"At the invitation of the Queen of the Keron people, we plan to organize a diplomatic and scientific delegation to the Karatu system for exchanges. At the same time, the Tara people have also made a similar request."

He Mo slowly introduced the cause and effect for Ye Ming: "The Tara people said they invited you, but you didn't agree?"

Ye Ming immediately remembered that when he met Flack a few days ago, Flack did ask him to come over, but he refused without taking it seriously.

After all... Although he is a big shot who can make decisions about mankind, his travel is strictly controlled. He can't just say "I can't make the decision" to others when they invite him to an alien galaxy!

"Of course it's okay to go!" Ye Ming nodded immediately.

Although he has stepped out of the Milky Way, as a scientist who has made achievements in many fields, how can his "distant place" be satisfied by the local galaxy group?

One day, he will go to the Holy Empire's lair!

But he also knew that the sudden loosening of restrictions on him by the superiors must mean that this so-called exchange would play an irreplaceable role if he went there, so he immediately asked: "Tell me, what do the superiors think and what is the mission?" ? Why is there no movement from Lao Niu and the others?"

Ye Ming said and glanced at his phone, and sure enough, there was no news at all.

He Mo then chuckled: "You said this, who dares to arrange tasks for you..."

She even said "you", which was obviously not convincing at all. After a pause, He Mo said seriously: "On the one hand, the two civilizations have indeed strongly invited you by name. On the other hand, the artificial wormhole transmission device has been proven to be reliable after many runs. There will be no accidents.”

"In other words, the safety of the journey can be guaranteed."

"In addition, the war has been well maintained in the Sophie Galaxy. The star road to the Tara tribe has been smoothed, and a reliable group sealing detection system has been set up, so there is no threat from foreign enemies."

"As for whether the two civilizations will plot evil, I think you can understand this..." He Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "In short, according to the assessment, safety can be guaranteed."

Ye Ming listened to He Mo's long words, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated. After a while, he sighed quietly: "You guys are so mean... I haven't seen you think so carefully before BOSS visits."

"Boss can take turns, but who will be your successor?" He Mo looked at him with a smile.

Ye Ming immediately stopped talking.

"As for your mission... Firstly, your visit represents humanity and the meaning of communication. Secondly, only you can master so much scientific knowledge. And this exchange is for us to comprehensively evaluate the two civilizations. scientific system, and accelerate the integration and learning of their theories, experiences, and technologies.”

"For example, the Tara people's dark matter detection technology, entropy reduction shield, the Kron people's heavy ion fusion technology, etc. You also know that the United College on the Blue Star currently mainly relies on the expertise of various professors in their own fields. The knowledge is compared and translated with each other, and the focus is also on the fields of mathematics and biology..."

Ye Ming nodded seriously when he heard this. He took the lead in handling this matter, and even the entire United College was led by him and the late Dali Si Muduo of Canglan Star. The reason why "unified standards" were first launched in the fields of mathematics and biology is because mathematics is the most basic subject and it will not be changed by any changes in the environment. And the biological thing is because it has been in remote communication with the Blue Star people since the era of long-distance communication...

"There are many standards that need to be unified." He Mo seemed to think for a moment before continuing: "For example, in the semiconductor field, such as the electrical and mechanical fields, such as..."

"Actually, it's the entire field of science." Ye Ming added for her.

He Mo nodded with a smile: "You big guys sitting up there can formulate various cooperation policies with just one sentence, but even a small error unit can kill the engineers below... not to mention all kinds of cooperation policies. The interface is over - we still don’t have the ability to wipe out other people’s basic industries, especially the energy industry, all at once.”

Ye Ming coughed a little embarrassedly.

He has indeed been away from front-line projects for a long time now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know the phenomenon of breaking one's legs when talking at the top - Human beings can now rely on Aita to solve most of the problems. But in other galaxies far away, people have built an industrial system that lasts for thousands of years. If the regulations are not fully sorted out, it will be really embarrassing.

As far as he knew, the construction of the space factory in the Karatu galaxy was originally built by the Tara tribe for humans, and then they encountered a lot of troubles caused by the construction habits of both sides.

"So now we need a powerful big shot to come over and surrender them." He Mo finally looked at Ye Ming, with a smile on his face: "Let them completely obey us in terms of standards."

Ye Ming coughed again, and at the same time felt deeply that this task was too heavy...

Over the years, he has made many suggestions and made many decisions. He knows that even within human beings, many decisions are delayed due to problems of one kind or another during the implementation process - the most fundamental of which is interests.

For example, a very simple example is that to this day, the voltages in various countries in the world have not yet been completely unified, and there are still large areas using the 110V standard.

You said there are technical issues involved here? Isn't that nonsense... There are no technical issues, it's all a matter of interests.

No one wants to invest extra money simply for the sake of uniform standards.

Since this is true for humans, it is even more so for aliens from different galaxies - what humans can rely on now is mainly the comprehensive automation brought by Aita.

Seeing the confusion on Ye Ming's face, He Mo immediately joked: "Don't you want to go?"

"If you say that, I am indeed a little discouraged." Ye Ming nodded calmly.

"Hahaha!" He Mo burst out laughing.

"..." Ye Ming was speechless for a long time, and finally glared at her: "When will we set off?"

"About a month later." He Mo said, looking behind Ye Ming and pointing to the next room: "You can also take the little girl with you. I haven't been home for more than a year."

Ye Ming also turned his head, pondered for a moment and then nodded slowly.

The journey from the Blue Star to the Karatu Galaxy will take more than three months at the speed of an ordinary spaceship. This trip will last for half a year, and Egwene really has no way to go home.

Now that the artificial wormhole network has been built, it’s really time to take the little girl back to have a look.

