From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 731: Secondary Guns of the Super Battleship

Lunar Guanghan City, Taiyue Base.

Ye Ming slowly turned off the monitoring screen, and after a while, he shook his head regretfully.

Although in the past few months, these two imperial captives have never seen the senior leaders of the human world-CNY does not allow them to contact the high-level human beings. In essence, it uses this PUA method to disrupt the spirit and will of the other party, so that Better access to intelligence. But that doesn't mean...there are no high-level human beings paying attention to them. At the very least, Ye Ming is concerned.

After all, Ye Ming hopes to understand the scientific direction and scientific research methods of the sacred civilization more than the intelligence department hopes to understand the social form of the sacred civilization-only the sincere cooperation of the other party can obtain the greatest benefits.

Now it seems that these two people basically can't count on it.

"I can realize that Aita can completely imitate the two of them. It seems that this Crozier still has two brushes." Director Niu was not as emotional as Ye Ming, and said with a smile.

"Well, when I was in Canglanxing, I talked with him and found that this person's theoretical knowledge is not bad. According to the human scientific research system, he is probably equivalent to our Siqing scholar."

"The prophet is equivalent to an academician?"

"It's about the same in terms of status, but the gold content is much higher. Their number of prophets is very limited, otherwise the title of quasi-prophet will not appear." Ye Ming smiled and said: "In comparison, our human academicians... That would be a little too much."

"Hahahaha, you can't let other people hear your words, otherwise the next academician co-election will be stricter."

"This is the truth." Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he didn't mind, and then said slowly after pondering for a while: "From the first time I saw Gloria just now, it seems that this little cat girl has indeed obtained I won the trust of the quasi-prophet Liana, so it depends on how she can pass the news on."

"It's a bit difficult." Director Niu immediately frowned when he mentioned Gloria, "It's too dangerous."

As the big boss of CNY, Director Niu's identity and status needless to say, it is an absolute high position and weight. But he, like Ye Ming... both cared and valued that little girl who was thousands of light-years away.

After all... such comrades engaged in "underground work" in the enemy's base camp are extremely valuable at any time.

"Well, there are dangers, but I'm believe that this little girl can find a chance."

Director Niu was slightly taken aback: "Where did you get your confidence?"

"I said intuition, do you recognize it?"


"Go back and watch the video on the opposite side carefully, and I will give a summary to compare with you later."

"Okay, are you going back to Earth later?"


"That's smooth sailing."


After watching Director Niu leave, Ye Ming recalled the video and watched it again.

He chose to believe in that little girl, of course not because of his intuition about the little girl herself, but because he saw a glimpse of another civilized race from the picture sent by Liana.

In addition, the environment of the video was too different from the previous video, and the style was also incompatible, which made him realize that this Liana might not be at the No. 31 executor base.

So... where?

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming glanced at the time and found that it was the evening of Canglanxing. He just hesitated for a second before dialing Ai Wen's communication.

Soon, the face of Little Princess Kerong rose up in the screen, occupying most of the screen space.

Looking at the other party's face-to-face shooting, Ye Ming couldn't help but said dumbly: "Take the camera farther away."

"Okay! Is this all right?"

Seeing the little girl showing half of her figure, Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction - it seems that no matter how beautiful the girl is, it would be a disaster for the camera to slap her face.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Ai Wen raised her right hand, a pen dangling around her fingertips, indicating that she was doing homework.

"If I remember correctly, the Frost have records, right?"


"Then take a look, is this the race of the Frost Star?"

Ye Ming then sent the slightly blurred image of the waiter in the distance in the video.

After just a moment, Ai Wen nodded firmly: "Yes, they are the Frost Star people. They are one of the peripheral servant civilizations of the Holy Empire, and they used to trade with us thousands of years ago... But after the sunset galaxy Sustain the helium flash, and trade ceases."

"Then I see—how are you studying now?"

"Oh, that's great. Teacher Zhou thinks I can choose a field to apply for a Ph.D.—Teacher, which direction do you think I should apply for?"

