From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 490 Prospect of 2D Engineering

Obviously, Ye Ming's answer was not completely satisfactory.

Especially Lao Niu.

As the person who has spent the longest time with Ye Ming in the entire virtual meeting and is also the person who is most familiar with Ye Ming, Director Niu knows that Ye Ming has always been very confident when looking at the technological level of human civilization, and has a vision beyond the civilization itself.

But... In all fairness, human beings' combat effectiveness in space so far tends to be zero—meaning "no combat effectiveness at all".

Even if there is a lunar superaccelerator that is being built in a hurry, even if the world's industrial system is being integrated into the Aita system in an orderly manner, even if the "rice grains" proposed by Ye Ming at that highest-level meeting can be successfully completed...

However, human beings are still ignorant of the civilization level and strength of the crisis, as well as the specific time of the crisis.

So, where did Ye Ming's confidence come from?

Just because a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger?

But Director Niu did not continue to ask, but signaled Ye Ming to continue presiding over the meeting.


Four hours later, a helicopter flew over the center of the provincial city, and then flew straight to the apron on the roof of the brain-computer center.

As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, Director Niu jumped out of the helicopter holding the door frame.

The strong wind brought by the propeller made his hair messy, but he ignored it and strode towards the corridor door.

At the entrance of the corridor, Ita's display screen flashed twice, showing a happy expression: "Director Niu, slow down."

"It's okay, I'm very stable." Replying casually, Director Niu approached Ita and patted her on the shoulder: "Ita, where's Mr. Ye?"

"It's in the office."

"Well, let's go."

Leaving Ita behind, Director Niu strode down the stairs and walked straight to Ye Ming's office.

Ita, who arrived later, made a cup of tea for Director Niu, and then closed the door for the two of them from the outside, while she went upstairs to the laboratory.

"Don't be in such a hurry, right?" Ye Ming had already come out from behind the desk and sat opposite Director Niu.

Director Niu sat on the sofa, leaned forward slightly, supported his knees with his elbows, clasped his hands with fingers crossed, and looked at Ye Ming seriously: "Ye Ming, you know this is a big deal."

"Of course I know."

"And you also know that those people in Europe, America and Japan must not be counted on. The industrial system and technology they were proud of in the past can only be used in the basic industrial system and cannot form combat effectiveness."

Ye Ming smiled: "They just need to pay for the resources."

"So, it's up to us now." Director Niu said, frowning deeply, glanced at the camera in Ye Ming's room, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not going to put it bluntly, all strategies and measures against foreign civilizations , It’s all up to us.”

Ye Ming nodded again.

Since the establishment of the Community of Shared Future for Mankind, the country has actually been very open-minded and open in matters of the "earth", and has always adopted a win-win strategy of cooperation to jointly promote the progress of human civilization and improve human well-being.

But in space...

Let's put it this way, Western countries have put forward several times the requirements for domestic opening up of multiple advanced technologies including artificial gravity, long-distance communication, artificial space membrane, and artificial wormholes.

And their reasons are also very "sufficient", saying that because there was no community of shared future for mankind before, it is normal for everyone to maintain their own superior technology. But now that human beings are moving towards integration, the great integration of human beings in the future is inevitable... How can we still cherish ourselves like before?

Regarding this... Before the country can answer, the opinions of ordinary people and the vast number of netizens have unified into one sentence.

Want to fart.

These have maintained an arbitrary advantage in the technologies that lead the transition of civilization, and have also led to domestic opinions in the fields of space development and exploration-others only need to give money.

"And..." Director Niu took a deep breath and looked at Ye Ming solemnly: "Your opinion can definitely influence the decision-making. In a sense, you are the one who makes the final choice on behalf of human beings." That man—I'm sure you're aware of that."

Hearing Director Niu's words, Ye Ming's expression became solemn, and he nodded slowly after a few seconds of silence.

Now that there are only two people, there is no need for false modesty.

"So, I want to ask clearly, exactly... Where does your confidence come from? How can you judge that in terms of time, we still have time?"


Ye Ming fell into a long silence.

