Ten hours later, the "Homeland" command module.

Leading the leaders of the entire former enemy headquarters and a group of technical officers, Yang Wenzhi followed Haierke to the Canglan Star's flagship Homeland.

After Haierke's enthusiastic introduction and simple visit, even the most wealthy human officers at present expressed their sincere admiration for this "bottom of the box" warship of the Canglan Star.

"Lao Hai, even though we already have a Daqin-class battleship, I still have to say one thing...you are really awesome, and there is really no way to change it into a purely unmanned battleship."

Haierke has already mastered the reserve and humility of human beings, and while talking nonsense like "It's far worse than Mercury and Baiqi", he introduced the specific situation of Homeland.

The Homeland is the strongest main flagship of the New Holy City.

All converted into human weight and measure parameters, then her overall captain has a terrifying 500 meters, and her width and height each exceed 100 meters.

When it was unveiled just now, this size shocked everyone deeply—you know, even the strongest Daqin-class battleship of mankind, its captain is only over 300 meters long. Those battlecruisers are even smaller... only over a hundred meters.

Even the largest mothership of human beings is only slightly "fat", and in terms of length, it is completely incomparable.

A common sense is that among combat weapons of the same civilization level, the size of the weapon represents the energy output.

What the huge and super-long hull of the "Homeland" brought was that the center of her hull was equipped with two huge main guns, and the diameter of the muzzle was as high as 20 meters.

In one second, these two terrifying main cannons can eject 37 lavatts of energy—in terms of human parameters, it is 2.2×10^18 joules of energy.

If this number is not intuitive, it is the energy produced by the explosion of 10 Tsar Bombs in an instant.

And this energy can be directional released in one position.

It is conceivable why Haierke would say that the main gun of the Homeland is a nightmare for energy shields.

And such a battleship, because the automation scheme similar to humans was not considered in the design, it was considered to accommodate more humans-from the name of the Homeland, it can be known that her designers considered As the center, she leads the entire wandering Kela tribe to find their home, or to return to their home.

Her fully loaded crew numbered over ten thousand.

You said, how to do unmanned replacement?

Therefore, after visiting the main combat and engine department, Yang Wenzhi issued his previous admiration.

"But Lao Hai, you have to take it easy." The one who spoke was Olaf, the commander of the Mercury. Although he is sitting on the only space carrier of human beings, this mothership...has almost no chance to play. . They can only conduct scientific research in the rear... Even he himself is not the real owner of the mothership because the former enemy headquarters is located on the mothership.

At this time, seeing Haierke, who had been sitting on the "cold bench" before, suddenly became high-spirited and coaxed, he couldn't help but say a little sourly: "Now that the Homeland arrives, it has become the most conspicuous member of the entire United Fleet." The target is more conspicuous than the Red Leaf, beware of the enemy staring at you."

Aishara on the side smiled slightly.

The Red Leaf is her flagship. Since the design of the Silver Moon Kingdom has a high degree of automation, and she has been familiar with the way humans operate wars a long time ago, the unmanned modification went quite smoothly. Now Silver Moon Most of the kingdom's warships have very few positions and must be left behind by people, only the support ships have more personnel - and there are not enough human robots.

Therefore, she did not choose to stay on her flagship like Helco, but stayed on the Mercury with the human commanders.

After all... She hoped that Hongye could lead the fleet to achieve brilliant results in this battle.

In this battle, her stance has always tended to be radical. This is because human beings need victory, she also needs victory, and the Queen also needs victory!

The Queen needs a victory to completely silence the opposition.

It is still necessary to use victory to rebuild the confidence of the ancient civilization of Kerong civilization, which "dominated one side" ten thousand years ago!

With the increasingly close relationship with humans, Azshara naturally knew what humans used to evaluate the Silver Moon Kingdom—that they were a civilization whose spine was broken.

Well, now it's time to prove it in battle.

