From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 726: Ye Ming's Multimeter

The modification of the Enlightenment is very cautious. On the one hand, it is because this spaceship is very precious, and it needs to be used for reconnaissance. On the other hand, in the process of refitting, it is also a further understanding of the Enlightenment by human beings-the dissection on the "Auntie Star" base is mainly a "complete" disassembly, and no changes have been made to the main structure.

But if it is to be used as a reconnaissance ship in front of the enemy, the main structure must be changed.

At least double the size of the release chamber, and then add human mechanical devices and control systems, and also connect to the electrical system—so, it’s more like groping now than modifying it.

So, when Ye Ming walked to the main control cabin, he encountered a group of electrical and system engineers and structural engineers arguing.

"Academician Ye is here."

"Hello, Academician Ye."

Ye Ming greeted everyone with a smile, and looked back at Peng Xiaofei, who immediately introduced him knowingly.

"This is Yao Liang from the electrical and control system, Chief Engineer Yao, from Jiangnan Shipyard."

"This is Luo Yufei from Dalian Shipyard, Chief Engineer Luo."

Listening to Peng Xiaofei's introduction, Ye Ming's face became complicated for a second, then he laughed and shook hands with the two.

——For the renovation project of this ship, Ye Ming planned to let the scientific research team do the renovation at the beginning, but later he received a call, saying that since it was a renovation, it might be better to leave it to the shipyard. He thought about it, and he himself A team has been organized to dissect the Tula. If the ship is arranged by itself, not only the shipyard, but also the military will have to jump. So he simply didn't care about it anymore.

I didn't expect... The two major shipyards actually sent people over at the same time. This shows how much effort has been put into behind the scenes to snatch this modification...

"What are you discussing?" Ye Ming saw that there were many engineers in the main control cabin, and he didn't intend to leave, so he was not in a hurry, grabbed a small horse from the ground, sat down, and looked at everyone with a smile .

Seeing that Ye Ming had already sat down, the rest of the people were embarrassed to stand or sit on high stools, so they also sat on low stools, some even sat on the floor, or Squatting on the spot revealed a randomness.

"The main reason is that we still have a thorough understanding of the hull structure, and we are afraid that the overall stiffness will be affected after major changes." Luo Yufei glanced at Yao Liang first, and replied with a smile: "Old Yao thinks it doesn't matter."

"I didn't say that it doesn't matter. I just said that when the non-load-bearing structure is determined, what should be dismantled still needs to be dismantled. At worst, we can repair it again-if you are worried about the structure being damaged, we can do it in a vacuum environment. Transformation."

"Isn't that increasing the amount of work?"

"Old Luo, you have to consider its speed, if the release detector is affected..."

After listening for a while, Ye Ming reached out to ask for a tablet from an engineer next to him, clicked on the three-dimensional diagram of the structure and asked, "Is it here?"

The two of them leaned over and took a look and nodded at the same time: "Yes, I really didn't consider it thoroughly when I designed it..."

Ye Ming nodded slightly.

He knew that it was not the fault of the design department—the Enlightener had only been back for less than three months, and the modification was proposed even a month ago. It was necessary to complete the structural and functional improvements to a completely unfamiliar spaceship within such a tight time frame. Even if there is an "omnipotent" Aita, it is inevitable that there will be ill-considered aspects.

After all...Ten years ago, such a project would have taken more than a year for design verification alone, let alone a plan and formal launch in a month.

Closing his eyes, Ye Ming quickly called Ita in his mind, and asked her to completely copy the drawings in the virtual space for verification, then he opened his eyes: "Chief Yao's opinion is very good, and since we have to consider speed, then we might as well be bolder and design an ejection device."

The two chief engineers were slightly taken aback: "Ejection device?"

"Well, direct electromagnetic ejection - anyway, you are still in the early stages of transformation, and you are still in the process of finding out, right?"

The two nodded at the same time.

