From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 461 Biological Factory

In the conference room, Paint and Ink began to listen to the specific reports of each project leader—although the progress of the project could be checked and viewed in the project management of Aita System, the complicated project made her have no energy to detail it one by one. Look, besides, she also pointed out the specific directions of attention in the project for her on the spot.

After all, her main business is AI, not mechanical design. It stands to reason that she should not be in charge of such an important project, but the two most suitable candidates in the field of automated machinery, Li Dongsheng boarded the Asterisk and is on the way to the blue star, and Peng Xiaofei stayed in the space city...

While cooperating with Aita's intelligent summary, she followed the report and simulated on the notebook, and of course raised her own questions.

A burst of hurried footsteps approached quickly, and a moment later, there was a knock on the office door.

The secretary of the president's office pushed open the door of the office and looked nervously at Qi Yumo: "Mr. Qi, Mr. Ye is here."


Ye Ming greeted familiar employees while walking slowly towards the meeting room.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Qi and Mo and a group of people preparing to go out.

"No way, I still have to greet you?" Ye Ming looked at Qi Yumo's eyebrows and eyes that were crooked with a smile, and said with a smile: "Or are you finished with the meeting?"

"It's halfway through, it's almost over." Qi Yumo walked to Ye Ming, held the bag in his hand for him, and looked back again: "Where's He Mo?"

"He Mo went to the military zone."

Qi and Mo hummed, and stopped asking any more—she knew that this military zone was either Dalian Shipyard or Jiangnan Shipyard, and the two places were rushing to build wormhole spacecraft.

After a brief greeting to everyone, Ye Ming walked to the main seat, glanced at Qi and Mo: "I'm sitting?"

Paint and Mo: "...Who would dare to stop you?"

"How dare you stop me!" Ye Ming laughed and sat down.

Seeing the two blatantly showing off, everyone smiled and remained silent—they were too aware of Mr. Qi's admiration for Mr. Ye.

In other words, they are too aware of how outrageous the worship of Mr. Ye by those outstanding and smart girls in Jizhi Technology is—not to mention that Mr. Ye is very sunny and upright, no matter how outrageous his appearance, just marrying His brain is not at a disadvantage!

After Qi and Mo sat down beside him, Ye Ming signaled Qi and Mo to continue.

"Sitting here, how can I continue?" Qi Yumo smiled helplessly: "Just now we were talking about the universal machine tool."

"Well... Then you can continue later. I came here today mainly to talk about the next arrangement."

Ye Ming coughed lightly while speaking, and then put the microphone to his mouth: "Aita, prepare for holographic projection."

"Received." Aita's voice sounded in the conference room, and then the automatic curtains began to close slowly, and the glass wall near the door suddenly turned black.

As the light in the room dimmed, a green light curtain suddenly descended from the center of the conference table.

"This is our current first phase of Universal Factory. I checked everyone's progress on the way here." Ye Ming looked at Qi and Mo shyly while speaking, and the latter smiled helplessly again. He stared at him with a trace.

——This sentence means that he has already done the work of her and the whole office, and he did it "by the way" on the way here.

Hmm... This style is indeed Ye Ming.

"If there are no mistakes, there should be no problem tomorrow, at least there will be no problems with the automation process. What we need is to pay attention to unexpected situations brought about by the environment. Of course, our system is very robust, as long as it is not a day Falling meteorites and the like are generally no problem."

"So, we have to devote our energy to the next stage as soon as possible."

"The purpose of the first type of universal factory is mainly metallurgy and equipment manufacturing, but what it can do is still very limited at present, because we still need to carry fossil raw materials by ourselves."

"But the fossil industry, as far as it is concerned, still depends on the earth. Therefore, the second type mainly considers light industry and simple localized chemical industry-this can be regarded as a supplementary supplement to the main factory."

"Therefore, according to the arrangement of the state, the second-type universal factory is designed according to the above ideas. For example, the processing of semi-finished rubber and plastic products, etc."

"As for the third type, we need to consider the real ground colonization, which will be dominated by the ground building materials industry."

"This is roughly the plan we need to advance in the next few years."

Ye Ming paused as he spoke: "But the most important thing at the moment is that we need to build an integrated plant of biological and chemical agents."

Everyone was immersed in the plan and blueprint planned by Ye Ming, and they were all startled when they heard the words.

biological and chemical agents?

But immediately, a small number of persons in charge who have been involved in a wide range suddenly shine!

"Boss Ye, is it because of that egg white?"

Ye Ming coughed softly: "Let's not talk about this, I will first give a pilot design requirement, everyone take a look, and then collect and sort out the data. Within a week, we need to complete a comprehensive mechanical logic simulation."

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded.

Ye Ming has supreme authority in Jizhi Technology, not to mention building a bio-factory, but building a hydrogen bomb... Everyone is absolutely unambiguous!

Hmm...well, the hydrogen bomb may be out of date.

Because Mr. Ye has gathered the power of the whole world to start building a super accelerator located on the moon, to build a "planetary weapon"! You said, what is enough to see a hydrogen bomb?

Only Qi and Mo took a deep look at him.


Ye Ming has never been a long-winded person. After Qi and Mo quickly finished the meeting process, he directly announced the end of the meeting, and then returned to her vice president's office with Qi and Mo.

Qi and Mo closed the door, then walked to Ye Ming, frowning slightly, and after thinking for a while, asked softly: "Is it for sister?"

Ye Ming exhaled lightly, nodded after a few seconds of silence: "Have you read the paper?"

"No." Qi and Mo honestly shook their heads: "But I heard there was a discussion on Zhihu."

Ye Ming was delighted when he heard it: "If you have the leisure to brush Zhihu, you might as well read the original text of the paper."

"...Then I might as well ask you—can it really prolong life?"

"Theoretically, it is possible, and since it is the protein that works, the sooner the better."

"Then..." Qi and Mo bit their lips, hesitated for a few seconds and then whispered, "What about the next generation? Can it be inherited?"

"According to the latest news from my sister, no such signs have been found."

"That is to say, this... will evolve into a method similar to vaccination of young children in the future?"

"It seems to be the case now, but it's not sure. Because genes can be mutated, sister and the others are currently designing a genetic mutagenesis plan. But the specifics can only be carried out after they land on the blue star. "

"Hmm... I don't understand this." After a few seconds of silence, Qi Yumo blinked again: "Then we..."

Ye Ming coughed immediately: "We'll wait for the rich to go first."

"You mean we're not rich enough?"

Ye Ming coughed several times immediately.

Paint and Mo slowly laughed.

She knew, how could Ye Ming have no money?

But she knew better...that guy Ye Ming...had the burden of being an "idol".

Ye Ming chuckled: "Let's go, get off work, I'm going to Xichang the day after tomorrow, and I'll stay there for a few days."

"...Is it launching an artificial wormhole?"

"Shhh... the verifier."

(Happy New Year!)

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