"That depends on which direction you like."

"The problem is that I like everything... I like biology, I like physics, and I like mathematics..."

"...Then pick one you are good at first."

"Then what are you best at, teacher?"

"I'm good at everything."

"...Teacher, you are bullying!"


After hanging up the communication, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Ye Ming's mouth. He shrugged and looked at Ita 2 who was watching him quietly from the sidelines—this was the "clone" made by Ita when he went to the Triangulum galaxy. ", in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and explanations, this body has remained on the moon.

"Ita, I didn't bully anyone, did I?"

"To be precise, you didn't bully the people on Earth." Ita also imitated him and shrugged, and then refilled the tea for him: "I think that sooner or later, the Holy Empire will see through Aita's tricks."

"Of course, we can't think that the senior scholars of a civilization that once ruled the universe are all idiots. What's more, they still have paradise and brains that are said to be omnipotent. But now the mission of the scout ship has been completed, and we will stay for one more day in the future , One more day of observation is our extra income."

"So are we going to take Frostbite?"

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded with a smile, and then glanced at the time again: "It seems that the enemy's login check is about to end, and when the time will directly take over the reconnaissance ship, and then be in charge of electromagnetic wave analysis."

Ita nodded, but his tone was frivolous: "You let me analyze, is it a sledgehammer?"

Ye Ming: "...Although I am very reluctant, I still have to admit that it is--well, I plan to return to Earth, bye?"

"Bye bye."

Ye Ming left the office with a smile. After a while, he walked out of the Taiyue office building and walked into the Ita, which was parked outside the connecting passage. After a while, the Ita broke through the sky and slowly swept towards the star-studded sky. lunar orbit.

After being accelerated by the lunar orbit, Ita flew straight towards the blue planet above.


Two hours later, the Ita landed outside the open-air airport of a hidden factory in a certain northern province.

Even though it was April, the weather here was still quite cold. When Ye Ming stepped off the spaceship wearing only a coat, he was shivering from the cold.

"Good guy, it's so cold here, why didn't you remind me?"

Ye Ming hurriedly strode towards the car parked not far ahead, and at the same time shook hands with Zhou Xiangnan who was coming up.

Zhou Xiangnan laughed: "This is common sense, okay? But it wasn't so cold a few days ago, but today is a bit special, probably less than ten degrees."

While speaking, Ye Ming shook hands with other people, and then quickly walked into the car.

After a while, the car drove along the airport road into a huge factory area. When the factory door opened, a giant cylindrical object nearly fifty meters long and one meter in diameter appeared before Ye Ming's eyes.

This is... the gun barrel of the super battleship temporarily named "Nuwa".

Ye Ming put his hands behind his back, looked up at the giant gun barrel, his whole face was full of sighs from the bottom of his heart.

As the founder of human space warships, he has of course seen countless main gun barrels, and he has even personally seen the main gun barrels of the "Daqin-class" battleships - that is even more exaggerated, the barrel alone has nearly one hundred barrels. Meters long, and the diameter at the widest point is close to three meters, even at the exit, it is two meters.

Compared with the main guns of the Daqin class, the main guns of the "Nuwa" are obviously much smaller in length and caliber, and can only be compared with the "Eagle" and "Song" that have already been downgraded to battlecruisers. Wait for the battleship.


This is just one of the barrels of the "Nuwa" super battleship.

Moreover, it is the barrel of the secondary gun!

In this contiguous factory building, a total of dozens of such secondary gun barrels were produced.

And its main gun barrel is being specially produced in another factory.

"Isn't it a little shocking?" Zhou Xiangnan looked at Ye Ming's expression, quite proud - although he is not the chief engineer in charge, but now the chief engineer has gone to the space dock, plus his relationship with Ye Ming, So he became the most suitable person here to report in front of Ye Ming.

"Well, it's a pity that you can only use lasers now."

"If antimatter is also of this caliber, then it's okay?"