In the next three days, Ye Ming did not see Ai Wen. From Eta, he learned that Ai Wen was busy thinking until late at night every day, and fell asleep several times while wearing holographic glasses - Ye Ming did not I believe the little girl can still fall asleep playing games at this time.

This made him regret a little, whether he should have set a three-day time limit for her - his original intention was to let the little girl understand the problem and design experiments from an engineering perspective, rather than really wanting to PUA.

Based on this, Ye Ming resisted not using his authority to see Ai Wen's design plan. Even if Eta asked her to take a peek, Ye Ming refused.

Until three days later, Egwene appeared in his office with a tired look on her head, her hair looking unkempt.

The busy days have made her iconic pointed ears droop a bit.

Ye Ming felt quite distressed when he saw this, and wanted to say something comforting, but his words turned into "You finally look like a science and engineering girl like this."

"Teacher." Ai Wen sat down on the sofa, closed her eyes and relaxed for a while before opening them.

Seeing that her eyes were bloodshot, Ye Ming frowned slightly: "Don't tell me you didn't sleep last night."

"Can't sleep." Ewen pursed her lips, waited for a moment and then clenched her fists, as if to encourage herself. She turned around and took out the controller from her bag, and lowered the projection light screen on the ceiling of the office.

The curtains gradually closed, and a helmet-like model began to rise on the light curtain.

"I contacted Professor Mo Gu, and she told me the current progress of signal analysis of the brain control equipment of Zhi Nao."

Ye Ming had already stood up and left the chair, sitting in front of Ai Wen. Hearing this, he nodded slightly, with a smile on his face and at the same time, he did not hesitate to show his appreciation - he deliberately let Ai Wen see it.

After all, this is the right first step.

Seeing Ye Ming's approval, Ai Wen immediately felt better. She took a breath and said, "The progress is a bit slow..."

"Well, what then?"

"In the subjects of our civilization, there has always been brain science, but I'm not very good at it...I can't make up for it these days." Ewen gritted her teeth and said: "But what I know is that our brain-computer intervention The level is no less than that of humans, and even our central network can achieve extremely high levels of consciousness deception. This is why many Kron people are addicted to the virtual world."

"Therefore, I think... to truly realize consciousness uploading, multiple civilizations may need to work together and establish a cross-galaxy research team to advance quickly."

Ye Ming hummed softly: "What then?"

"Then...is this subject too big?" Ai Wen's face became extremely depressed: "I thought about it, if we really want to set up this research group, maybe even Academician Mo Gu's research group will be included...and..."

Ye Ming slowly laughed.

It seems that this little girl has not been in the scientific research circle in vain and knows what such a big subject means.

——She uses the form of consciousness uploading and simulation to complete the ultimate investigation of the intelligent brain. In a sense, this requires solving one of the ultimate pursuits of many civilizations, the problem of digital ascension.

This is not something she can do alone - only in movies will a magical genius appear, holding up a data disk and shouting "I did it!"

"And what?"

"Furthermore, the biggest problem is... I haven't figured it out. If consciousness enters a high-dimensional space, in what form does it exist?" Ai Wen said, looking at Ye Ming with red eyes: "In fact, I thought of the route. It didn’t take me much time, but I don’t understand what I might encounter at the end of the data. Teacher, do you know?”

Ye Ming hummed softly, his expression became serious, and after a moment of silence, he slowly exhaled.

"I also do not understand."

"...Is there anything the teacher doesn't understand?"

"Well...I don't understand much."


"Then..." Egwene pursed her lips vigorously. After a few seconds of silence, her eyes gradually became determined: "Then this issue is worth delving into, right?"


"Then... maybe I have to study brain science..." Ewen took a slow breath: "In that case... I don't know how long it will take for the paper to be published."

"No need." Ye Ming looked at her, with admiration in his eyes: "No one can be an all-rounder, a generalist. Even I, the teacher, only know a little more because I have Aita on my back. You can just Just understand it a little bit and don't make principled mistakes. There is no need to become an expert in a certain field - the relevant work can be left to those truly experienced experts to work with you."

"Is this okay?"

"Of course. And... I'm going to your home planet in a month." Ye Ming looked at the girl with a smile: "Do you want to go home?"

Ai Wen was stunned, then jumped up instantly: "Yes!"

"Then study with peace of mind during this period and communicate more with Professor Mo Gu." Ye Ming said, stood up and walked to his seat.



Time flies, when autumn completely envelopes the provincial capital, the ETA carries Ye Ming, Sheng Fei, and Professor Fang, who has made great achievements in the high-dimensional field, to the space city.

Of course, Egwene is also on the ship.

After arriving at the space city, Eta-2, who had been waiting in the space city for a long time, also joined the team and lived in the same room as Ye Ming - the Eta-2 here is of course not another Eta, but Eta-2. The origin of Tower's other body can be traced back to the time when he went to the Triangulum Galaxy.

Since returning that time, Ita has maintained two bodies, one in the sky and one underground, so that he can "serve" Ye Ming at any time.

This time, Ye Ming was going to travel far again, so naturally he had to take Eta with him again.

In the space city, Ye Ming and others rested for a night. It was not until the next day that the entire delegation gathered and they boarded the brand new "Visitor" spacecraft.

This delegation is a mixed delegation, in which representatives from the scientific field are naturally Ye Ming and others, while the foreign affairs delegation is led by Director Xia himself.

Whether in terms of specifications or functions, this delegation is very important, and the level of decision-making it can make is also very high - basically, all decisions in the field of science and technology can be made by the people of this spacecraft. Make and complete the signing of the agreement.

The Visitor flew in the Earth-Moon orbit for less than two hours before arriving at the man-made wormhole and then drilled into it.

The observation window opened, and the vast space was clear to the eyes. The two suns were like bright lights in the darkness, illuminating the Visitor Star brightly.

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