"That's fine. If you are worried about the structure, assemble it directly in the weightless state, and then customize a small ejection device. The energy storage system will go here, and a large transformer will be added. According to the test on the Tula side, as long as it does not Activate the energy storage of the main gun, and the electric energy is enough." Ye Ming said while quickly generating a set of preview images.

A group of engineers immediately took a serious look.

Ye Ming smiled and put down the tablet: "But I'm just suggesting. Specifically, you can use Aita to simulate and calculate it yourself. The military is indeed in urgent need of this ship, but the sharpening of the knife does not miss the woodcutter. Now it is completely overturned and rebuilt." Come on, it’s only about ten days, and it’s always good to exchange for faster release efficiency.”

The two looked at each other, and then Luo Yufei smiled and said, "Academician Naye, will you sign the last drawing?"

"Well, I'll just sign it." Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

He understands that for such a temporary design change, the two executive engineers will definitely not be able to sit on their hands, but as long as he is lifted out, someone will "carry" it...

"Okay, then let's add up the total—Academician Ye, what about the control system of the spacecraft?" Chief Engineer Yao nodded immediately, and then looked at Ye Ming with burning eyes.

"Don't move the control system for the time being. I came here today to look at the system." Ye Ming said and looked at the control center next to him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Why don't you go back and discuss it first?"

Although everyone was a man of science and technology, Mr. Ye's implication was so obvious, how could he not hear it, and Yao Luo and his two got up together, and each left with their troops.

After seeing everyone leave, Ye Ming looked at Peng Xiaofei again.

Peng Xiaofei looked at him in surprise: "Damn it, you don't have any secret skills that even I have to avoid?"

"'s not that you need to avoid it, and it's not a secret technique, it's just...I may have to use Aita's highest authority and special instructions. It's always bad to be seen." Ye Ming glanced at the door Softly said: "Go outside the door and help me take a look."

Peng Xiaofei was taken aback immediately, and then an expression of "understood" appeared on his face.

As Ye Ming's roommate, he knows too well what Ye Ming means to Aita.

Ye Ming is the creator of Aita! Top administrator!

Now, Ye Ming obviously wants to use administrator privileges... Maybe, this privilege is still the kind that even the highest boss doesn't know...

So Peng Xiaofei immediately turned around and walked towards the stairs: "I'll guard outside the door!"

Ye Ming chuckled.

After Peng Xiaofei left, he reached into his pocket and took out a wired earbud-like device.

He hasn't used this device for a long time—this is an external device that allows Ita to interfere with reality through the electrodes in his head and his bioelectricity!

Abbreviation...Ita brand multimeter.

This kind of control method is completely different from the principle of Ita controlling the robot by means of ultra-distance interference. The former is direct current analysis, and the latter is pure signal and code analysis.

And next, he will connect this "multimeter" into the storage system of the spaceship, and fully read the signal structure of the storage system of Tula.

Hmm...but before that, he still needs to unscrew the main control computer.

"Can you control a robot?" Ye Ming glanced back and found an engineering robot that was idle.

"Of course." Ita's voice fell, and after a while, the robot stood up and walked under the main console.

After removing the baffle, Ye Ming sat cross-legged on the ground and asked the robot to turn on the light. He quickly found the exposed spot closest to the onboard memory. Then, he took a breath and put the two test leads in his hand Gently placed on the contacts.

A long-lost tingling sensation rose from his ears, and the next moment, he closed his eyes, kept his arms motionless, and entered the super simulation.

In the super simulation space, Ita was still dressed like a sixteen-year-old girl.

But I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Ye Ming always feels that this young face has lost the childishness that was visible to the naked eye before.

He didn't know how to describe it, but he just felt that this virtual image had matured.

"Have you started yet?"

"It's already started. Next, I may increase the current. You have to hold on."

"Come on, I can take it."


After Ita's voice fell, Ye Ming only felt a tingling sensation instantly pervading the back of his head.

This feeling was so strong that flashes of white flocculent lightning rose in front of his eyes.

