From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 744 We can’t let them escape!

Moon, Taiyo command center.

There were bursts of laughter in Ye Ming's office.

"The dragging knife tactic, judging from the current battlefield situation, can indeed chop the enemy hard." Ye Ming looked at the real-time information on the star map, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "And it can also kill two birds with one stone, and can completely confirm the enemy strategic goals.”

General Tao Linchuan nodded in agreement.

Before, humans were not sure what the enemy's strategic direction was because they did not have more accurate information about the enemy's movements. It wasn't until intelligence came from Gloria that humans knew that the enemy troops were divided into two groups to "annihilate" them on a large scale.

But even if they know the intelligence, humans cannot completely believe that the enemy will act as stated in the intelligence - after all, the enemy has an absolute advantage in numbers, and this is a "joint operation" involving several executor bases, and there may be dangers at any time. Possibility to change course and target.

Therefore, only through constant detection and judgment of enemy actions can humans truly determine the enemy's strategic goals.

Now, the former enemy's command headquarters' plan to drag the enemy is based on the judgment that the enemy wants to keep all the human fleets in the Sophie galaxy - as long as the enemy wants to pursue them, the enemy's purpose can be determined.

"Now the former enemy headquarters still has a problem, which is how to convince the enemy that the former enemy headquarters is about to retreat." Tao Linchuan pointed at the star map and said: "If the enemy sees through it, it will be embarrassing..."

"Well, this is it." Ye Ming also nodded, and after pondering for a few times, he said: "How about we properly expose a detector sent by Auriga?"

"You mean, send a signal to the two Enlightenment spacecraft through the detector?"

"Yes, and we can also send a statement of denunciation to the enemy through the communication ship currently in the Frost Galaxy." Ye Ming's eyes brightened as he spoke: "Yes! We directly claim ownership of the LY Galaxy and several Star Road Galaxies there. , and then condemn the enemy for trespassing!"

General Tao Linchuan was stunned, then blinked: "Will this work?"

"I think... yes." Ye Ming chuckled: "We have always given the enemy the impression that we are a defender of the rules - in their view, this is Yelang's arrogance and overestimation of his capabilities. It is not surprising to give such a condemnation. "

Tao Linchuan pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slightly: "Since it's a show, we have to do it in full - do we want to threaten them with prisoners?"

"This...isn't necessary?"

"Okay, let's sum it up!" He stood up and looked at Ye Ming: "Are you coming to the meeting?"

"I won't go. I will go down to Earth later and squat over at the Jiangnan Factory - the assembly of the No. 0 hull has already begun."

As soon as Tao Linchuan heard that Ye Ming was going to keep an eye on the No. 0 battleship in person, he immediately nodded: "Okay, I won't bother you here. You can work on the No. 0 with peace of mind."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

Battleship No. 0 naturally refers to the super battleship Mars. When it is completed, it will be mankind's most powerful weapon so far, and it will also be the source of confidence for mankind to dare to face the enemy's legion of thousands of warships.

As of now, Jiangnan Factory has completed the main hull project and is currently carrying out the most difficult and critical main gun loading. As the chief designer, Ye Ming must do it himself.

After watching Tao Linchuan leave, Ye Ming looked at the time and prepared to pack his briefcase and leave.

But just when he was about to turn off the stereoscopic projection, his sight suddenly stopped at the Dibis 1 galaxy - the next door galaxy on the main star road to the Frost Star.

A few months ago, a human reconnaissance ship crossed the main star road and arrived at the Frost Star in the name of "restoring communications."

Although after arriving at Frost Star, it accepted the enemy's boarding inspection and turned off and canceled all reconnaissance equipment and functions - the reconnaissance ship did not do any overstepping behavior on Frost Star, and was purely a simple communication ship. Boat.

But the most important thing about the scout ship's trip is not the result, but the journey to Frost Star.

Every time the reconnaissance ship arrives at a place, human coordinates in three-dimensional space can be established - in multi-dimensional space research, this coordinate system is called a "multi-dimensional map." With the coordinates of a multi-dimensional map, human detectors in the high-dimensional world can accurately detect a certain degree of gravitational fluctuations.

Therefore, one day ago, humans knew that another fleet had arrived in the Dibis 1 galaxy.

Silently calculating the arrival time of the enemy ship in his heart, and looking at the enemy's fleet split into two in the Feiso galaxy, Ye Ming frowned slightly.

After a moment, he raised his wrist and said in a deep voice to his watch: "Aita, please inform He Mo and tell me to change my schedule. I will arrive at Jiangnan Factory on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he strode towards the combat conference room.

Ella Star, the main meeting room of Base 31.

The members participating in the meeting were still the eight executives plus Liana, the representative of the investigation team, and Dieter Seer, the leader of the technical support team.

Under the will of the Seer Academy, Lianna, who was originally the subject of "examination", not only transformed into the deputy leader of the investigation team, but also became the actual person in charge of the investigation team with the strong support of Hall.

As for Lianna, the deputy leader of the investigation team, her job has also changed from "finding trouble and investigating" to witnessing and cooperating in this war.