Where does his confidence come from? He can't say... He was "revealed" before, until 50 years later, the spaceships that broke into the earth are still mainly energy weapons...

Yes, he admitted that in the "revelation" given by the super-simulation, the spaceship made a gap in the moon with one shot. Such a powerful energy is definitely not something humans can resist.

But that is enough to show that in the "future", in the field of the entire universe, energy weapons are still the mainstream.

"First of all, let's talk about time." Ye Ming knew that this issue seemed to have to be explained, otherwise, he might not be able to "convince the public".

"When you talk about time, you must talk about space, otherwise you're playing hooligans." Ye Ming looked at Director Niu and said softly: "Human beings can currently observe 93 billion light-years in the universe, and we know that the constant speed of light in a vacuum is the basis of three-dimensional space. Insurmountable."

"What about the curvature spaceship?" Director Niu asked, staring at Ye Ming.

"Yes, there is a spaceship with curvature." Ye Ming immediately called up the three-dimensional projection on the coffee table.

In projection, it is a simple curvature spaceship and space modeling with changed curvature.

"The principle of the curvature spacecraft is to change the curvature around the spacecraft. There are two ways to achieve it. The first is the high-dimensional space membrane we currently use, and the second is to throw strange substances through the spacecraft."

"We don't talk about the second type, but our current technology and direction—the principle is actually very simple, that is, the energy input of the current high-dimensional space membrane is amplified by 10,000 times, and it can reach the speed of light."

"One hundred thousand times, you can reach ten times the speed of light."

"One million times, it can reach a hundred times the speed of light."

With Ye Ming's voice, the three-dimensional projection quickly showed the "super-light speed" travel.

"Isn't it very simple?" Ye Ming looked at Director Niu and asked softly.

Director Niu frowned: "The theory is simple, but in practice? The power is not enough, right?"

"Actually..." Ye Ming smiled slightly: "It's more than enough! Let's put it this way, to complete the curvature spacecraft according to our current technology, we need to pack five hundred Shanghai No. 1 Helium-3 nuclear fusion into a 100,000 Ton-class spaceships—I haven’t considered superconducting materials yet.”

Director Niu took a deep breath and was speechless for a while.

"Our current curvature spacecraft, or space travel, has two ideas. The first one is to make a miracle by putting all the energy that changes the curvature in the space after two-dimensional expansion, so as to break through the upper limit of three-dimensional materials—— At present, we have set up a research group to conduct research on two-dimensional space materials."

Director Niu tasted it for a while, and then his eyes widened: "What do you mean? Make the material two-dimensional? Or two-dimensional material?"

"It is not a two-dimensional material in the same sense, such as single-layer graphene, but a material that is developed and synthesized in a two-dimensional space."

"That means... to complete the curvature spaceship, five hundred of them must be deployed in two-dimensional space..." Director Niu's voice stopped abruptly.

He had personally seen the No. 1 pile in the Shanghai stock market. Let alone the cost, just the volume... how much energy would be needed to fully unfold it two-dimensionally...he really didn't dare to think about it.

"Yes—if we don't change the way we use energy, we still rely on helium-three reactors."

"Then this..." Director Niu held back for a long time before saying, "Is it meaningful? You might as well just say capture a star."


"...what's the point?"

"Once the materials and engineering are successfully two-dimensional, we can theoretically create a portable battery with a reactor—the size of a palm."

Director Niu sucked his heels instantly!


"Of course, this is just a theoretical prospect." Ye Ming pursed his lips and continued: "I give an example, just to show that it is very difficult to realize a curvature spacecraft. Curvature spacecraft... the vast universe of tens of billions of light years is still a vast ocean in front of a small boat."

"Unless Crisis masters the law of interdimensionality, but then we are now doomed."

"You mean, wormholes are the way to go, right?"

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded again: "Then there is only one left—that is, our high-dimensional space membrane defense array, can it intercept the intruder?"

"Obviously, yes."

Ye Ming looked at Director Niu: "This is my confidence."

Director Niu was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

"The last question - we can guarantee the safety of the earth, but the blue star doesn't know, right?"

