From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 766: It’s advisable to take a broad view of things.

Solar system, moon.

Reception hall of Taiyue Combat Command Center.

After holding the usual meetings and symposiums, the inspection team from Earth left their seats and walked from the side hall to the heavily guarded conference hall.

Among the crowd, even Qin Weiguo, the top person in charge here, was only in the third position. This shows how high the standards of this inspection team are - in fact, this is from the highest BOSS team in mankind. On the eve of the upcoming war, he visited the human command center to inspect.

After taking a seat in the conference room, the leader put on his glasses, took a paper document from Director Tai of the office and read it carefully.

The rest of the people, including Qin Weiguo, Director Niu, Director Tai in the office, and the many commanders who could sit here, all stared at him and waited quietly.

At the conference table, Qin Weiguo and Director Niu sat opposite each other. Their eyes met, but neither could see each other's attitude.

"You should all know that the Kron people hope to immigrate to the planet Sophie 4."

After the leader read the document, he looked at everyone without any attitude.

Everyone looked at each other and finally nodded in unison.

Of course... they know.

As early as more than 20 days ago, some gossips began to circulate among the senior officials. However, since no formal notification or permission information was issued, no one discussed it publicly.

"Since we are all here today, let me listen to everyone's opinions." The leader nodded slightly, put the document on the table and looked at Director Tai next to him: "Convey the authority and pass the minutes and details of the agreement to the meeting. room."

Director Tai was stunned for a moment, but immediately started operating on the tablet without hesitation.

Seeing this, the others quickly picked up the tablet in front of them and looked at it seriously.

"You guys look at it first, let me tell you something briefly." The leader crossed his fingers on the table. After pondering for a few seconds, his eyes scanned everyone one by one: "Today is not a formal meeting, not even a solicitation of opinions. I just want to Hear everyone’s true attitude towards the demands of the Kerong people.”

Time passed slowly, and as the tablet slid, everyone raised their heads.

At this time, everyone's expressions became a little serious, and some people even kept communicating with their eyes.

"Who wants to talk first?" The leader looked around and directly named Qin Weiguo: "Comrade Weiguo, you take the lead first."

Qin Weiguo knew that he couldn't hide, so he had to smile, cough slightly, and then said seriously: "Leader, my attitude is to take a look first."

"Hmm...what are you looking at?"

"Just to see how much results we can achieve in the later battles." Qin Weiguo has been thinking about this issue for nearly a month - he received the news from Ye Ming almost on the day Ye Ming was lobbied by the queen.

And he also keenly judged that Ye Ming's attitude was inclined to help the Kerong people.

Of course, the Kron people are allies and allies of mankind today. When they encounter an existential crisis, it is certainly impossible for humans to stand by and watch.

Turning a blind eye, regardless of the life or death of the people of Kerong, this option is not possible.

But to what extent humans are going to help, and what price the Kerong people need to pay, are the key points to consider.

"Although Planet Sophie 4 is very habitable, there is no way that there is only one habitable planet in the universe. Not to mention anything else, the Executor's base is located in a habitable galaxy, and there are several other habitable planets. A galaxy of servants."

"The only thing we have to consider is whether we can quickly capture these sites." After a pause, Qin Weiguo said with a smile: "If we can't capture it, then Sophie 4 will not be able to start real immigration and construction."

At this time, Tao Linchuan also added with a smile: "And we are destined to kill the enemy's lair and take over the entire universe, a planet... Actually, it's not bad."

After hearing the conversation between the leader and the two Taiyue bosses, several other commanders also nodded in approval.

On the other hand, the other members from the ground had a very conservative attitude and only politely agreed.

The leader nodded slowly: "We should take a broad view of the future - Comrade Jianjun, where are you?"

Listening to the leader calling his name, Director Niu coughed lightly and said slowly: "Actually, compared with letting Kerong people immigrate to Sophie 4, what is more complicated and difficult is how to immigrate and what to do after immigrating. Construction.”

"The Kerong people currently have a population of 3 billion. Even if one spaceship carries 10,000 people, it would take 300,000 ships... If the transfer time is one day, that would be more than 800 years, and ten ships a day would take more than 80 years. , 100 ships a day is eight years.”

