressed it.

For the final ceremony, you must choose the most beautiful moment - wait a few days, and the war that has troubled you and the entire Base 31 for several years will usher in a decisive moment.

She is in no hurry.

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