outer solar system.

The Asterisk is brightly lit.

Of course, even if they turned on all the navigation lights, they would not be visible on Earth, and vice versa.

"Praise the great communication at a distance."

Sitting on his command chair, Zhou Xiangnan laughed with Li Dongsheng beside him, "It allows us to fight online even outside the astronomical unit."

Li Dongsheng: "..."

"Hahaha, did you desecrate your work?" Zhou Xiangnan joked with a smile——Li Dongsheng is the chief engineer in charge of the whole ship's automation and ultra-distance communication, but he and he are using ultra-distance communication to "bring a girl"...

Li Dongsheng took off his glasses and looked up at the time—it was May 30, 2030, earth time, at 10:00 p.m.

Next to the date and time, there is a countdown to the arrival of the wormhole.

The countdown shows 15 days, 11 hours and 28 minutes.

The two of them are on duty tonight-after entering the deceleration phase, the two-man duty system will now start.

Since they were on duty, the two men couldn't follow the drama... So the two of them connected to the Ita Network and found a holographic gun battle game like a battle to enjoy a few games, and brought a girl along during the period.

"Brother Nan, how is the progress of deciphering?" Li Dongsheng asked after taking a drop of eye drops.

In the past half a month, Wenxing has received the same Weibo data eight times as on Earth. Although Li Dongsheng is nominally the leader of the Weibo data deciphering team temporarily formed on Wenxing, As he approached the wormhole, his work gradually shifted to his own work - researching the structure and materials of the blue star warship.

Plus... As of today, there are no results in the world, so everyone doesn't pay much attention.

After all, everyone has their own business to do.

Moreover, judging from the progress of national and even international cooperation, this information has not affected the progress of human scientific research and experiments, except for giving some groups objection.

As far as the people on the spacecraft know, the first batch of six "wormhole stabilizers" are about to be completed, and they will be launched within two months at the latest.

At that time, they will pass through the YE-2023 wormhole, go to the blue star, and execute the "Sky Mending Plan"-since the people of the blue star are unable to defend their wormhole entrances and exits, then humans will do this.

However, only six ships can be produced at present... In the galaxy where the main-sequence star of the Canglan Star is located, there are three such wormholes - except for the ones connected to the earth, there are two more that need to be replenished.

With the observation of the Webb telescope and the modeling of the entire galaxy, there is currently a view that there should be an unknown celestial body-if it is also a black hole, it must be made up.

Now that the "Wormhole Stabilizer" is launched as scheduled, it means that human beings are determined to bring Canglan Star into the sphere of influence of human beings.

Ye Ming said that well.

There is no force that can prevent the decision of human beings to act towards a stronger future.

Therefore, information deciphering has become less "so" "important".

"Basically in a bald state." Zhou Xiangnan chuckled. Seeing that Li Dongsheng was no longer interested in online games, he got off his seat and walked to the treadmill beside him. After sucking his stomach, he started jogging. While running, he One side said: "Old Li said, this thing is really like reading a book from heaven."

"But Ye Ming said that Lao Li's thinking is right." Li Dongsheng looked at him and frowned slightly: "It's just that we haven't considered it yet."

"Then is there any way... All the texts from ancient times to the present have been encoded, but the most important system compiler comparison is missing in the middle."

"Alas..." Li Dongsheng sighed.

At this time, he was slightly taken aback, and then pressed to the chair.

A light curtain suddenly rose in the center of the command hall, showing a 3D virtual image.

In the corridor outside the command cabin, a person was trotting towards the hatch, pressing his watch while running.

"Who is this?"

"Li Zongqun."

Li Dongsheng immediately turned his head and looked behind him. After a while, he authorized the opening of the hatch.

Li Zongqun braked and stood at the door suddenly.

The two people on duty in the command cabin looked at him at the same time.

"I deciphered it." Li Zongqun breathed heavily, and then quickly ran down the gangway.

Zhou Xiangnan was stunned. He and Li Dongsheng exchanged glances and immediately jumped off the treadmill and walked towards Li Zongqun.

However, when they saw Li Zongqun, they vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Old Li? Is it true or not?"

"Really." Li Zongqun took a deep breath, but frowned tightly, and then he looked at Li Dongsheng: "Dongsheng, can you contact Mr. Ye now?"

Li Dongsheng nodded immediately: "Yes—tell me, what exactly is the content?"

"We'll talk about it when we see Mr. Ye!"

Li Dongsheng and Zhou Xiangnan looked at each other again, and both of them understood at the same time why they didn't feel right before.

Because... Although Li Zongqun said he had deciphered it, there was no "Eureka" excitement on his face.

Instead... a look of nervousness and anxiety.

Li Dongsheng immediately pressed his watch to activate Aita: "Aita, call Professor Ye Ming for me."

"Received, may I ask if it is a private name or an asterisk name?"

Li Dongsheng and Zhou Xiangnan looked at each other, and the latter immediately closed the hatch for him.

After taking a deep breath, Li Dongsheng said in a deep voice, "Private name."

"Okay, calling."

In the 3D virtual screen projection, Aita generated a large dial key, and thoughtfully fed back a beeping signal sound.

About five seconds later, Ye Ming's voice sounded loudly: "Captain Li, can't you sleep on duty?"

"Uh... no, can you turn on the projector?"

"Well, it can be opened, you said."

Ye Ming's voice fell, and then the projection was turned on.

It can be seen that he has returned home at this time and is staying in the study.

Qi Yumo stood behind his chair. When he saw Li Dongsheng and the others, he smiled and waved, and said hello: "Hello, Captain Li, hello, Brother Nan, uh... who is this?"

"Li Zongqun, from the archaeological team, is also Captain Li." Ye Ming introduced her with a smile.

"Um, hello Team Leader Li." Qi Yumo greeted with a smile.

Li Zongqun coughed lightly, subconsciously clenched his fists, then turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and Zhou Xiangnan, and then forced a smile: "Hello, President Qi, Academician Ye—I have some progress and want to report to you."

After Li Zongqun's words fell, Ye Ming's expression became straight, and then he turned his gaze to him.

Ye Ming knew that Li Zongqun was probably the protagonist of this call tonight.

"Well, tell me." Ye Ming looked at the camera calmly.

Li Zongqun took a deep breath and spoke slowly after a few seconds of silence.

"That's hieroglyphs."

"Huh? Tell me."

"The meaning of the text is: run!"

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