"Of course, we can also build artificial star gates on the ground, but this will be extremely costly and requires preliminary construction results." Director Niu shook his head as he spoke, his brows furrowed. Shen: "Suppose we build three giant artificial star gates in Sophie 4 and Karatu respectively that can pass ten thousand people's spaceships. According to the current cost, each star gate will cost more than one trillion - and that's not all. Three billion people have food, drink, shelter and housing problems. If you include resettlement costs, it would be in the tens of billions."

Following Director Niu's simple snap of his fingers, everyone took a deep breath.

"Good guy, Lao Niu, do you mean that we are completely responsible for the resettlement?" Director Tai sat next to Director Niu and joked with a smile: "Even my own son won't be able to get this kind of treatment, right? "

"Who else has the ability to relocate a country with a population of three billion except us?" Director Niu slowly shook his head: "And what I mean is that we are responsible for the resettlement, not the resettlement costs."

Hearing what Director Niu said, Director Tai was slightly startled, then frowned slightly: "Are they rich?"

"No money?" Director Niu exhaled softly: "Then it depends on how far they can transfer their interests."

"In my opinion, Planet Sophie 4 is just the most basic and least important appeal of the Kerong people for survival and continuation. Their real difficulty is how to immigrate and how to continue." Director Niu said for himself The attitude was summarized: "I think even the Queen of Kerong, who has been away from business for a long time, does not realize this."

At this moment, Qin Weiguo, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly raised his wrist and glanced, and then his expression straightened.

After a while, Qin Weiguo turned to look at his leader: "I received an emergency battle report video from the former enemy headquarters."

The leader nodded slightly and signaled Qin Weiguo to take it directly.

The light curtain lowered, and Yang Wenzhi's upper body was projected above the conference table.

"Command Center, thirty-five minutes ago, our remote detectors determined that the enemy's backup fleet in the Dias A system had begun a rapid jump. Currently, more than two hundred warships have jumped. According to the estimated size of Aita, The fleet still has at least 500 ships on standby."

"As of now, the total number of enemy ships has reached 1,800. If the enemy's jump is completed, it will reach about 2,300."

"Based on this situation, our department predicts that the enemy may engage in a decisive battle in the Sophie Galaxy with our army."

After listening to Yang Wenzhi's report, Qin Weiguo stood up instantly. But soon he realized that the leader was next to him, so he immediately sat down again and looked at the leader with a calm face.

The leader's brows finally frowned slightly.

"How many warships do we have on the front line?"

"We have always maintained a two-to-five ratio with the enemy. There are currently about 600 ships."

"What about the reserve force?" the leader said, turning his head and looking in the direction behind him.

That is the space port where the human reserve battleship group docks.

In the dark night sky, countless battleships were like sleeping sharks, floating quietly in space. The largest one was like a steel fortress, stretching thousands of meters in the air, with an imposing momentum.

"Exactly three full fleets."

Karatu galaxy, Shadow Moon King's royal city.

Ye Ming stood at the window, watching the sunset on this last night, and felt indescribable melancholy in his heart.

After staying here for a month, in addition to communicating with the wise men of the Wisdom Academy, he also visited many places accompanied by Ai Wen, such as their underground food factory, breeding base, energy center, and data center.

Of course, he also went to see the most famous scenic spot here, the double moon dominating the sky - two crescent-shaped peaks standing opposite each other, which is really beautiful.

At the same time, he also went down to the streets above ground for a walk in the afternoon when the temperature was the hottest.

The current mother planet is in autumn seasonally - in fact, they no longer have winter, only summer, spring and autumn. But in terms of temperature, it behaves almost like the hottest summer on earth. The temperature on the streets does not come from direct sunlight - because the dense road network serves as a good shield.

The high temperature is mainly due to the accumulation of heat island effect.

Naturally, on such a street, there are no pedestrians at all, and no shops are open - you can still see shops in the older buildings, but in the newer buildings, there are really no shops at all, and there are not even any shops. The underlying residential structures are not visible.

