From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 473 Let's see who is so awesome

After finishing the communication, Ye Ming followed Li Zongqun's method, denoising the waveform and then combining it with the pictographs from 5,000 years ago...

Soon, he came up with the same answer as Li Zongqun.

After a while, he exhaled softly, closed his eyes, and rested his head on the headrest of the chair.

Qi and Mo gently pressed his head for him, deliberately avoiding the bump on the back of his head: "Ancient Egyptian or oracle bone inscriptions?"

"Oracle bone inscriptions are not that early, this is from ancient Egypt."

"Then..." Qi and Mo pursed their lips, and asked hesitantly, "Are the people from the Canglan Star the ones on the Pharaoh's tomb..."

Qi and Mo asked very carefully, because she knew that Ye Ming had always been very strict about the connection between the earth and the blue star. Argue the facts.

Since the appearance of the cat-like figure of the Canglan Star, many people have associated the Canglan Star with the various animal-headed gods in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Such as the jackal-headed Anubis and his legendary mother, the cat-headed goddess Bastet.

These legends are all myths from 2000 to 3000 years ago, exactly 4000 to 5000 years ago.

"There is no evidence at present." Ye Ming shook his head slowly: "These associations are not of great help to science except to satisfy the interests of novelty hunters - of course, associations can be used as the direction of archaeological and biological tracing. And If the texts of the Canglan Planet mentioned that they had arrived on Earth and communicated with the civilization at that time, then that would be a different matter."

"But now, it has nothing to do with us. It doesn't matter whether the person sending the message is the escaped successor of the Canglan Star civilization, or another civilization."

Ye Ming opened his eyes and looked at the landline phone ahead.

Paint and Ink stopped moving: "Do you want to keep the communication secret?"

"Well... I'm going to fight, but I have to think about it first. How about you take a shower first?"

Qi Yumo hummed, patted him on the shoulder lightly, then held her breath, and she didn't exhale slowly until she walked out of the study.

She understands the pressure on Ye Ming's shoulders too well, and what's even more frustrating is... she doesn't even have the qualifications to share this pressure.

Just when she was about to close the door for Ye Ming, Ye Ming suddenly turned his head and looked over: "Seventh sister, how is the universal factory test going?"

Qi and Mo was slightly taken aback, and then nodded: "The data report is pretty good, and there are small troubles in production, which can be resolved smoothly."

"Have you been testing for half a month now?"


"Then it can be put into batches. I will send the first universal factory there within two months."

"Okay! I'll arrange it right away." Qi Yumo took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then exhaled slowly, and then closed the door for Ye Ming.


after one day.

Director Niu arrived at Ye Ming's office with a dusty face.

Before he even had time to take a sip of water, Director Niu stood in front of Ye Ming's desk. He supported the desk with both hands, his face was serious, and his eyes were full of red blood that couldn't go away.

"What are your thoughts and plans now?"

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains." Ye Ming glanced at Director Niu, and then told Ita who was sitting quietly charging: "Ita, make tea for Director Niu."

"I'm not in the mood for tea." Director Niu waved his hand, frowning into a thick Sichuan character: "Ye Ming, according to your judgment, when will the crisis come?"

"I'm not a fortune teller."


"It's true, how can I count it?" Ye Ming looked back at Director Niu, and his expression gradually became serious: "Old Niu, I'm not afraid of taking responsibility, or practicing Tai Chi, but I really don't know."

Director Niu stared at him for three full seconds, and finally got discouraged, and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Last night I told the leader that if we run, there is definitely no way to run." Ye Ming shrugged and pointed out the window behind him: "Look, such a beautiful planet, such a beautiful home, with a population of nearly 10 billion do we run? What spaceship can fit on it?"

"Unless you run with the earth."

Director Niu let out a long sigh: "Hey!"

"So, the way to overcome a crisis is to face it head-on. I believe that humans on our planet have this courage."

Director Niu narrowed his pupils slightly, and he immediately caught the meaning behind Ye Ming's words, and he immediately said, "You mean, you want to make it public?"

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and fell into a long silence.

In the past half a month, the high-frequency repetition of information has made everyone in the world know that human beings have received the news of "alien". The fact of denial is that to decipher this message, no special technology and knowledge reserves are needed, and some are just the associations that occur on the brain.

Even Li Zongqun felt that with so many people in the world, it would be a matter of time before others deciphered and discovered them.

However, here comes the problem.

If the whole world knows that a "good-hearted" alien civilization has issued a "good-hearted" reminder to human beings, telling them to flee quickly...


What will happen to this society?

In particular, human beings, as intelligent races, will naturally think about why human beings received the news of "persuading them to run away" so "coincidentally".

Don't forget, not to mention that the information has not been interpreted yet, there are already a large group of people accusing Piri Yangqiu of the current blind expansion of human beings, which is a technology that should not be mastered by mastering the strength of human beings...

When it really comes to that time, who knows what turbulent waves will be set off.

"I don't know, I can't be sure to pay attention." Ye Ming shook his head, and said calmly: "All I know is that what we urgently need at the moment is when the information is made public... We have countermeasures that can reassure human beings , rather than hoping 'how long'."

"If I say, there are two hundred years left, we can feel at ease?"

"No! We are responsible for future generations!"

At the end, Ye Ming's expression became resolute.

In the silence, Director Niu nodded slowly.

There is no doubt that his trust in Ye Ming is unreserved.

"Then how are you going to convince those heads of state at the Taiyue Federation?"

"I'm going to..." Ye Ming squinted his eyes, looked through Director Niu, and looked into the void ahead.

"Start to build a movable two-way artificial wormhole now, completely release the productivity of the earth, fully develop the blue star system, the moon, Mars, and the asteroid belt, and push the human infrastructure and technological power to the space colonization era to the greatest extent. "

"Then, I also want to build a curvature spaceship."

Ye Ming withdrew his gaze and looked at Director Niu.

"When the crisis hits, that's when we go out and see."

"Look who is so awesome and dares to be a space policeman."

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