"It's okay. Our main task now is to defend the transition point to the east. We won't be able to enter the battlefield for a while, and even if we enter the battlefield, according to the current deployment of the enemy, we will not dare to transfer the main force to attack us. And the Homeland has a The maintenance system’s ability to withstand injuries is much stronger than that of unmanned warships.”

Yang Wenzhi smiled and nodded.

He knew that Helko wasn't bragging.

Human warships are an anomaly in the current coalition fleet, basically not considering the maintenance system at all-to put it bluntly, from the beginning of the design, they were designed for one-off warships. Except for a few flagships, the other warships didn't even have a survival escape system.

In contrast, the maintainability of the warships of the Kerong and Canglan Stars is much better. Even ordinary destroyers have fully considered the damage to the life support system and escape system.

In a sense, the battleships of the Krong people and the Canglan people are the most in line with the fantasy of human beings in sci-fi works, the space giant cannons-the protagonist team drives a battleship through hundreds of battles, scarred but invincible .

The reason for this is mainly a technical problem.

The powerful long-distance communication of human beings has created the powerful long-distance, centralized, and unmanned control technology of human beings, making the human fleet completely become the powerful alien fleet in science fiction works-there is a most deadly "mastermind"" Cover the door".

It's just that the "cover door" of human beings is hidden deep underground in the home planet of human beings.

After briefly enjoying a little "special product" from the New Holy City, Yang Wenzhi and his party left Homeland, leaving only a tiny technical team to assist Homeland with the flagship's communication and the maintenance of other human technology products.

After sending Yang Wenzhi and others away, Haierke turned to look at the remaining human officers.

He knew this man. He was the technical adjutant on the Mercury, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cao Yuwei."

"General Hai." Cao Yuwei turned 30 this year, and was one of the first batch of technicians to board the Baiqi. As the battle progressed, his military rank also rose smoothly, from captain to lieutenant colonel.

As a human officer, it was naturally inconvenient for him to address Heleko's title of "Riji", so he used the most common human title of "General".

After all, as the supreme military commander of a civilization, it is perfectly fine to call Helko a general—even a marshal.

"Hehe, the next step is our sea of ​​stars." Haierke boldly walked towards the command cabin: "Go, help me set up your command system!"

"Of course! That's what we're left with."

"Of course! That's what we're left with."

Cao Yuwei moved very quickly. With the help of ready-made equipment and robots, he quickly set up the holographic projection system in the command room of Homeland.

"Okay, next is the first flagship meeting of our Holy Star Fleet. Let me first introduce this human colleague, Cao Yuwei. He will be the head of the ship's technology and communications of the former enemy headquarters, and will be responsible for communicating with the joint center. tasks."

Haierke is tall and burly, even among the group of Canglan Stars, his figure stands out from the crowd.

And Cao Yuwei who was sitting on his left at this time... Although Cao Yuwei was 1.9 meters tall, he was considered tall among humans, but in front of this group of Canglan Stars who were all over 2.2 meters tall...

Everyone smiled kindly at Cao Yuwei.

Haierke also laughed, and then gave Cao Yuwei a full introduction to the main officials of the Homeland.

"I think everyone has received the battle information before they set off." Haierke looked at his colleague on the right: "Dibis, the Dali Division should have clear instructions, right?"

Dibis nodded with a smile: "Not only did Da Lisi give a comprehensive introduction to the situation of the Sophie galaxy, but we have also been paying attention to the battle situation of this super galaxy cluster before. At that time, everyone was eager to fly over..."

Everyone laughed.

Haierke also nodded with a smile: "It's good if you know, our combat mission this time is mainly to assist the coalition forces to win this battle of revenge! Therefore, including me, everyone must obey the collective decision-making and Order."

A slight surprise flashed in Dibis' eyes, and he exchanged glances with several colleagues on the opposite side without leaving a trace, and then nodded heavily.

