From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 720 The Pursuit of Soldiers


All of you here have met Uda more than once. But the one with the best relationship is Ye Ming.

After all, the first dialogue between humans and the Canglan Star was initiated by these two people, and the two of them have always maintained contact and communication.

Ye Ming looked at Wuda, and he read the completely different emotions from the Kodo people on the other's face. After a while, he smiled slightly.

"All our information is shared with you, I think, you should be able to understand... what is the situation of the Holy Empire civilization?"

"Yes. It's just... I still hope that you can be more sure." After two seconds of silence, Uda showed an expression that he didn't know how to describe—probably the kind, the dream has long been shattered in the bottom of his heart, but the first time A personal confession: "After all, in our records, the enlighteners are a group of envoys from advanced civilizations who can use any praise. They... used to be our role models and had a great influence The attitude of our ancestors in the age of space exploration."

"Even in a sense, our ancestors came to the Milky Way and acted under such an inspiration."

All the humans present were silent.

In the past few years, the communication between human beings and Canglan Star people has been friendly, in-depth, and even borderless in most fields.

This is because human beings have a very vague thought of repaying gratitude, and secondly, the most important thing is that human beings regard the cooperation with Canglan Star as a sample, a model, and a loyal ally of human civilization to reshape the order.

Among these exchanges, the one that has made the most progress is the exchange and traceability of the two civilizations. It is confirmed that the Canglan Star people have been to the earth thousands of years ago, and they have successfully eliminated a meteorite crisis. It's just that the human beings at that time were so primitive and ignorant that they completely regarded them as gods...

Tell me, what else can humans say now?

Ye Ming nodded slowly. After a while, he smiled slightly: "Wuda, I fully believe that the enlighteners your ancestors met possessed extremely high qualities and virtues. Because in this world, there are always some people who possess absolute kindness and sincerity."

"Even in the history of human civilization, there are many human beings with such virtues. And each of them is like a star in the sky to guide us forever, let us not lose our way, let us not go to evil."

Everyone looked at Ye Ming with a smile on their faces.

Those present, whether they are politicians, soldiers, or other identities, can say all kinds of things and do anything for the benefit of their respective positions. But when returning to the purest virtues of an advanced civilization, everyone has a clear and unified understanding.

At this point, human beings do not need to belittle themselves. Because human beings can casually pull out a long list and beat those so-called enlighteners in morality.

"But Uda, you have to believe that history is changing. If the enlighteners still have such virtues, then...they should stop...well, I don't think they have the power to stop the legion." Ye Ming He took a breath slowly, and decided not to dwell on this issue: "When we face the enlighteners, if they dare to stand in the moral court, then we will be lenient to them."

In silence, Wu Da slowly nodded: "Thank you."

"They should thank you." Ye Ming replied with a smile.


Not long after the video conference ended, He Mo quickly opened the door of Ye Ming's office with a smile.

"The Canglan Star is really a good person..." He Mo's words had obvious language problems, but it didn't prevent Ye Ming from understanding it immediately.

"This just shows the diversity of civilizations." Ye Ming sighed and shook his head with a smile: "It is difficult for the descendants of Chinese civilization to understand their mentality."

"That's not necessarily the case. During a certain period of time, didn't we kneel down a lot?"

"Well... they don't call it kneeling, they call it pinning their hopes on the savior of the ancestors... without a civilization that has wandered for thousands of years, it is probably difficult to resonate with it-let's not talk about this, you won't just talk about this when you come here, right? ?”

"Of course. Lao Niu asked me to ask you, do you want to go to the capital?"

"I just came back, what are you doing in the capital again?"

"Old Qin is probably going too." He Mo stared at him closely: "Don't tell me, you have no inclination towards the next strategic deployment."

Ye Ming was startled for a moment, then subconsciously frowned.

Of course he has strategic inclinations, but he has always only done strategic analysis, not the one who makes decision-making suggestions-Guatian Lixia, don’t worry about things that don’t belong to his business scope, this is the truth he understood very early on.