Ye Ming was also silent for a long time.

"Yes, so the faster the sky patching project is, the better. The sooner the wormhole on Canglan Star is blocked, the safer Canglan Star will be."

Director Niu sighed deeply.

He knew that when he received the first warning, Ye Ming asked all the crew members on the Asterisk to make their own decisions, whether to go or return.

Obviously, Ye Ming knew at that time... He couldn't guarantee the safety of Canglanxing.

Or in other words, Ye Ming doesn't know when the crisis will come.

"last question."

Ye Ming: "...the one you just had is the last one."

"There is still one."

"All right."

"How soon can we decipher the third wave of messages sent over there and establish a dialogue?"

"...I'm not professional."


Canglan Star.

After more than a week of construction, the Canglanxing scientific research base has begun to take shape.

However, since there is no rest area on the ground, and getting on and off the ship is very troublesome-strict disinfection work is required. Therefore, in addition to the first few days when everyone went out of the cabin to do construction, in the next few days, everyone performed their duties and stayed on the spacecraft to work more.

Of course, some teams and occupations still have to go out of the cabin to work.

Such as geology, archaeology, guards and so on.

As the sun rose, Li Zongqun and Li Dongsheng led their team members out of the disinfecting room and out of the spaceship along the gangway.

In the distance, three heavily armed soldiers walked towards the crowd, followed by three two-meter-tall robots.

"Two Li teams, when are you leaving?" Wen Tao, who was in the three-member fighter group, greeted with a smile.

"Let's go right away." Li Dongsheng glanced at the robot soldier and said with a smile: "If you want to take the robot soldier, you have to go another way."

"It's okay, we are all equipped with chips, and we can sync to the past."

"Oh, that's fine." Li Dongsheng said and looked at Li Zongqun: "Brother Qun, are you ready?"

"Okay, I have to go down and have a look this time." Li Zongqun was gearing up, and he couldn't hide his excitement through the glass mask.

Everyone laughed together.

Yes, they set off early in the morning today for a "far door".

Of course, the distance here is not very far... only about three kilometers.

But not to mention the dense jungle they had to go through, and the place they went... was also extremely dangerous.

Therefore, everyone is extremely well prepared this time, and even the battle robots that are not easily activated have been released.

——The place they are going to explore this time is the ruins of the dungeon.

After a simple chat, the two drones swished over the jungle. The buzzing sound broke the tranquility of the jungle and startled flocks of birds.

Including the three soldiers, there were eleven people on this mission, including five from Li Zongqun's archaeological team, and three from Li Dongsheng's side to assist with landing and logistics.

In addition, they also brought four self-propelled multi-legged robots to carry supplies, and three combat robots.

Hmm... and got an order to fire.

Don't underestimate these armed guards. To put it bluntly, they can directly wash the entire jungle with blood.

Along a path under the cliff, a group of eleven people descended slowly. Under the remote control of Aita, the robot showed a perfect posture, even going down faster than the three girls in the team.

Ten minutes later, the detection team stepped into the jungle that was close at hand for the first time.

At this moment, Mo Gu's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Lao Li, have you entered the jungle yet?"

"Just entered." Li Zongqun, as the captain of the trip, pressed the intercom and replied, "What's the matter, Professor Mo?"

"Well... What I mean is, when you come back, if it's convenient, you can catch a few medium-sized animals for us. We are going to carry out reverse environmental adaptation here."

Her voice, listening to everyone's ears, is exciting!

Because everyone knows that Mo Gu is doing biological environment adaptability experiments!

Now everyone is reluctant to go out, especially this kind of "far door". Why? In addition to the strict disinfection that must be carried out when entering and leaving the spacecraft, the most important thing is that you must wear a breathing mask and carry an oxygen tube—and just in case, everyone must prepare a gas mask and not wear it...

Once the adaptability test is passed, it means that everyone can take off the helmet.

"Okay!" Li Zongqun agreed wholeheartedly.

At this time, Wen Tao asked with a smile: "Professor Mo, is he dying or alive?"

"...the kind where you can't lose a single hair."

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