It is unknown what political deals and bargaining chips were involved during this period, but one thing is certain: Base 31 is no longer subject to any interference from the outside world and can focus all its energy on the war with humanity.

At this time, a week had passed since the first exchange of fire with the coalition forces.

"In the past week, Mai executed the tactics very well, especially in the first confrontation. At the cost of more than 30 secondary warships, while consuming many enemy missiles, he also figured out the strength of the Krong fleet. He also wiped out three warships of the Krong people." A relaxed smile rose from the corner of Hall's mouth: "The loss ratio of ten to one seems like a big loss for Mai, but these losses are completely acceptable to us."

Mai on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

He was already famous for his careful calculations, but Hall had to ask him to "pretend" in the first battle, so that humans would mistake him into thinking that he really didn't know how to fight. That's how everyone feels.

Except for the large losses in the few battles against Dika a few years ago, the humans played beautifully in the next few battles, especially the one where they ate Dika's main fleet raw, which was even more surprising.

Hall's strategy is very clear, it is to let humans have the illusion that they have already had the illusion of confronting the entire legion, so as to completely contain their main force in the Fizeau galaxy, let the legion keep torturing them... and finally bury them completely .

And before that, humans must be expanded!

"But we must also be aware that human beings have already cracked the Enlightenment." Hall straightened his face and said seriously: "The enemy's Enlightenment has already arrived in the 31121 galaxy, I guess...they will soon Discover Beta's fleet."

At this time, Beta raised his hand and said: "Then can I destroy the Enlightener?"

"What are you thinking? That's a sub-light speed ship!" Hall snorted softly: "And I'm extremely suspicious that Crozier and Grena may have given all the information about the Enlightenment to humans... Otherwise How is it possible for humans to complete control of the spacecraft in such a short period of time?”

After this sentence was finished, it was difficult for everyone to accept it.

This means that for the first time in thousands of years of history, a "traitor" that only appears in the wars of low-level civilizations has appeared in the sacred civilization.

You know, the word "traitor"... In the past, they only saw it in the literary and artistic works of low-level civilizations...

In the silence, after all, Liana couldn't bear it. She coughed lightly: "According to the state of Crozier and Grena I observed before, they will not betray the sacred civilization."

Hall frowned, and finally just nodded: "I hope so."

"Actually, to a certain extent, this is also a 'good thing'." Liana said softly: "At the very least, the Enlightenment Association will send two more Inspirers to assist Mai in the battle."

"Hehe..." The corner of Hall's mouth curled up, and he said disdainfully: "Do I need the Inspirer to participate in the war? I need to replace all the production lines of the Frost Star with the Inspirer's production line! It seems that I don't have that It’s like I can’t beat two fast ships—I haven’t even used an orbital ship yet.”

Liana stopped talking.

She knew that Hall was ambitious and that he was really going to take the next set.

At this moment, the portable terminal in front of Liana suddenly began to flash green light. She looked down and was slightly startled.

"Human sent a text message."

Hall was startled for a moment, then frowned slightly: "What did you say?"

"Let me see..." Liana quickly browsed through the human letters, and the smile on the corner of her mouth flickered: "They seem to have discovered the two Enlightenment ships heading to 32911... and declared that the 31187 galaxy is their sphere of influence, And strongly condemn us."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled, and then smiles appeared on their faces at the same time.

Hall also laughed, cursing while laughing: "What the hell... what did I say? I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a NB civilization-they really want to educate us ah!"

Everyone laughed, and Dika continued after laughing: "Hall, can we be sure that the flagship where humans disappeared went to 32911?"

"Since they have released the detector at 31187, it's obvious." Hall smiled lightly: "Base 30 dispatched two fleets with a total of 600 warships to go there. They want to rely on..."

While Hall was talking, his eyes suddenly froze, and he immediately closed his mouth and fell into thought.

Seeing Hall's silence, everyone also closed their mouths in confusion.

After a few seconds, Hall pondered: "Do you think the humans in galaxy 31717 will run away?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mai's expression was shocked, and he subconsciously turned on the communicator.

After a while, Mai's face changed drastically.

"They really ran away!"

Hall's eyes flashed, and he quickly projected the star map on the entire table, and then called up the trajectory map of the human fleet.

The trajectory shows that not only the warships of the human coalition forces at the east transition point began to turn, but even the warships that were about to reach the main star road transition point also began to turn.

Even the mothership they had been hiding began to move.

"Qiu! Your fleet jumps to 32717 immediately!"

"Mai! Chase them! We must bite them!"

Hall's voice echoed in the conference room.

There is no doubt about it.

Humanity must have judged through the two Enlighteners that the Legion had launched a two-pronged offensive.

It's even possible that humans discovered Beta's fleet through the Enlightenment!

In this way, the only choice for human beings is to rely on their powerful defense capabilities of the jump point to retreat to the Dibi galaxy and even the Kron galaxy for defense, and at the same time take some warships to go to 32911 for defense.

Can't... let them escape!

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