The Homeland is the most powerful force in the entire New Holy City, and it is also the core of the entire civilization, so every captain is the Chief of Rites, and absolutely obeys the Chief of Rites. But Dali has a lot to do every day, and he is hardly on the battleship at ordinary times, so the command and maintenance of the entire battleship are all in the charge of the deputy captain.

In other words, the deputy captain is the actual commander of the entire Homeland.

Then such an important position, of course, must be held by the absolutely loyal cronies of the chief of ceremony.

Dibis, as the deputy captain of the "Homeland", is also an absolute confidant of the current Dareshi Uda. Of course, he knows that Uda and Heerko once had a...even long-term discord. Especially when it came to their attitudes towards humans, the two had a confrontation in the hall of worship...

Although in the end, Dali Simuduo finally chose to support Uda, but everyone knew that Haierke was not really convinced.

And when Uda became the Chief of Rites, Heerke led a fleet to leave the New Holy City.

Although it was said at the time that Haierke was going to rescue the scientific research ship headed for the human world hijacked by a group of "pirates", more people believed that Haierke was deliberately escaping from Uda.

As a result, in the public opinion of the New Holy City at that time, a theory of collapse was rampant, thinking that the New Holy City would embark on the road of splitting from now on...

Of course, after Haierke led the fleet to join the Human Allied Forces, this theory of collapse gradually disappeared. But the "uneasiness" about Helko...has always existed.

Especially Debbs.

He knew Heleko's character too well. This Lord of War Rites, who was called the God of War by the people of the New Holy City, had never been a good-tempered person, and he had always looked above his head!

Arrogance is his most famous label.

Therefore, before leaving, Dibis asked Uda Dalisi worriedly, what if Haierke got the fleet...to "disorderly life" and to mess around?

For this, Uda Dalisi did not explain much, but told him that as a soldier, as a soldier who needs to fight for civilization, he doesn't need to think about anything else, he just needs to obey orders.

So Dibbs stopped asking.

But not asking doesn't mean he's not worried.

However... Today, Haierke made such a statement immediately.

Could it be... that this Master War Ritual, who is nearly sixty years old, changed his temperament in just one or two years?

Dibis' doubts disappeared in a flash, and soon Heerke continued to preside over the meeting.

"Of course, in addition to winning this battle, we have deeper and farther goals." Heerke looked around for a week and finally stopped on Dibis's face. After a few seconds of silence, he said softly : "Dibis, did Dali not tell you that we still have people in this universe?"

Dibis was slightly taken aback, he quickly frowned, and asked hesitantly, "Is Lisi talking about the Kodo people?"

"The Kodo tribe?" The corner of Haierke's mouth raised a hint of contempt: "I'd rather be with the poisonous snake than get involved with the Kodo tribe—even humans can't stand the things they do on the star star." .”

Dibbs became puzzled: "That's it?"

"Executor, captured our ancestors."

"And, turned them into slaves!"

As Haierke said, his breathing became a little heavy: "Now they are mining a special ore for the executor on the planet where the executor's base is located, working like livestock. That's right."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened instantly!

Dibis was stunned, then took a deep breath, his eyes full of disbelief: "Why haven't we received any news?"

"That's because Wuda is worried that you will not be able to hold your breath." Haierke took a deep breath, looked into the void, and hummed heavily: "One day, we will step on the executor's home planet and add them Give back to them a hundredfold what is due to us!"

"So, our fleet is called Sword of Vengeance from now on."

At this moment, Aita's voice came from the office.

"Homeland, after receiving an order from the former enemy headquarters, it will connect to the communication in ten seconds. This message has been automatically translated."

As Aita's voice fell, Heerke immediately sat up straight.

Seeing this, Dibis also sat upright with the others, waiting quietly.

Ten seconds later, the light curtain lowered, and Yang Wenzhi, who had already met once, appeared on the screen.

"Homeland, it has been detected that the enemy is moving towards the east jump point in a large scale. Your department must speed up to reach the jump point for defensive deployment."

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