"Hehe, that's right."

Ye Ming withdrew his gaze, and after a few seconds of emotion, he shook hands with the engineers standing in a row outside. After saying some scene words, he was accompanied by Zhou Xiangnan and drove to the end of the factory road.

At the end of the road is a huge cave.

After passing through three guard posts, Ye Ming and his party came to the deepest part of the cave, and appeared in front of a much smaller gun barrel.

Compared with the huge secondary gun outside, this gun barrel is only about 20 meters long and less than 50 centimeters in diameter.

But its exterior is covered with densely packed binding force field generators.

Looking at the cannon, Ye Ming exhaled softly, and turned his head to look at Zhou Xiangnan, who was also cautious.

"How long is this going to be done?"

"According to the progress, there is still about one month." Zhou Xiangnan also exhaled softly, and said softly: "I asked Lao Sheng, and he said that there seems to be some trouble over there?"

"'s not a big trouble." Ye Ming frowned slightly, and said softly: "Haileen has been given control over the brain, and theoretically it can be completely controlled."

"Then what if it doesn't work?"

"Then let Uda personally come and mine for us."

Zhou Xiangnan: "..."

Ye Ming smiled slightly, with his hands behind his back, staring at the gun barrel in front of him for a long time without saying a word.

This cannon may not be small, but the first anti-matter main cannon made by human beings! did not adopt the design of the Tula of the Holy Empire, but adopted the design of the antimatter binding force field proposed by Ye Ming a long time ago.

But Ye Ming must admit that the greater the energy, the higher the demand for the binding force field. Therefore...the most urgent problem facing mankind is to obtain a cheap, stable, and short-period superconducting material.

Previously, through the analysis of the main gun of the Tula, human beings have confirmed that the sacred civilization uses "divine steel" and a special superconducting material with a one-dimensional structure to form a stable normal temperature and pressure superconductor.

Humans have also tested one-dimensional superconducting structure materials, and found that although there is a superconducting phase, it is extremely difficult to purify, and the process is also extremely complicated-at least, it is impossible for human beings to obtain a normal temperature in a short period of time. Atmospheric pressure superconductors.

Unless, use the so-called god-given steel.

As far as we know so far, the god-given steel, the phase-change metal, currently only exists in the base of the executor, Ayla.

So, after realizing this, Ye Ming launched a counterattack against Aila.

But right now, the biggest problem isn't superconductivity -- it's just cost.

The biggest problem is the anti-matter collection device, which has a little trouble.

To be precise, human beings do not have the technology to control the brain at all, and then to control the anti-matter collector based on the brain and Slanzi matter.

Therefore, human beings can only help mining by turning to the Canglan Stars.

In the short term, this is fine, but in the long run, it is not in line with human interests and principles.

In silence, Ye Ming exhaled slowly.

"In any case, we still need to solve the problem of availability first, and then solve the problem of efficiency and cost."

Ye Ming reluctantly looked back, pinched the phone at the same time, looked at Zhou Xiangnan, pondered for a few seconds and said: "I just came to take a look today, and I will cheer you up by the way."

"Don't tell me you're going to leave without even eating?"

"Well, almost."


"After you're done here, send it directly to the space base. When I go back, I'll stare at the collector and strive for a seamless connection. When you send the cannon to the moon, the antimatter will just come back."

"no problem!"

Ye Ming nodded, patted Zhou Xiangnan on the shoulder lightly, and then strode towards the door.

He came here really just to take a look.

After all... This is the first antimatter cannon designed by humans—although it is also a secondary cannon.

The design idea of ​​the super battleship "Nuwa" is that a super large-scale main gun, plus countless "small" secondary guns, form a super iron king with thorns all over his body.

However, as Ye Ming sighed, the current human beings, the first Nuwa, can only use the mature laser main gun structure of human beings, and cannot use the antimatter main gun.

But even so, when a super warship with at least thirty-six secondary guns appears on the battlefield, it must be a nightmare for all conventional warships.

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