Ye Ming once wanted to go out for a walk, but as soon as he opened the door, he was beaten back by the rolling heat wave...

And just like this, there are actually many residents on the ground floor.

Of course, these residents are all dependents, and they basically don’t go out. They rely on central air conditioning to resist the high heat, and the activity area is also a passage inside the building - their residential building is like a human commercial building, with Huge interior space and various business facilities.

Unless necessary, people here have no opportunity or reason to leave their buildings.

Therefore, there are not many cars on the highway network that runs through the entire city.

This entire royal city with a population of hundreds of millions only gave Ye Ming a feeling of deathly silence.

At least, that's what it looks like from the outside.

The sound of Egwene's footsteps came from behind.

"Teacher, do you want to bring any other belongings or gifts? I can tell them to prepare them."

"Oh, no need." Ye Ming turned around and looked at Ai Wen who had put on her own tribe's clothes. He smiled slightly: "You are dressed so formally? What did you do just now?"

"I gave a lesson to the graduate students from the Institute of Wisdom." Ai Wen said with a smile.

Ye Mingyile: "Are you taking classes? What field are you studying?"

Ye Ming's expression made Aiwen feel a little embarrassed immediately: "Teacher... don't be like this, I used to be a top student, okay?"

"Okay... you are a top student." Ye Ming laughed and said, "Scholar top, it's almost ten o'clock, do you want to get on the boat tomorrow?"

"Yes! I'll leave right away!"

Ye Ming nodded with a smile and waved his hand - this little girl missed home every day when she was on Earth. As a result, she shouted that she wanted to go back to Earth within a few days after she came back. After that, she wanted to follow him to Tara Planet this time. access.

It is conceivable that in the eyes of the Kron people, her request to go to Tara is...obviously a bit unreasonable - you know, the Kron people have always looked down on the Tara people - well, let's be more specific. That is, Kerong people are more concerned about their appearance than humans.

Therefore, as soon as she proposed it, she encountered collective opposition.

But Her Majesty the Queen of Kerongren agreed to her request after much thought. There was only one request - she could not go as the princess of Kerongren, but as Ye Ming's student.

Just as he was waving, Ye Ming's wrist suddenly moved. He retracted his hand, glanced at it and quickly frowned.

The next moment, he quickly walked to the coffee table and unveiled the portable projector.

Egwene didn't intend to leave after seeing this, but looked at him curiously.

Ye Ming took a deep breath and directly gave Eta the instruction to connect to the instant message in his mind.

After a moment, the light curtain rose, and Yang Wenzhi's figure appeared.

"Mr. Ye, the enemy may really be coming."

Following Yang Wenzhi's voice, his figure quickly disappeared, and what followed was a star map with dense light spots.

On the star map, the red highlights marked as enemies are moving in the blue direction on a large scale.

Their positions are widely spread out, just like the stars covering the entire galaxy, and like locusts covering the sky and the sun.

The human fleet marked with blue light spots is slowly retreating in an orderly manner towards the two jump points in a long snake formation, forming a figure of eight with an opening in space.

Egwene was stunned when she saw Sophie's galaxy star map for the first time. She pursed her lips subconsciously and stared closely at the blue "thick line" that seemed to be swallowed up by the red dots in the sky - no reminder needed. , those blue marks are the coalition battleships.

Among them, naturally, the Silver Moon Fleet is also included.

Ye Ming frowned deeply, and his eyes quickly crossed the red sky and stopped at the largest red cursor at the very back.

That's the enemy's orbital ship.

The orbital ship remained motionless.

In silence, Ye Ming took a breath: "At the current speed, how long will it take for the battle to start?"

"Twenty-eight hours."

"How many offensives have they launched in the past few days...a month?"

"Same as the first half of the year, it has always been a small fight, competing with us for detection rights." Yang Wenzhi's voice sounded a little calm: "General Qin asked me to ask you if we can dispatch the backup fleet."

Even at this moment, Ye Ming was still stunned: "Ask me?"

"Yes, your intuition and advice are important, and you are an advisor to our former enemy command."

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