You must know that Ye Ming's current power can be said to have reached the peak that a scientist can achieve, and even the so-called "National Teacher" in the past cannot compare with it.

And what era is the "National Teacher" a product of? It is a product of the feudal era.

In this era, there is no national teacher, and there is no need for a national teacher.

"What I should say has already been said at the meeting." Ye Ming said slowly: "I admit that I do stand from the perspective of human technological development and hope that the military can be more proactive. After all, we are already ahead in terms of technology. .”

"But in terms of military affairs, whether it is the common boss or Lao Qin, they all have their own considerations... This kind of consideration cannot be interfered by my opinion."

He Mo approached Ye Ming slowly, and smiled after a moment of silence.

"You are so cautious, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the next community elders?"

"... a bit." Ye Ming wanted to deny it, but he admitted it frankly.

It is already 2036, and the bosses of the Commonwealth are about to arrive. He has a lot of promises in the field of scientific research, and he also has a very high influence in the military... What's more, he is extremely young.

Always be a little bit taboo.

"I think you're a little bit unreasonable."

"I feel so too."

"...Aren't you going? Are you not afraid of Lao Qin and the others pulling your tiger skin?"

Ye Ming was stunned.

He Mo stared at him, then looked back at the door, and then said softly, word by word: "Teacher, don't forget, I'm also a soldier."

"The military ... is eager to make a difference."

Ye Ming frowned instantly.

"Have you ever thought that fleet commanders like Yang Wenzhi, Zeng Yuanhai, Olaf, and Celtic would stay in the galaxy outside the galaxy for a year or two without going home, and even the war rite leader Haierke of the Canglan Star... he The fleet has been stationed in the Tara galaxy for more than half a year, why don't you go back to the blue star and come to the human world?"

"Also, why haven't the Krong people clearly expressed their attitude of joining us so far?"

"That's because they need us to take the initiative to fight a real, hearty victory!"

"Of course it is right for us to save our strength now, but you have also analyzed it. If we save our strength and wait, what we get in return is the upgrade of the enemy's equipment, and the enemy's full-scale push, what should we do?"

"Also, what's the difference between our current state and being blocked?" He Mo stared at Ye Ming and took a deep breath: "Is it just relying on a Gloria as an internal response to understand the enemy's movements? What if What if she is exposed?"

"As for us who have been blocked... now we are even a little slack—do you see how many orders there are for civilian ships and how many orders for warships? Believe it or not, once we are sure that we can rely on the sky patching plan to defend the existing galaxy, we will definitely A voice jumped out to tell us to stabilize and slow down."

"Of course I'm not saying that it's a mistake to be stable, but when you think of hundreds of thousands of warships staring outside... can you sleep?"

Ye Ming was stunned again. After a long time, he stared at He Mo and asked softly, "Do these words represent you personally, or CNY?"

"I will represent whoever you need me to represent."

"Then are you reminding me in this way that the military wants to learn from the Executor Legion?"

"Taiyue is fundamentally different from the Executor Legion." He Mo replied softly, "We all know that all warships have a thread here."

As He Mo spoke, he looked diagonally downward—that was the direction where Aita was.

"But the thread can also be cut."

"A kite without a string can't fly very far, and soldiers in our new era value honor more. I believe you can understand."

Ye Ming was silent for a long time, then nodded slowly.



Karatu galaxy.

On the orbit of the ninth mother star, a space carrier covering the sky and the sun is rapidly releasing fighter jets. These fighter jets fly across the predetermined airspace at a super-high speed of twenty times the speed of sound, and then begin to orbit a satellite. Tactical maneuver.

During the maneuver, missiles were continuously launched from the aircraft, grazing towards the target on the satellite with a meteor-like tail flame.

This first space carrier in the true sense of mankind, after several discussions, was finally named "Mercury"-starting with the naming of planets in the solar system, and then considering accepting the naming of planets from other civilizations.