"Fuck! It's a bit fierce!"

"Hold on!"


Following Ita's voice, the numbness disappeared instantly, and Ye Ming's arms dropped instantly, and he closed his eyes, panting heavily.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and laughed and cursed: "Damn, even if I vomited from drinking, I never thought that one day I would enjoy the unique skill of the King of Thunder and Lightning - and the damn thing is that I shocked myself!" !"

Ita giggled and took a merry spin in the void.

"I reminded you."

"Well, I don't blame you. It's just that I didn't expect my bioelectric energy to be so strong-how did it turn out?"


In the void, Yita waved his small hand, and a "broken" star map instantly appeared in the void.

In addition to the star map, there are countless encrypted documents and materials floating in the air neatly according to the way of human operating system.

Ye Ming opened his eyes instantly, laughed and stood up.

The screen disappears instantly.

"You!" Ita floated over, his eyes widened: "Idiot! I just analyzed the structure, and I haven't had time to upload the data yet!"

"Ah...! Do you mean to do it again?"



Provincial capital, mountain villa.

Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, Crozier slowly closed the notebook.

Compared to two months ago, his face was a little paler, and there were faint wrinkles between his brows.

In the past two months, he had a deep understanding of what is meant by human means—although human beings kept saying that they were messengers, and arranged for them to live in such elegant villas, and did not torture them, but In fact...the human "interrogation" of them has never stopped!

Yes, although it is "inquiry" and "communication" in name, Crozier still believes that this is an interrogation.

It's just that they didn't physically destroy them.

There was a time when human interrogators came to "communicate" with them almost every day, and they "communicated" face-to-face alone in a closed room-if he didn't answer, human beings would change their ways, Ask different people.

Don't even give him time to sleep!

Without enough sleep, even the imperial people whose genes have evolved extremely well cannot maintain energy—in fact, the evolution of genes is largely based on sleep.

This kind of mental torture made him seem to have aged ten years within two months.

In addition, humans seem to have finally realized that he and Grena were able to communicate through spiritual touch, and began to separate the two, only giving them remote communication permissions, allowing them to know each other's situation .

But it is no longer possible to communicate privately—human beings must be able to monitor their language conversations.

Crozier silently watched the sunset disappearing from the horizon bit by bit, and his heart sank slowly bit by bit, as if hope had also disappeared like the sun.

In the silence, night finally fell, and the lights of the villa were turned on.

A robot guard silently delivered the food, then returned to the door.

Crozier just glanced at the lunch box, then withdrew his gaze and continued to remain silent.

At this moment, there was a dull loud noise from the city below, and the next moment, a firework soared into the sky, illuminating the sky above the entire provincial capital.

Crozier was slightly taken aback! He subconsciously stood up and looked at the provincial capital in the lights.

All he could hear was such dull sounds and countless fireworks blooming in the sky.

Accompanied by fireworks, but also mixed with vague cheers.

Crozier frowned slightly, quickly opened the notebook and glanced at the calendar.

He knows that humans have the habit of setting off this kind of ornamental creation called fireworks during important festivals and ceremonies-he spent a human Spring Festival here half a month ago, and even a few days ago, humans Fireworks were also set off for a "Lantern Festival".

Is today another important day?

But at a glance, there is no red mark in the calendar.

Just when Crozier was wondering, a small black car slowly drove into the courtyard.

Accompanied by the breeze, Crozier's spiritual touch trembled instantly! Immediately looked towards the car.

The pheromone is from Grena! She's in the car!

Immediately afterwards, Crozier read out the meaning of the pheromone, and the next moment, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the car that had stopped in disbelief.

The door of the car opened, and a human interrogator and Grena appeared at the same time.

Looking at Grena, Crozier's eyes were filled with shock, while Grena's eyes were... despair.

——The content of the pheromone is that humans wiped out the entire fleet of the Dika executive at a small cost.

The fireworks in the city below bloom for this reason.

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