From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 702 This is the final warning


Grena slowly woke up from hibernation.

The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to tear off the nutritional needles on her wrists, and then she began to perform functional recovery tests according to the system's prompts—it is said that the ancestors could survive the weather without any equipment Self-hibernation when it is cold, so as to resist the long cold season and consume excess body fat. But now... just look at the fat guys at the No. 31 executive base to know that sometimes evolution may not be a good thing.

But Greina is different. She still maintains the orthodox ancestral genes, can use nutrient solution as a supplement during dormancy, and relies on the adjustment of her own functions to balance her fat state—this is the reason for her to maintain a slender figure. root cause. You don't need to rely on diet and exercise like some people do.

"Senior sister is awake?"

Just when she sat up, a gentle voice came from her ear, and at the same time a cup of hot cream was handed to her.

Grena bent her legs, took the cream after completing the last set of movements, and smiled back at the friendly companion: "Well, when did you wake up?"

"One hour ago." Croz took a sip of the ointment and frowned slightly: "Aside from filling the stomach, this thing really has no taste at all... I have to report it, the formula needs to be upgraded. "

Grena smiled.

"Stirring cream" is the "standard meal" after awakening from dormancy. As the name suggests, it is essentially a mixture of some medicines and nutritional ingredients mixed with water and then mixed into a cup and a half of fluid. The biggest use is to wake up the sleeping gastrointestinal tract. Let them function again.

Sitting on the dormant bed, Grena was drinking the hard-to-swallow cream, while arranging her hair, looking at the cabin door ahead: "How long can I pass the star gate?"

"It's already passed, and I'm going to the void according to the navigation." Croz put the finished cup aside, licked the corner of his mouth, and glanced outside the door: "Just now I checked the investigation reports of the last few galaxies, No problems were found."

"If I find something wrong, I won't wake up naturally." Grena jumped out of bed, quickly put on her shoes, and strode towards the door.

——Although there are only two of them, although Croz's identity is the deputy head of the investigation team, which is higher than her status. But on this ship, she is the current supreme commander of this spaceship...

After all, this spaceship is owned by the Enlightenment Association, and she is a full member of the Enlightenment Association. Croz, a "quasi-executive officer" who is similar to her age, is only responsible for assisting her.

The empire is large and complex. Just as the Enlightenment Association wants to restrict the Executor Legion, the Executor Legion also wants to restrict the Enlightenment Association, otherwise there will be no two people walking together to perform the task this time.

But as the old saying goes: what is collective belongs to the collective, and what is personal belongs to the individual.

In the interaction and communication of individuals, even if their beliefs are not the same or even run counter to each other, it will not affect the feelings between individuals-for example, Grena and Crozier get along very well.

Well... the premise is that the two don't talk about their respective ideas.

Of course, this mission has nothing to do with ideas, but to seek the truth.

Reach out and press the identification button, and the hatch opens smoothly.

At this moment, a pheromone spread throughout the ship, and then the voice of the central computer rose.

"Received the handshake message, do you accept it?"

Grena was slightly taken aback, she subconsciously looked at Crozier: "Have you contacted the Legion?"

Croz was also taken aback for a moment, then shrugged and shook his head: "I'm here with you on a mission this time, why contact the Legion?"

"Then how can you shake hands?" Grena frowned slightly, and then strode towards the command module.

Due to the highly unmanned design, there are many working and control units in the hollow of the command cabin of the Enlightenment, and there is no living person, only three robot mechanical control positions dedicated to guarding.

Along the way, the voice of the central computer also rang, and Grena's brows became more and more wrinkled, and her steps became faster and faster. Holding the hand-held communicator, she finally resisted the idea of ​​dialing the association, and strode forward Get on the captain's seat, and then look closely at the big screen in front of you.

On the big screen, a logo centered on the blue planet is constantly sending handshake messages.

Greina subconsciously looked at Krez who was standing by her side. As they looked at each other, a trace of confusion rose in the eyes of the two of them at the same time.

Which handshake message is this from?

But immediately, Krez's pupils shrank instantly!

He strode forward and said in a deep voice: "Miss Grena, if I remember correctly...the human handshake message received by base 31 is this icon."

Grena immediately inhaled and sat up suddenly! The trace of confusion after dormancy disappeared in an instant.

She remembered that the end point of this trip was a hidden base in the 32911 galaxy!

And humans... came to shake hands when she reached the finish line?

The faces of the two of them became ugly at this moment.

"Let's see what's going on outside." Seeing Grena's complexion constantly changing, Krez knew that the senior sister might be a little confused, so he immediately reminded: "According to the itinerary, we should be in an underground base."

"Hmm!" Grena inhaled again, held her breath, and quickly pulled the console next to her to operate.

After a while, the large screen in front began to flicker, and after a burst of white noise, the internal situation of the base slowly appeared.

What catches the eye is a huge and incomparably empty space. Under the space of hundreds of meters, the surrounding walls are continuously illuminated by lights, illuminating the entire line of sight brightly, and at the same time, they converge on a square square in front of them. on the metal device.

Other than that, there were only some control devices placed against the wall, and the entire hall seemed extremely empty, with nothing else left.

Seeing this scene, Krez also frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

He vaguely knew that the end of this mission...should not be as simple as just a base.

But now, it seems that there is nothing but a base.

As soon as he thought of this, he turned to look at Greina, and then saw that Greina's face turned pale at this moment.

"The Tula is gone!"

"What's missing?"


Grena clenched her fist instantly, and immediately raised her handheld communicator to report to the association. However, at this moment, a loud sound passed through the solid body of the ship, and then entered her ears through the air.

"Invading spaceship, please accept the handshake message, otherwise the atomic weapon will be activated-this is the final warning."