On the Mercury, General Azshara, the governor of the Silvermoon Kingdom's space fleet, is sitting in the command room of humans, watching the unique missile tactics of humans.

Frankly speaking, at the beginning, she thought that such slow missiles of humans... would be difficult to hit ultra-high-speed targets, and they would be easily intercepted. But when the humans made an open-ground strike, she shut up instantly.

This thing is not good against warships, but against fixed slow targets, especially ground targets, its power is really unparalleled.

Moreover, these space fighters can also mount human subsonic missiles, and their speed is far below the upper limit—that is to say, these fighters can complete high-speed approach to the enemy under good concealment, and then release Out of those deadly subsonic missiles.

Small, but powerful enough, that is the best weapon - this is the concept of human beings, and she has gradually accepted it.

"It seems that the Mercury has already formed its combat effectiveness." Azshara looked at the feedback of the target situation, and she looked at Olaf, who had already grown a beard, with envy in her eyes.

In space warfare, the mothership has never been the main force of the battle, but it has always been the best weapon to promote force and technology. It is also the most effective tool for harvesting the battlefield.

There is no doubt that the mothership of mankind has formed combat effectiveness. Whether it's air or ground.

In other words, human beings only need such a mothership, plus a fleet, to easily complete the conquest of a space civilization.

For example... still stuck in the past, his own civilization.

"Well, so-so." Olaf smiled and gave the aircraft recovery command. Soon, those unmanned aircraft formed a line in space and slowly returned to the cabin.

At this time, Haierke, who also came to observe as a friendly army, asked: "When will you be sent to the front line?"

At this point, the smile on Olaf's face disappeared.

As the first batch of commanders in the past, the commander, of course he can know the movements of his brothers-now, Baiqi, Wangjian, Alexander, Mengtian, the four major fleets with these four main battleships as flagships It has been formed, and all of them have been sent to the Debi galaxy for defense.

It stands to reason that his space carrier will also follow after it has formed its combat effectiveness.

But in fact... the news he heard was not very optimistic.

Now humans have established a dialogue mechanism with the executor, dispatched a detection spacecraft to cross the wormhole, and chatted with the enemy "friendly and friendly" in front of the enemy's 436 warships...

We have been chatting for several months!

As for his fellows, they stood outside the star gate with nothing to do all day long.

In the words of Zeng Yuanhai, the daily work of their four battleships is to play mahjong.

Playing mahjong...of course it's fake, but boring, that's really boring.

Now the enemy is just one hole away, and all the postures are for passive defense - if the enemy can't come over, there is only so much work on both sides.

Although it is said that everyone is a professional soldier, and it is their bounden duty to obey orders, but watching the enemy not fight, it is not the same thing!

In comparison, Olaf was even a little better - he was able to wander around the home planet of the Kerong people and drink the sika wine of the Silvermoon Kingdom. By the way, look at the beautiful Kerong girls dancing and so on.

But not the life Olaf wants.

He didn't want his grandson to ask him what he was doing when he was the commander of the first mothership when he was old.

—wasting time.

Olaf's expression was seen by Azshara and Helk, and both of them showed regret on their faces.

It seems that in a short period of time, humans do not want to clash with the Executor Legion—according to the strength of human defense, it is certainly not easy for the Legion to break in easily.

But if this continues, how will humans face the tens of thousands of warships in the Legion? At that time, people will directly place thousands of spaceships outside the star gate... Not to mention human warships, I am afraid that even a fly will not be able to fly through them.

At this moment, there was a jump in the projection, and the next moment, Yang Wenzhi's image appeared on the screen.

"Old O."

"Yes! Dry egg?"

"Go and contact Hercules, you two form a mixed fleet, and then move towards the Debi galaxy."

"And then? Heerke is on my side."

"Well...there's nothing else. Be careful not to collide with Lao Zeng and the others—they are going to defend the Auriga galaxy."

Olaf got up instantly!

"Is there going to be a war?"

"The order says defense."

"Oh..." Olaf froze in an instant like a frost-beaten eggplant.

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