Following the sound, laser beams descended from the sky in the void in front of the spaceship, projecting a series of pictures.

In the picture, a square box painted with a black and yellow clover fan logo is the center, surrounded by several space battleships that look like main flagships. At this moment, the countdown ended, and a radiant ball of light suddenly burst out from the box...

The light disappeared, all the battleships were wiped out, and only a huge mushroom cloud rose slowly.

Grena's pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant!

As a member of the Enlightenment Society, she certainly knows... what kind of technology this is - this is the use of the energy response of elementary particles. In the long age of imperial civilization, it was once one of the most powerful destructive weapons of the empire. It was not until entering the space age later that it was gradually replaced by superluminal weapons.

It was replaced not because of lack of power, but because of its difficulty in delivery.

Undoubtedly, in conventional ground combat, it is still the most powerful destructive biological destruction weapon, bar none.

The onboard systems dutifully reported the handshake.


"Communication established."

As the sound of Grena gnashing her teeth fell, the picture flashed again, and a human image appeared on the screen.

"Hello, this is the Human Space Defense Convention Organization. Here I formally announce to you on behalf of humans and the galaxy group alliance that you have been captured."

"After my call is over, I will give you sixty seconds to consider whether to accept our terms."

"First, you give up control of the spaceship and let humans take over."

"Second, you wear protective clothing, and our fighters are responsible for your safety."

"Third, don't try to activate the spacecraft to escape, because the atomic weapons in front can be activated instantly-please believe me, it can destroy everything on the base. And on the base, our fleet has also assembled."

"Fourth, don't try to activate the self-destruct mechanism, because we have already captured the Tula."

"Fifth, we promise to fully guarantee your safety."

"Finally, we are peace-loving and look forward to a face-to-face conversation with you."

"Now, the countdown begins."

As the human voice fell, in sync with it, the nuclear bomb box in front suddenly lit up, and a 60-second countdown began.

Grena's eyes widened to the extreme in an instant, and she looked at Kretz, only to see a touch of anger and despair rising in the other's eyes.



On the Asterisk, Li Dongsheng clenched his fists, held his breath, and began to sweat coldly on his forehead.

This plan was formulated by Ye Ming, and of course he agreed unconditionally.

But even if he is bold, he also knows... this plan is not for scaring people, but for real... It must be carried out, and the so-called sacred civilization must know the determination of human beings!

In other words, if the other side refuses to agree or accept it, then the nuclear bomb will really explode!

And the fundamental reason for doing all this is that Ye Ming is betting...a bet that a highly developed civilization will value life itself more than anything else—to put it that way, the more developed, the more civilized, the longer you live, the more you will live. The more afraid of death.

And Li Dongsheng also knows that when the plan was proposed, in addition to the strong support of the military, there were actually many people who raised objections—because this would mean that the potential "useable group" in the Holy Empire might be completely offended. "Sumaya——There is no doubt that the prophet named Liana, although she doesn't take humans seriously, she does show the attitude that a high-level civilization should have towards another intelligent race.

Therefore, after the last handshake message, the final decision of human beings is to have a good chat when the next handshake message arrives.

But now... Although I didn't wait for the handshake message, I waited for someone to come over in person! You know, that is the "enlightenment" that the Kodo people never forget, and they regard it as a god!

As a result, human beings threatened with nuclear bombs to make them surrender...

You said, didn’t this offend people to death or something?

But Li Dongsheng also knew that compared to these... the "persons" or "initiators" who could capture the two holy empires, the value of the information obtained... would be unparalleled.

The only variable is that these two people, what if they don't surrender?

"Team Lee."

Ye Ming's voice rang in Li Dongsheng's ears without any emotion.

"I'm here!" Li Dongsheng immediately said nervously: "There are 45 seconds left! What do you say? Are you really going to explode?"

"Well, it's really going to explode."


"Don't worry, there won't be an explosion. This side has already entered their command channel—you can now prepare to go down to the ground to accept them."

Li Dongsheng sucked his heels in one breath: "Is what you said true or not?"

"When did I lie to you?" Ye Ming finally smiled: "Get ready, take precautions and quarantine, and don't get into trouble with alien viruses."

Ye Ming's voice fell, and Li Dongsheng also saw on the tablet. In the last ten seconds, the other party sent a reply of accepting the human request.

He took a long and slow breath, and then strode out of the cabin.



Grena clenched her hands, trembling all over.

She saw, in the dark edge before, a bright light suddenly rose, and then a car appeared, and several robots strode towards the spaceship holding equipment that looked like weapons.

"Sister." Krez calmed down at this moment, and he calmly reminded Greina: "According to human requirements, we need to open the hatch and let them take over."

"And then? What will they do to us?"

"I don't know, but as an intelligent civilization, keeping promises is one of the bottom lines. Our lives will definitely be guaranteed—but the premise is that we don't get into trouble because of environmental exposure." Krez walked to the storage layer aside, He took out two fully enclosed protective suits and handed them to Greina: "We have to think of it this way. This is a civilization that can fight against the Executor Legion. Their technology and development achievements are also enough to satisfy our curiosity."

"Then what?"

"...And then, wait." Krez stood still and glanced back: "I think, at this time, you should report to the Enlightenment Association what happened here."

Greina woke up like a dream, took a deep breath, immediately raised the handheld communicator, and started dialing her teacher's number.

"What about you? Do you want to report?"

"I don't need it." Krez looked at the nuclear bomb whose countdown was frozen, and exhaled slowly: "At this time, the Legion is our strongest backing."

Greina remained silent, and even while waiting for the dial, she didn't realize that the hatch had opened.

Those human robot warriors are boarding the spaceship in an orderly manner.

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